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DAYS: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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Kristen and Susan aren't related at all just doppelgangers if Susan puts herself together right.  So, ED's Kristen is clearly older than SH's Kristen (both look amazing btw).  Brady was aged wildly even after the initial Kyle Lowder SORAS so it becomes blurry.  Kristen is supposed to be maybe? a decade younger than John/Marlena, but at the end of the day Kristen passed EJ off as John Jr. so she should be old enough to be his mother.  

The scenes where ED's Kristen in 1997 tells toddler Brady she'll be his new mommy when her and John get married live rent free in my head.  Tiny Brady was not agreeable to this.  Foreshadowing, perhaps?

Edited by carolineg
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I got skewered by the new edit rules.  I meant to write that I always forget that they aren't related because Susan has so many siblings.

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But, thanks for the context.  Personally, I think Brady's weird m-f-er syndrome makes him equally liable in his affair with Kristen.  I don't like that we're getting yet another re-tread of that romance, which should have been repressed and forgotten years ago.

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and she was shagging Alex at the same time! (BTW Alex and Kristen's affair is the scabbiest of the scab writing.  RonC dropped that like a hot potato).

Also, he was drunk because he was drowning his sorrows over Theresa, so it seems pretty pathetic that Kristen is willing to mop up his mess over another woman.

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Poor Billy Flynn, Jonah Robinson and AnnaLynne McCord. They deserve so much better than this Clyde crap. But I do wonder what the connection is between Clyde and the Greene’s. Fingers crossed that 

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Eric was great today though. I think he missed his calling lol forget the photography he should be working for BlackPatch. The only thing is I wish Holly was still a part of this, even though I’m glad that she’s in Paris to work things out with Nicole. Her trying to undermine Eric would add an interesting dynamic to this storyline.

And I loved Maggie and Julie catching up about everything. And that we got an update about Doug lol 

I do have some questions about today. A D.A is allowed to refuse to accept it when a witness recants their statement? And, why do Chad and Abigail need to get married again? If Abigail was really alive, wouldn’t they still be legally married? 

Btw, does anybody else think Mark’s line about how Abigail “never will be back” was a classic Ron Carlivati f*ck you to the fans? 

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That's ironic because as the resident RC apologist, I thought it meant that she was definitely coming back. Because it seemed like his classic heavy-handed foreshadowing.

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I guess there are no trials in Salem.  Because if Sarah's not going to implicate Brady on the witness stand, what does it matter?

When did Holly find the time to fly to Paris?  It feels like only an hour has passed since she broke up with Tate in Salem time.  And why would she fly separately from Eric? Does she hate him so much that they can't share the same plane?

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Yeah, from my little legal knowledge EJ could arrest Sarah for lying to police and making a false statement, but it wasn't perjury.  Perjury is actually lying under oath in court.  So Sarah could get in trouble, but with her pretty plausible excuse of being on meds I don't think she would get in much trouble.  Not 10 years of jail time lol.   So that was just a bunch of nonsense on EJ's part.  

EJ also can't just refuse her request to recant her statement.  Like you said, if Sarah won't testify it's a moot point.  EJ's case against Brady is already dead.  Even if he were to use Sarah's original statement, Justin would immediately be able to get it thrown out in court.

As far as Holly, she broke up with Tate before Chad/FAbby decided to go to Paris and they are already there, so I think it's been a few days.

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re: Holly and Eric not flying back to Paris together:
Well I think that BTS, it's because (as already mentioned) GV as Eric Brady is doing scenes that written for John Black -- since Drake had sadly 

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  stopped taping.

But storyline-wise, character-wise, I don't know how they'd explain that.


I remember viewers/posters/twitter wondering why John was in Greece so long and Steve looked into it a little, but most of the characters didn't comment much about John being missing, or the characters knew but didn't say much.   Now we know that BTS Drake was very ill  and the writers just didn't explain much.  We still don't know how John ended up in Poplar Bluff.  I was so sad to learn that Drake had been ill.  Clearly some of the cast knew, but I don't think everyone knew, that Drake was ill.   Hard for writers to come up with something to explain him being missing, especially since Drake and the family didn't want it public news that he was ill at the time.    

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With the way that Fiona was written today, all I can say is what the hell?

I did not expect her to be so threatening to Sophia. It was totally unexpected, like when she suddenly decided that she was gonna smother Sarah. This uneven writing really messes things up. I really hope this doesn’t mean that Fiona’s on her way out soon. Rushing a storyline just because you have an actor for only a few months never works. I was really hoping for Fiona to confide in Sophia about the hit and run, only for Sophia to reveal everything in order to score points with Tate.

But I also like that Eric was able to make Sarah remember what really happened. I’m looking forward to Monday. 

I like the way that Maggie counseled Tate and Holly today too. And although it really sucks that we couldn’t see Holly and Nicole discussing everything, I thought Days did an okay job today with Holly’s scenes. Btw, that cheesy music that was supposed to symbolize that Holly’s in Paris made me lmfao

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Holly overhearing NotAbigail’s phone call could be interesting as well. 

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To go back to @AbcNbc247 's objection from a few days ago, not only are Chad and Abby still married (if it was really her), but a wedding in France is not legal in the US without a license. And if F-Abby signs the marriage certificate, then that would be fraud.  I hope she's not marrying him to make him fall in love with her, because so far they've tried hard to keep her from being cruel.

Tate and Maggie's convo was odd, because it assumes that Holly's been calling her grandmother, but hasn't told her that she broke up with Tate?  However, I appreciate the effort to make it an even sided love triangle.  Now that Sophia is more likable, she has an equal chance at making it work with Tate.  Even if it is obvious that Holly and Tate will reunite soon.

I was also pleased that Xander told Maggie about Rolf's serum.  The Xander/Maggie and Chad/Julie relationships are a refreshing form of intergenerational story-telling that I enjoy.

Finally, on a positive note, I appreciate the clever use of Holly given that they're all in Paris.  I just wish there was some history which would cause Chad to question Steve's advice.  One assumes that was supposed to be John.  However, given that it's Steve (and he's Abby uncle, and Stephanie's father), I wish the Chad and Steve connection was given a bit more focus.


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What are the odds that we'll ever learn why Abby was removed from her grave?

Obviously, it was to convince Chad that she's still alive.  But, even in a soap universe, they don't always exhume the casket to check if the corpse is still there. 

Did Clyde tell Chad to do it?  I don't recall.

Otherwise, we'd have to believe that Clyde anticipated that Chad would dig up the grave, so he got his henchmen to go there first, completely re-sod the grass, and stash the body someplace else.  That's a bit farfetched, even by Salem standards.

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The acting really was the saving grace for today. Because it all came off as really messy. And rushed. And at only 32 minutes too. Was it a Jamey episode?

Lindsey Godfrey and Serena Scott Thomas did some really good work today, but this storyline is just too rushed and messy. One moment, Fiona says she feels terrible and guilty over hitting Sarah but then two seconds later, she’s ready to kill Sarah? And looking like she has no guilt whatsoever? What? I can’t believe we got another one of these rushed six month storylines. You’d think after the way the Dimitri storyline was totally botched, the writers, producers, etc. would stay away from storylines like that. Xander, Sarah, and basically everyone in their orbit deserved a lot better than this. 

And I thought Billy Flynn did pretty well too but I can see why he hinted that he didn’t like this Abigail storyline. It’s making Chad look stupid af. He’s a lot more intelligent than this. And Steve actually let Mark go after he found out that Mark was a fraud? Wtf?

Considering this storyline and what we know about how it came to be (thanks to Billy) I still don’t understand how Ron has so many apologists and defenders that were willing to blame the bad writing on anybody else but him. We could’ve gotten Abigail back but we got this crap instead. He was clearly micromanaged a lot less than other writers are/have been.

Hell, is this the reason why Mark was spared any kind of thing with Leo? I guess that’s a good thing but still…

Ron’s hatred for Abigail is stronger than his

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for Leo? 

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