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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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I like the Scorpio/Jones gang tbh.  Maxie has improved so much lately as a character.  I like her and Spinelli.

Sasha and Cody can go, but if I had to keep one it would be Cody.  As much as I have defended Sasha in the past SM doesn't have much charisma.  At least JK has that.

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Kristina has now appeared in 70 episodes in 2024, the most that Kristina has appeared in since 2011. We are only in August.

Molly has appeared in 12 of the last 17 episodes. This is a character that was used once a week from 2009-2014, and then reduced to 1-2 episodes a month from 2015-2022. 

Since Cody has found his family I think he will stay. Sasha is on the fence.

Edited by Aragorn
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No problem, Contessa.

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No problem, Sapounopera. And thanks for telling us where you got "Michael Harrison" from. I used to watch Falcon Crest, but I totally forgot that Gregory Harrison was in the cast.


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There is no point in their scenes at all. They could go tomorrow and nobody would notice.
BTW I can't believe that Sasha has lasted this long. 

I also like the Scorpio/Jones family. 
And yes, I'd keep JK instead of SM. I don't buy him as Mac's son though and I am afraid that he will be paired with Maxie, they will have a baby and then he will die. He seems that kind of character.

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I actually can't believe Sasha has lasted this long either.  The perfect time for her to go was after the Gladys fiasco.  I thought the show maybe had big plans for her/Cody, but here we are about a year later and there's been hardly any movement in that story.

I thought the show might try to pair Maxie/Cody for a second, but I think Maxie is much better served settled with Spinelli.   As long as Bradford continues to appear I would go with that.  Maxie's romantic woes, pregnancies, children, etc have been draining.  Maxie just raising her kids with Spin, working at Deception, having scenes with friends and family work much better for the character IMO.  

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I think one of the highlights of this week was Mac accepting Cody as his son and saying that he loves him.

Josh Kelly and John J. York have chemistry as father and son, and played those scenes to perfection. The other actors in the scene were also really good. I thought all of it was pretty moving.

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I've always said I would keep Cody and have him play the field as the mischievous himbo stable stud (or experiment with him and Tracy after all, which I think PM and co. were/are heavily hinting at). I think after a very rough intro Kelly has found his niche at the show with the Q stables and the larger Quartermaine family, Mac and that whole setup. Maybe if you want something more lasting for him down the road he can become a cop or something, or maybe he just goes when it's the right time. But Sasha gotta dip now.

I think Spixie are fine in their current form, in large part bc the writing for them heavily improved in the spring months under Mulcahey and reminded me a lot of what I first liked about them in the 2000s. But given how much Kirsten has come back from the abyss of late I would seriously consider a stronger pairing for her with someone else (like a recast, single Michael) down the road.

Edited by Vee
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I thought he was a good straight man to her wackiness.  I will never forget GV's Lucky/Maxie and that mess, but at the very least JJ/KS looked age appropriate together.  And, let's be real, both characters have had worse love interests.

I still prefer Maxie/Spinelli as well though.

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For someone who claims to be "insider" you would think you would know there isn't a universal consensus on any couple ever not even LnL, Bo/Hope except in your head. Only thing close to majority is the hate for bootleg juiliard. So not by a long shot but you think Kraze is this big pairing when most can't stand either part of the pairing. They do have asexual sexless in common my girl is being wasted on that caricature. I need GH to free my girl. I strongly dislike Cody but my girl screwing her not step brother ala Lulu/Dillon is a helluva lot more interesting than whatever the hell she is doing now. 

I'm hoping when JJ Lucky comes back Lucky and Maxie pick up where they left off with their friendship since there chemistry and scenes were one of the few highlights of his miserable return in 2010. If they don't go back to LnL2 which LizFF would revolt if they went back to them I want them to try Luxie. I think it would be good and she has been wishing for it since she was child.

I hate Cody as Mac son story not only was it not needed but it was only done so FV pet who called him up for a job can get a story & be tied to a legendary character. This big story came out last month and Mac had 4 days of airtime. He didn't need a bio kid to be a father and he already has 3 wonderful daughters. Pointless. He can go with Natalia, Spin, Willow, Drew, Michael, Kristina, Dex, Sasha & Gio. 

Lulu is coming back we can get Dillon, resurrect Georgie, Recast Spencer and Cam, Lucy & Scotty daughters that GH is allergic to, bring back Tommy Hardy Jr for Maxie's group.

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