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Y&R: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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hehe. How I giggled with Victor being Happy Granddad for Abby. Teasing her about where the wedding is going to be. But of course, Victor has to Victor...hehe. I've been loving him weaving his web so far this week. Using Adam to get to Billy. I think the only thing I did not like about Victor was JG using him to PROP ugh Chelesa. Yeeeeah NO. 


Hmmm Vicious Lil was out and about in those scenes with Nikki. I was glad they had that talk. And now Devon is dealing with Victor. It would be so easy for Lily to go and work with Devon and Nate again. I do like that her motivation for fighting Billy is about her worth and I like that. And I liked Lily saying it to Nikki, too. And how she be shading Billy has been a cherry on top. Love her meeting of the minds with Audra. Who would have thought they would be in the same boat?


HELL NO to Billy/Sally. And Adam and Chelesa talking about their feelings was a long time plot-driven coming. Glad Chelesa said no, too. May she stay that way. 

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I see that Nate's penthouse has been redressed. Looks better. How did he came to be living there? At one point I recall he sold it to Chelsea? And he moved to Cane/Lily's house.

Lily moved to an apartment with Billy but then moved to Devon's penthouse. Devon lives at the Chancellor Estate, with Abby,right?

Victoria and her kids moved out of her house to the Tack House, where Mariah and Tessa were living. They moved elsewhere but we never see their house.

We see Daniel's apartment,Sharon's cottage and the Nikki/Victor room.

Nick lives at his house we no longer see. Same with Lauren/Michael.

Jack, Diane, Traci and Kyle live at the Abbott house.

Where do these characters live?

Sally, Phyllis,Summer, Audra, Chance,Adam,Chelsea?

Have I missed anyone?


Edited by Paul Raven
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Nate has always had the 2012 Newman penthouse, which went from Nikki & Victor to Adam & Chelsea, and then sold to Neil. Devon lived across the hall in Nick's former penthouse, until he moved in with Abby at the Chancellor Mansion.

Sally lived with Adam in his apartment until recently; I'm pretty sure she's housed at the GCAC (same room everyone uses). Phyllis, I believe, lives at the Grand Phoenix after the apartment she shared with Billy was removed (budget cuts and no over-night set crew). Summer is still at the Abbott Mansion, I believe? Chance is in an apartment after he gave the Chancellor mansion to Abby/Devon to raise Dominic. Chelsea is living in the apartment above Crimson Lights, and Audra is at the GCAC.

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Well, that was not at all a boring week. lol. And that was good Friday cliffhanger-ness.


I now am on the bandwagon that Jack and Diane are faking it. Or like was said above, that Diane is at least faking it. I was Traci, too, when Jack just upped and told Diane to get out of the house. And of all people to go to, Diane went to VICTOR??? Yeah, I am thinking set-up. And some of the desired effect, Kyle is slowly coming back into the fold with Jack. 


JG needs to make up his mind. Is Sharon really out of her mind or is she being drugged? He is still playing too fast and too loose with the storyline. And then Giggly Heffa is now on to her. Well...good if it brings this storyline to an end. SC is bringing it though, and I loved the clothes change for sure and her VOs to herself.


And then the cliffhanger!! I loved seeing Danny and that he's taking care of Lucy. But Chance having to arrest Daniel. Ooooo Summer ain't going to like that. smh. But we know I like seeing him in the mix so YAY!

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I'm shocked to say it, but this week has been pretty good. 2nd only to GH


I do feel they need to stop teasing me with Ashley coming home. I love how they are doing it with the mentions. And they are updating with her treatment. But we know I will take Eileen Davidson on my screen any way I can get her. It is making me get excited for the wedding. It just makes me wonder, too, if Tucker will get a mention or should we be expecting TSJ back any time soon.


So we are going with Nate has a half-brother and Amy Lewis is dying. Hmmm okay. My only question is if the brother is heading to the canvas...are any of the black characters heading out? JS. I love how Nate/Audra have really been selling it as a couple this week, and I found them so believable. Trivial moment...does Nate Dominic not fill out those jeans so well with that butt that pop? lol. And ugh at Devon interrupting Nate and Audra. But awww at him asking Nate to be his best man. It was a nice full circle moment for me because even though they have been getting along for a while, I felt the writers have managed to keep their undercurrent of tension going...which I love. 


The Giggly Heffa and Christine on the same side. Lord help us. lol. Though I did giggle when Phyllis was taken aback that Christine was willing to actually listen to her when she theorized that Sharon was behind it. I did find it odd Christine and Daniel was talking at Crimson Light, and it didn't sound like he was out on bail...a sign of lack of sets? 


God, I love Traci. She is bound and determined to get Jack and Diane back together, and I love it. So if they are faking it for Victor, I'm shaking my head. It's a shame they can't tell her. And if they are faking it, it is working because again Kyle is slowly coming back to the form. 


I was not at all surprised that Abby asked Sally to do her dress. I was hoping for it because it is within Sally's character on this show to do one. And it just seem a given so I was happy to see it. And then Audra made three...lol. Good to see Audra branching out to other characters and of course seeing the Audra/Sally friendship.


It goes without saying...Victor is going to Victor. hehe. I've been loving him this week, too. 

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