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GH: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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Nor should you. I remember when US soaps used to do this, and it was how so many people learned about social issues when I was growing up. And even now when soaps over the last decade have done an issue, the soap critics and fans will point out when someone clearly did the research and who did not. So it still has an impact if done right. Sad US soaps can't (or should I say won't) do that. Meanwhile, looking at what you said about English soaps, I can't help but think that US soaps are sitting on a goldmine if they would still do the same. 


Heck, FV is all about exposure and product placement and yet won't do anything possible for ratings?? HIM?? 

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Even this year, didn't Steve Burton get a little effort for his return. Meanwhile, was there even an official JJ Lucky is back promo?


God, I miss SoapNet. If there was something I missed or the VCR couldnt' record, it was there for me. And it got me into so many other soaps. 


It so was. I loved that. 

Yeah, dialogue like that. BITD they would incorporate it into the storyline and everything. I mean that just makes me think of the Nurse Ball actually. 

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I have to give credit where credit is due. One of the things that I hated that was not followed up on was Anna slowly building a case against Sonny and using Molly to do it. So I love that plot thread was mentioned. It made it for sure clear that Anna was back to being a Sonny apologist (and FH looked pained to be saying that dialogue, probably thinking of Anna's declaration to take him down during PM's run) while KV shined as Molly took her to task. GO, MOLLY.


I don't give Joss many things, but I loved her laying into Lucky. And EM was looking hot as sin. And hehe at Joss, Dex, and Molly in the same scene together knowing what is probably coming.


Natalia/Sonny scenes are official on my FF/mute list. But I did stop to listen to Natalia/Kristina. It was nice to get a Blaze mention. 


Why am I starting to wonder if someone has already found the gun?


Awww the Jason/Anna kiss. It seem that Anna is not interested and gets the ew factor cuz...Robin. But Jason surprisingly seem to feel a way. Though I hope that is the last of that. I actually liked the Jason/Lucky scenes given they are so much in the same boat with their kids. Speaking of...bad look for Lucky after those Aidan scenes. 


I did love seeing Felicia in action. But I was enjoying Carly with my man Beast. hehe. But me and Felicia know Carly ain't going to listen to her advice.


And at last...LAURA. 


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Aha! I was right! Martin WAS behind the P. I. And double ha! about the gun!


This was just a mess though. This episode was definitely a case of FV's love of those quick cuts between scenes took away from the episode. Laura and Lucky's long overdue reunion, and it kept being interrupted needlessly. If you want to do a build over an episode to a cliffhanger, primetime quick-cuts ain't it. It would be nice if he got that someday. 


There was a feeling of movement though. Martin doing his job to get Alexis off, Sonny be damned. Diane going to Jason, Sonny be damned. Seems like someone remembered...just like the Sonny case under PM...about Jason's issues with his kids upon his return under PM with the Diane line. And now the twilight over Lulu's storyline...which I take it to mean next week is going to be a doozy or we will be seeing Lulu's face. 


I enjoyed every minute of seeing Laura with Lucky. The Triple L flashback. The fact that she found out where Lucky was (from Liz), but had no idea about him not being a donor. And then Lucky had to walk her through it. Then Laura had to walk him through his feelings of being a failure. And finally (though HIS KIDS should have been a reason) giving him a solid reason to stay in PC...to be there for his MOTHER. It was a nice dance that GF and JJ did with each other, but one I enjoyed.


That said...Michael (still in those oooh so tight jeans) did WHAT??? Granted, Kristina is such a loose cannon now that she needs to be tracked, I didn't like he has a tracker on her. I also did not like that Anna was soo willing to let her potential lead just walk out the door because Anna now has to be a Sonny apologist. So the cliffhanger with the appearance of the gun is a hmmm.


I don't know what Sonny was thinking, thinking Carly was going to fled the country though. SMH. No matter how these New/Old Writers try to make him out to be a hero, it's the fact he shot a man that has them in trouble in the first place. Let him do the RIGHT thing and confess to get the OTHER mother of one of his kids off. Seriously. 

Same. Just ugh. It's quite annoying.



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I tuned in only for that after swearing off this show and seeing clips here and there, and you’re so right. A mother-son reunion should be an easy moment. If FV has committed to an aesthetic, that’s one thing, but he’s gotta know that this is one time you gotta figure out how to break the rules and make those scenes land and not blend into the rush of the narrative. (With him, the blending in might be more of a feature than a bug.) Slow it down and let the reunion breathe. Milk the hell out of your very good actors who can turn sh!t into sugar. He just doesn’t have that sensitivity when it’s not a full episode-long tribute.

Edited by Faulkner
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This Sonny stuff is such a laughing stock. I guess we're supposed to buy Sonny shooting Jagger in cold blood as the good guy blowing away the bad guy. And Sonny is such a man of honor, he'd never let a loved one take the fall for it. Please

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All this goes against common sense and the character of Sonny. What mob boss would kill a Fed personally, not pay someone to do it, or not pay someone to take the fall, or not pay off people in high places to look the other way? And what happened to Sonny's claustrophobia, where he couldn't stand the thought of being cooped up in jail, it would kill him? That was a thing in the 90s.

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Yeah it was making me slightly heated. But I have said that I've been looking forward to seeing GF and JJ together again since it was announced. And I have been and will continue to look forward to each of Laura's kids coming home one by one. But I guess my expectations were so high that it just annoyed me that even knowing FV knew how much anticipation was out for this reunion that he could not lower his 'tics


Yeah, the propping is complete overkill at this point. And pathetic since the mother of one of his daughters is in jail for him.



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