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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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I think deep down Danielle's probably mad the Sovs didn't want her in their alliance.

And to add, I never take what Marcellas or Erika say (i.e. trashing others) because they are FLOATERS and more or less say whatever the hell they know will please someone else.

I cannot wait to see the smackdown laid on Marcellas for his actions in the house.

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James: "All Democrats are stupid."

A word from Amy......

"Well well well….I should have known when I was interviewed for the Big Brother segment that it would turn out the way that it has. ALL of the questions I was asked by the interviewer were about Janelle and Marcellas, AND the interviewer ASKED me if I thought Janelle looked like a transvestite. Granted I haven’t thought of that in a long while, but when the pictures of the season 6 HG’s were first posted on cbs.com, my friend Michael and I DID think that she was a transvestite and that it was a twist in the game! Anyway, I just answered their questions honestly…like they asked me to do. Also…the comments that I made were rather edited…example: I called James shady - not Marcellas. Also, I said that Janelle couldn’t hold a candle to me when it came to Marcellas and I being FUNNY. That was edited to say “inner beauty”. I’m not denying that I said mean stuff about Janelle, because I did. I said some pretty mean stuff about Will too, it just didn’t make the show. The regular Big Brother viewers should by now be completely aware of the role that editing plays in the show. And let me add that my interview was done at 12:30 on a Sunday, so I was NOT drinking. The wine that I was holding was of course Big Brother’s idea.Up until now, I have been a regular poster on Jokersupdates.com. I did chats with them, and even did a chat one night when Kaysar failed to show up. I really liked that website, and everyone there has always been nice to me…up until now. I have to say that if these people at reality websites expect people who are actually ON the shows to post and chat there, they should try be the least bit nice to the reality people who visit their sites. And I really can’t figure out why people take a reality television series SO seriously. I watch it, and I think it is a good show, but some of the posters get SO angry. It can’t be healthy. Anyway, now not only have the Jokers people said really mean things about me, they have said really mean things about my husband as well. So let me just say a few words to the people who are obsessed with Janelle and think that she is the “end all be all” of the Big Brother game. Give up on the “janellousy” bit. I’m sure that word was created by a 500 pound woman snacking on a box of Twinkies. I am not jealous of Janelle…oh and let me tell you why. You see, I don’t have to parade around in very little clothing peddling drinks to dirty old men in clubs to make a living. For the record, that is what a “VIP cocktail waitress” does. I don’t have to rely on looks and looks alone to survive. And while we’re on the subject of jealously, I have to say that a few of the comments written about me seemed pretty damn jealous to me. Someone posted something about how ridiculous I sounded by saying that I live on vacation. Well guess what?! I do! Why would that sound ridiculous unless you are jealous that you have to get up and go to work everyday? I just don’t see the point…of course I guess I just don’t see the point of many things…like why many of the Big Brother viewers worship a girl who is somewhere between stripper and Hooter’s girl. And for the record, I was a Janelle fan last year. I really wanted to see her win season 6. I thought that she was a really good player up until last week when she sold out her alliance and fell for Will’s manipulation.So there is the story. If you don’t like me because of what I said about Janelle…well…I really don’t care. I have plenty of friends already. I just wanted to set the record straight! Have a great day, because… I am!"

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Well, Amy there's one way to prevent people on reality show message boards from saying mean things about you: Don't climb into the rat maze to begin with.

Geez, between Jace, Diane, Will, her and others -- You *can* return to obscurity anytime you want. If you keep coming back for more because CBS owes you a sitcom pilot or whatever :rolleyes: , don't come crying to this viewer when people start criticizing what you put in front of the camera. You're the one who wanted to be famous.

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I cant believe I am going to say this, but I cant stand Janelle anymore! I hope the !@#$%^&*] goes down! I am all for Danielle and James, love those 2.

I still cant stand Mike, but I am warming up to Marcellas.

Kaysar is playing so soft, I just cant stand that. Damn I wish I could get on that show one season. I would love to cause drama, kinda like Will does.

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Glad to see ya around Steve! Glad you are feelin me on BB.

Howie is an idiot who rides coattails through every game, the only reason why I dont like him. I do think he is a likeable guy he just doesnt play the game IMO and I hate that.

Janelle is an awesome player, but not putting up Will and Mike was a stupid move IMO.

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For me, it APPEARS (or is edited that way) that she pays more attention and looks out more for Chilltown than for her fellow S6'ers.

I don't think she's half as smart as she sells herself and is OBVIOUSLY being duped bigtime by Will.

ITA with this.

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I completely agree with you. She knows exactly what she wants and goes after it. Regardless of how she does it. She is by far the smartest female in the house. Not the smartest player, that will always be Will. Seeing that he is still there just proves my point

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