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GH: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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I’m shocked it hasn’t happened, I’m waiting for Molly to slap her the next time she calls the baby hers and refers to it by whatever Sonny’s mom name is.

I still can’t believe Alexis was dumb enough to even try this this soon. Has she even just checked on Molly at all?

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I haven't even thought about how I would like it to come out to be honest. Right now, I'll be surprised if it makes all the way to November/last week of October.



Quite honestly, I started to watch today's (uh oh now hehe) and it didn't bug me as much as everyone else. Though that was some bad feedback when KM yelled cuz it echoed through that living room. 


Fingers crossed. 


Same. The last thing they need given what's going on BTS is to do something that Frank likes to favorite for one. And it makes a target on that actor's back for two. 


Also same. I felt Molly held back too much in the scenes I've seen so far versus when they are at the grace and she DESTROYED Kristina. At this point, I really need Molly to let loose the next time Kristina uses the 'wrong' name, and backhands her. 



Great minds. 

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The real world has kept me from the last few episodes, but I did see a clip of Molly and Alexis and it was incredible. I wish it had gone on longer and had more use of history in the conversation, but it was still what I need from GH from now on. Messy and relatable conflict between characters. The only mistake the show is making right now in this storyline is we should be seeing more of Molly and TJ. More of Molly dealing with her family dynamics.

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I know right? This Gannon idea better not be what we are all afraid it is!!!

WHAAT?! Yesterday Molly held back nothing! She laid Alexis out dead to rights & it was about time, too! Of course, this being a new thing for Alexis to hear out of the mouth of one of her girls, so, she didn't take it in, NO, she objected to each & every thing Molly said but at least Molly finally found her voice. Next time it will be easier for Molly to say - and she is going to have to say these things more than once. Kristina has been the center of the Davis Women's universe for a very long time.

And I would like to point out, possibly again, as I may have already said this but it was the height of irony that Alexis was saying that Kristina has no one just as Kristina's brother Micheal was taking her to see her father. So, we can conclude that, sure, Kristina has no one IF no one actually is defined as everyone. RIGHT?



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I didn't watch yesterday yet and I am falling a bit behind on GH.  I just don't think the show did the work to establish TJ and Molly as a couple before this story arc.  I feel like I have never known much about them as a couple besides the domestic partner back and forth and HP's Molly sleeping with Brando.  The show probably should be showing more of TJ/Molly as a couple having these issues, but I have never been invested in them in the first place.  It's very hard to care when the show ignored both characters for a decade.

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The way the show handled re-introducing Mansi's Kristina was much better than Molly/TJ.  I know the show obviously had casting issues, but Molly/TJ have been hanging around on the show mostly off screen as a couple for years and years.  I think GH just thought the audience would be invested in them because they were together so long, but we still no nothing about why they are even together at this point.  And TJ has never been much of a character.

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I know folks give NLG a lot of flack for her online antics, and sometimes it's deserved, but she's been hitting it out of the proverbial ball park with these scenes. 

When Molly mentioned to Kristina that she didn't even consider how TJ felt, it rang hollow to me as a viewer since honestly we haven't seen how TJ feels, or even any scenes with Molly and TJ when they're just alone dealing with stuff. 

I wish the show would delve deeper into Kristina taking the gun and wanting to harm herself with it, but I don't assume Frank and Chris's GH to tackle such a issue head on or intelligently. Missed opportunity. 

Sonny/Jason/Diane/Michael/Kristina scenes were such a bore because we've seen this so many times in the past.

Lucky's return is DRAGGING. How many more scenes are we going to get of him and that guy in a small room playing cards?

At this moment, it seems like the Davis girls storyline with Ric mixed in, is the only thing worth watching on GH at the moment. 

Oh and I don't even care about this John Doe who's hospitalized at GH, because yet again it plays into Lucky's return storyline which is a bore and is being told incoherently on screen. 

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I see. I luckily had the benefit of not watching for almost a decade so I didn’t get to see them wasted. Biggest thing I had to overcome was that all three characters in the  story were played by new actors. I think this storyline has helped them all come into their own as well with these roles.

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I know enough to know that the actor hasn't been given much in the way of his writing but I can't help how I feel. It's not my fault either. If they want me to start caring about TJ or even about Tolly, they better get on it & write something, for god's sake! When we do see TJ with Jordan, for example, it's just ho-hum, that's right. TJ has an actual mom. GMAB.

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It's interesting to me but I have no problem separating NLG & her online persona and Alexis! Two totally different feelings you get from her. I guess that's why they call it "ACTING!" 

I have friends who discuss this. They are aware of mistreatment of TJ. Me, I just sit there, stare a little, I have no idea what the puck they are talking about, as in Kristina did not care about TJ's feelings. Guess what? Neither did I. 


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