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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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I will root for Sea Six until the day I die! Especially, Janey and Howie!

Erika is really starting to go down the tubes for me right down with Boogie, George, and Will. I can't believe she was one of my favorites her season.

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I love you! :wub:

I'm hoping Danielle goes out of de-lurker mode and gets the balls to shake things up once again.

Kaysar's deal was STUPID! I wouldn't be sad if he left... <_<

Still hoping that Monica will get in that house SOMEHOW!

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LOL...wouldnt it be a hot twist if they brought back 6 housemates from the past next week and have them compete with the housemates watching. The 2 that finished first would get to reenter the house but the big twist is that they go in as co-HOHs for that week. I think that would cause the house to flip bc it would completely throw away people's strategies. I think Monica and as much as I hate her, Ivette would defiently be 2 great candidates to do this

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Will's speech was too cool. Everything he said is all apart of his stragety, and in my opinon he's a genius! If he survives this week, he definitely deserves to win BB7. He is a master manipulator!

I loved seeing Jase's true colors come back onscreen. He is being backdoored and I feel sympathy for him. If only he could've held in his emotions and not created such a hatred towards himself. Trying to portray Marcellas as the ultimate bad guy and the replacement nominee, was a bad idea on his part. I don't think he can survive this week particularly if he cannot keep his mouth shut.

When I first read the spoilers a few days ago and learned Chicken George won POV, I was thinking "how the hell?" After seeing the competition, I totally understand. The competiton had nothing to do with luck or gameplay. Now, the household knows this guy is a target after he gave everything he could to win POV, and even sacrificed food for 60 days.

NOW, this game is going somewhere!

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but to me he isnt enjoyable as a reality tv villian bc he is so fake.I dont find his antics amusing or funny. I actually preferred villians of last year like Ivette and Eric bc they were real. Their actions were fuled by hate and true emotion. Thats what I like to see. They may irritate me and I couldnt stand them, but were more interesting to watch. With Will, all he does is think up ways to get onscreen. He's corny and cheesy and a human cartoon. If I want a villian, then Id keep Jase bc he seems more "real". His stuff tonight with Marc and James, now that was good tv, causing drama and arguments with the house

How was Jase backdoored? He's delusional and running on emotions now bc James did NOT backdoor him. That happens when you dont putup a nominee with the sole intention of nominating them should the veto be used and not giving them a chance to fight for it. James was NEVER going to nominate Jase this week bc he was positive that George wouldnt win the veto. BB screwed up his plans. If James put anyone else up, would he be backdooring them too? Besides Jase had a chance to fight for veto. Only Kaysar went to the end with it. Jase could have also bc in this game if you dont have veto then you are never safe that week. He was lucky in that unlike any of the other 6 housemates, he had a chance to fight and save himself

BTW, I loved Marcellas' reaction to Kaysar taking off his clothes in the veto...lol. Someone has a crush

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