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DAYS: A Day of DAYS 2024

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Thank god he had that jacket with him lol 

Nichols (Steve) was freezing. It was so cold up there lol


The line thing was a mess. We were waiting to finally made it to station 4 (with Leo, Ashley and them) and no one picked us up even though there were just 10 - 15..

But they kept sending people up from station 1-3 where they had like 30-40 people. That was such bs lol

im happy I was able to at least got to meet some 

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On the plane home after my whirlwind trip to Los Angeles. I had a mostly positive experience. I arrived at the theatre just after 6am and instantly saw Cardboard Li in the foyer. I was thrilled that he was set up as a photo op. More on him later. Around 945 Brandon Barash came by to say hello.

We were let in right around 10am. System was four tables and you lined in rows in the auditorium. I went right to Line 2 and as we were first there was no waiting. I met Paul and Linsey first and they were kind enough to sign a photo I brought and pose for photos. I got to put my arm around Paul so that happened. Next up were Josh and James. I found speaking to them surprisingly moving, maybe cause they are the age of my dad. Sal, Elia and Tina were all fabulous. Very happy to chat and really warm and friendly. Galen was a bit more reserved. Tina agrees with me that Melinda and EJ need to hook up.

Went to group 4 line as it was the shortest. All the newbies. Cherie was divine. I told her how much I enjoy her as Gabi and it seemed to mean a lot to her. Next to her was Al who was also super, thrilled to be a part of it all especially after airing in only one episode. Colton was another really fun one to talk to. He remembered me chatting to him on Twitter about Charlotte Ross and told me to tag him again. Casey was much quieter and didn't get much from him. Kennedy was very shy and I think a bit overwhelmed. Raven and Ashley were much more chatty and looked amazing. Leo Howard was really engaging too, very likable and interested in my insane one day trek from Eastern Canada.

After that we broke for lunch and the day players performed as we sat in the next line. On a bathroom break I ran into Julie Dove hanging out with Cardboard Li, so that was a photo I had to have. I think she was just there as a fan. She was pleased to hear how much I enjoyed the Li stuff.

Then the disorganization kicked in. We waited almost 3 hours for group 3. People were on stage and cutting into lines for other groups without waiting their turns. They extended the signing and we lucked out, we thought, as our line was called right before the final cut off. Then we were told we were going to group 4 again. Not happy. Most of the line just gave up and left but four of us stuck around hoping for a change of heart by security. I pointed out as it was only 4 of us that we should be able to join the line we'd waited 3 hours for and they relented. We were frog marched by security on stage (where were they when people were line hopping?).

Jackee had left by then and Brandon had to go rehearse but the rest were still being gracious and kind to the fans. Dan introduced himself with "Hello I'm Daniel" lol. I told him I'm a long time viewer since his Spartacus days. JP was next and he was happy to hear I enjoy his odd take on Philip. He said he's all about entertaining and he will take any reaction as long as he gets one. Lamon seemed worn out and didn't say much. Abigail was super pumped and her husband is from Montreal. Where my car currently is. I hope I can find it. Then Stephen and Susan. This is why I fought to stay in this line. I told him how much Steve and Kayla have meant to me and that he got me into this 40 year addiction. Susan was absolutely beautiful up close. All I could do was thank her for being such a treasure. Last up was Billy. I told him he must be exhausted and he was, but still made me do a selfie with him.

I'm sure the Q&A and promo are posted so won't cover those. Funny to see Emily toss that hated wig. Very excited to see what's coming up. No complaints about anything in the preview!

All in all a successful day. Yes it could have been better organized but for a free event it was great. I didn't even attempt table 1 because the Dee draw meant everyone surged there, but when I was leaving I saw Brandon Beemer and Rob leaving Starbucks. 

That's a wrap. Going to sleep very well tonight!

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Overall I had a great day too. I got to group 1 first especially because of Deidre and Martha, Judi etc. 
If I would’ve known what would’ve happened I would’ve started with the newbies and then over to group 3 lol

But group 2-4 were the most seen by fans. Group 1 and 3 had the most trouble get on stage lol. 

He was in New York doing a marathon 

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