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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Ugh, I'm sorry about the false alarm, but I did read it and at first I thought it was a joke but then one of my friends called at the same time and saw the same thing, so I knew I wasn't imagining things. I guess it was a bored joker who posted it and it must have been deleted. I nearly hyperventilated when I read it, and I even tried to get on Clubhouse and it was jammed so I thought for sure something was happening.

I swear I'm not getting my news from Joker's anymore, I really feel like a fool. Anyways... sorry again :P

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Don't you feel like that at all. Damn near everyone member on here has done the very same thing. I know I did. I once had posted that Wayne Northrop has died! Now you know I felt really silly when I found out a nutcase on SoapNet posted that just to cause stuff.

Don't worry about it. :D

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Erika broke the news to Dani that she is going up. And earlier, Janelle and Erika strategized in the HOH room and Erika got confirmation from Janie that she will put up Boogie and George if she gets HOH. Janelle said yes (but you never know with our Janey) and that Erika would vote out Boogie and Will would vote out George, forcing a tie, and she would evict Boogie.

Oh and I guess Janelle asked BB for a pregnancy test ... uh oh.

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Are they scared of Will or something? Do they honestly think that if they take him to the final two, he won't win? And, whoever does win, I would not be surprised if all that talk about splitting the money is some BS, and they will keep it all.

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Will & Erika in the HoH Room. Dani came up but Erika & Will wouldn't answer. Danielle kept ringing the doorbell for 20 minutes (Danielle is on crack man). Will & Erika move into the HoH Bathroom. Will asks Erika if she was this crazy when she was nominated.

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Ok Danielle has [!@#$%^&*] lost it!!! :o:o

She rang the doorbell on the HOH room 188 times, also knocking and screaming for Erika to open the door before finally giving up.

If there was ANY chance that she isn't going up tomorrow, that is now [!@#$%^&*] GONE and this will FOREVER taint her as a great BB game player.

Dani just has lost it, alchohol has become a TRUE demon for her...its really kinda sad.

She knows she is gone and is freaking OUT!

I knew eventually her drinking problem would get her into trouble and tonight it sealed her fate in the house!!

She will be nominated tomorrow and CT (regardless if Janie votes with them or not now) will evict her on Thursday!

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After reading Joker's, I so despise Boogie. Dani is screaming at Erika so Erika goes to Boogie for help. Boogie basically tells her to go away he is sleeping and talk to Will. Erika should bounce his Boogie butt big time.

Also, Dani totally lost control. She rung the HOH bell over 150 times (while yelling and pounding the door) so Will and Erika hid in the bathroom to get away from the noise.

And CG is one cool dude. Dani has him trapped in the hot tub before her HOH attack and he just takes it all calmly. And she went on and on for over half an hour! Then she goes and has a conversation with Janie and CG. Funniest thing is she tries to convince Janie to vote for her and then get either Will or Boogie to vote to keep her. An incredulous Janie says but then that would mean I am voting out George. (George who is sitting with them this whole time!) Dani then looks at George and says sorry - I forgot you were nominated. :)

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Danielle was so annoying. Had she stuck to the crying she may have gotten to Erika.

lol at Janelle & George's conversation after Dani left (To which they both looked hella boring during Danielle's tirade)

George: Janey, is she drunk?

Janelle: No, she's just crazy.

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Daniholic is a trip. I missed that stuff bc I was sleeping but I saw clips this morning and girl was a mess....lol. I hope she does some more of that before Thursday.

Its probably not going to happen but I still want the women to team up and get rid of CT. Dani needs to tell Erika and Janelle everything about LOD and how CT was willing to throw people under the bus including them. She doesnt have anything to lose at this point. Erika needs to put up Boogie and the house wil get rid of Will next.

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