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B&B: August 2024 Spoilers

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The New Bridge... I am yet to find or communicate with a fan of. The Old Bridge still has a strong fan base. I think Bradley is oblivious or intentionally blind to the fact that New Bridge doesn't work - the actors have no chemistry, look off together and... the Old was so iconic that it's a kinda disgrace to put Brooke with another Ridge. New Ridge worked better with Krista. They had chemistry. But, Jeff, we both remember what they did to Krista...

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I was always a Taylor and Ridge(Ronn Moss version) fan. 

Ronn Moss Ridge version had chemistry with Brooke too. And I loved their scenes with Stephanie. Everything changed when Stephanie left the canvas and Ronn Moss left.

Thorsten and KKL have zero chemistry and are so boring together.

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For the life of me I don't understand why someone will be a fan of this ill-matched couple. KKL and TK have negative chemistry. Sometimes while Ridge is supposed to look in love with Brooke, he just looks like he is bored with her. Ronn Moss, as talentless as he was, always gave out this sparkle and attraction when it came to Brooke. She was like his sex toy. They had that chemistry. And KKL was just... Like fireworks coming out of her when OG Ridge was around her. Now she looks just confused. They don't have a sexual chemistry. None.

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@Maxim Last year, I watched the episodes starting with Sheila's debut + Belief. I'll admit, I was wrong about RM because he captured Ridge's true essence - an arrogant, narcissistic, stylish, impulsive and flighty fashion designer. I always focused on his *acting* but seeing the difference between then and now....

I like TK as an actor, but plays Ridge so seriously and logically. That's absolutely *not* Ridge. Strangely, he may have worked as a Thorne recast.

I just watched Ridge's speech in Monoco and it was the most passionless speech about a man singing the praises of the love of his life. If RM gave that same speech about *Logan* it would've been far more electric. Oh well.

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Ronn Moss couldn't act. He just WAS Ridge. That's why it worked. That's why he became such a legend. I have said this before and I will repeat it again - when he visited my home country in Europe - women were fainting by the thousands.

You are totally right in your analysis of TK's portrayal of Ridge - it feels like someone that doesn't belong in the Bradley Bell universe. Sorry that I have to say it. He is too gritty and too real for me. A man like TK's Ridge will never ever end up with the SFTV - blond vixen. No way. He would be somewhere in the woods, chopping wood with a Krista Allen type. A girl that has substance and is just... witty.

Brooke, if she was not super-messy and histrionic - is veeery superficial and when NOT IN CRISIS - boring. Brooke only shines when she is in a scandal or a feud. Ronn Moss's superficial, ego-drive, American-psycho-like Ridge worked perfectly with the histrionic Logan mess.

Edited by Maxim
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It's hard to tell.  I'm all for Taylor, Morgan, or Macy.  Just to point out, this could be a background actor (aka "extra") until alleged actress returns.  I read elsewhere the figure has a good posture, so it can't be Hunter Tylo due to an injury?  C'mon.  That doesn't mean it can't be HT just cause the figure has a good posture??  Case in point, this could be an extra for all we know...

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Sono un vero fan del Bridge.

Spero che la donna misteriosa non sia Taylor, Taylor è un personaggio noioso. Dobbiamo già sopportare quella insopportabile Steffy, almeno ci risparmiano la madre.
Preferirei che la donna misteriosa fosse Macy o Morgan. 
Ci sono voci sul web che potrebbe essere una sosia di Brooke, e mi piacerebbe molto questa trama, anche se non so se The Bold and the Beautiful potrebbe mai fare una trama di questo tipo.Spero che la donna misteriosa non sia Taylor, Taylor è un personaggio noioso. Dobbiamo già sopportare quella insopportabile Steffy, almeno ci risparmiano la madre.
Preferirei che la donna misteriosa fosse Macy o Morgan. 
Ci sono voci sul web che potrebbe essere una sosia di Brooke, e mi piacerebbe molto questa trama, anche se non so se The Bold and the Beautiful potrebbe mai fare una trama di questo tipo.

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Rebecca Budig is all wrong for the role just based on what I've seen her do in the past. She seems too young, isn't the right look and I can't see her filling the characteristics that make Taylor who she is. 

This is just another Brad Bell last minute stunt. They had a good Taylor and lost interest. Regardless of how Budig does in the role, he will lose interest again and it'll just be up to if she's willing to stay on recurring once this intro story is done.

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a genuine surprise 2024 soap? Congratulations! When my sister told me I was gagged. lol This might be interesting. RB really told GH to fk-off. lmao! I'm here for it. I believe RB can take the character places KA just wasn't capable, no shade. 

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RB certainly checks all the boxes. While I think she'd fit in B&B better as a new character, I'll give her a chance based on her soap history.

I'll say this, Brad has certainly upped his game during the past month. After not watching for over a year, I binged last week's episodes. The show is finally moving in the right direction. I hope it stick.

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