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GH: More of Laura's family returning

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I am so out of the loop with the show I didn't even know he was her brother. All this family and Laura still feels irrelevant to me. 

Reading his comments about how he was so grateful for the job due to health insurance reminds me of what a fickle business this is. Back in the '80s and early '90s MEK was hot property, even if he never really broke through in films and primetime. Now he needs Valentini's charity. I don't begrudge him (I know he's had a hard time) as much as I marvel as how few actors seem to make it last.

Edited by DRW50
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I'm happy for him and I don't really have an issue with Martin as a recurring player, but this just feels like more of FV, CVE, etc. restoring everything to their vaguely passable factory settings for the show. Isn't Cyrus back again for no reason?

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I don't think she's irrelevant as she's been so central for a number of years now (one of the few things this regime got right and only because FV's numerous attempts to marginalize her or drop her to recurring were pushed back by the audience), but I do think she's barely been visible this year for whatever reason. Some of it may be Genie's vacation time or family, part of it is the creative strife. And when she was there they had her in the worst possible story (the Heather mess). It makes me glad the kids are back.

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Actually I would love it if we got GatiTweets, Liesl, back with us! I think she is an excellent actress & after all, she was REALLY the one who saved Willow's life. Not Drew. Plus, she barged directly ahead, ignoring Nina, and said to Willow, "We are family. I am here for you. Now." And, that appealed to Willow & got past her stubbornness about her new mom she was not at all keen on, at that time. 

Marty, I love. I don't even care about the accent, yes, or no, either way. 

Cyrus, no use for him, even though I get that Jeff Kober is a find. 

Also, the romance of Martin & Lucy was terribly awfully delish. We could easily do that again. 


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Cyrus is boring as hell to me.

I think sometimes Laura has an inner life in recent years. Other times she, like many characters, Is at the whim of plot. And I still have never totally bought the relationship with Kevin, which was FV grafting a cheap (recurring) C-player onto her because she insisted upon a new love interest and he couldn't be bothered to make a new contractual investment in a veteran whose power he already clearly resented. It's worked out because Genie and JL get along, because they've generated a lot of story with Kevin and Ryan and because they have a real fanbase, but it still feels artificial and pat to me.

I would love to see the coming-out scenes with Aiden that PM's team apparently wrote and/or shot for her in the spring that supposedly got cut.

Edited by Vee
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Same. I loved me some Liesl. 


Same for Martin but I love MEK anyway I can get him...and he gave more story to Lucy so I was down for that and his growing bond to Laura.


Cyrus...now I could take or leave though I loved the actor in BUFFY and his other horror related roles. I just don't want to hear everyone here do the complaints. 

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