Members ILoveTracyQ Posted April 27, 2006 Members Share Posted April 27, 2006 Happy about the car MinervaFan ! I know how it is without one,once you've had one,it can be haarrddd.....LOL Tracy probably gets kidnapped again,or LOST...HEE. My guess would be,since she has no idea where to find them,that she runs around in circles. Will we see her search? Dunno. Would like to,though. Cool. I can watch today,then if Tracy was on. *waves to everyone* 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ms. Quartermaine Posted April 28, 2006 Members Share Posted April 28, 2006 MinervaFan...Wednesday's Clips (credit to Shazzer) Daddy to the rescue...or not. Caught by the teens and the maid... Untying Tracy... Tracy, Robert, and a pair of handcuffs... SPOILER STUFF _ _ _ _ Well, Tracy being kidnapped and being held against her will is quite common nowadays, so it wouldn't surprise me, LOL, but I'm guessing ILoveTracyQ is right about her getting lost. That is so going to happen. I want to see her going in circles though. Love the pine cone/anniversary idea, by the way. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members MinervaFan Posted April 28, 2006 Members Share Posted April 28, 2006 I am so tired of Tracy being kidnapped. I mean, she's like the Source of All Things Evil, isn't she? Don't ya think she could muster up a chance of doing the kidnapping now and again? The last good kidnapping she organized was back in 2005, convincing Vinnie to nab Skye. Ah...memories...well, somebody's memories, because I've never seen the episodes. Personally, I have this thing I want to see so bad it hurts. Well a couple of things. One, I'd love to see them do something like Robert's dream sequences on the plane with Tracy. Except instead of dreaming about past events, she'd have this fantasy about rescuing a terribly grateful Luke from impending death or torture. Of course, she'd wake up, ticked at herself, and steal a pillow from that same old lady... *snark* Two, I want to see her show up at the hotel and ask (in a bad German accent) for Doktor von Schemerman. When asked who wants to know, "I'm MISSUS Von Schemerman, you dumkopf!" LOL. Oh, and by the way, did anybody who *didn't spend hours editing video clips the other night* notice a little tidbit from yesterday's episode? When she was leaving to go to the Maarkham Islands... , Tracy was wearing the same outfit she wore when Luke asked her to run away with him and they kissed. I'm 99% sure that she hasn't worn that outfit since that episode, either. Hoping to trigger memories, girlfriend? Ms. Q and Smirks--where you get your episode clips--do they come already broken down and labeled by scene, or do you have to shuffle through all of the scenes to find what you want? I've tried the places you recommended, registered, and still can't make heads or tales of navigation... I feel bad constantly asking for clips here (like, um, yesterday's??? *cough*), but I'm flummoxed as to where to find them--even when I know what site to go to. Well, I suppose TracyLurve and the joy of actually being able to drive my own car to work for the first time in a year and a half has got me giddy. I'm going to go now--in the soon to be immortal words of Tracy Q. Von Shcemerman....Ta! (Fey and I rewound and watched that scene three times....) 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ILoveTracyQ Posted April 28, 2006 Members Share Posted April 28, 2006 Oh MinervaFan you silly romantic dreamer you ! Don't you know that yesterday will probably be the last we see of Tracy,before she pops up as a prisoner of some tribe,on the WRONG ISLAND?? LOL Okay so I'm exaggerating. Slightly. I'd love for it to be the opposite,I'd love what you suggested,and I'd love to see Tracy rush in and save her hapless husband and the rest of them. But.......not saying it won't happen,TIIC could pleasantly surprise me. Considering that Tracy has no idea where Luke is exactly,or even that he is still on the Markham Islands somewhere,the chance of her getting lost,and us not seeing her for a while,are fairly good. I like your ideas though. And yes that was the same outfit,and while I doubt TIIC are that deep as to remember what she wore for that episode,I wouldn't put it past Jane to wear that as a reminder for sharp viewers like you,and maybe a bit of subtext that yes,now she is finally ready to "run away" with Luke,if need be. ) Good catch BTW. And I loved the "Ta !" thing too,and I think Lulu is becoming a little in awe of her stepmonster the same way Dillon is in awe of Luke. Maybe. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ms. Quartermaine Posted April 28, 2006 Members Share Posted April 28, 2006 MinervaFan, clips come from GH Video Theatre in the clips section under "Daily Clips." Each segment is posted, sometimes in parts. Descriptions of each follow if the clipper has the time. In the past, the clips were organized by character/stories, but Feb. Sweeps resulted in several characters sharing several scenes, and posting individual segments turned out to be easier. And well, now with NQ down, Shazzer is doing all the hard work on her own, so I don't expect her to separate the Q's from Liz/Lucky from Sonny/Carly/Emily, etc. What I do is save the clips and then separate them myself using Windows Movie Maker even though quality is sometimes lost. But that's a whole lot of extra information, LOL. Clips from yesterday (Credit to Shazzer)... Dillon is scarred for life. (Love his reaction to seeing Tracy, LOL.) Tracy puts Dillon's mind at ease. And she's off to the Maarkam Islands... About the island...Oh, MinervaFan, someone is going to have to write fanfiction about this. As for the outfit...I noticed. Didn't give it much thought other than Ugh. More recycled wardrobe... but it'd be neat if JE or TIIC (I doubt the latter) meant to add subtext. Another thing...A few days ago, Tracy said that Alice was the only one in the house that hadn't accused her of falling in love with Luke. Um, did I miss a Ned/Tracy scene? Or a Tracy/Alan scene? Or did this all take place offscreen? ETA: I made a Robert/Tracy banner and am debating whether or not to use it. What do you guys think? (I ultimately want Luke/Tracy, but I could get behind Robert/Tracy for a little bit.) 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ILoveTracyQ Posted April 28, 2006 Members Share Posted April 28, 2006 I agree,the whole island adventure would make a good fan fic,or a missing scene or rewrite of a scene. No Ms.Q you didn't miss a thing. LOL Guess TIIC just didn't think such scenes were important. Now THOSE would be good missing scenes. Alan and Tracy,talking about Lukey. Or Ned,or even Tracy/Dillon or Tracy/Edward. Or Tracy talking to Lila....hmmmm. The banner. I like the idea,the banner you made is fun. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members MinervaFan Posted April 28, 2006 Members Share Posted April 28, 2006 Yes. Yes, I am. And I know that, in my little universe, Tracy is agonizing over this whole thing, even though she won't let the world know. She's worried because everybody seems to have figured out her secret, and angry because she knows they're right. She's embarrassed because she can't help herself, and part of her thinks that jerk!Edward's comments about her being pathetic for chasing after a man are true. But she's Tracy freakin' Quartermaine, and she's not going to be held back by fear. She's going to go where she wants to go, do what she wants to do, and damn the consequences. So THERE. Personally, I would love to see them film "fantasy" scenes from both Luke and Tracy's POV, while still having them not together in RL. JE and TG could totally play the disconnect between what they're fantasizing and their reality with such pinache. But of course, that would mean TIIC would have to take them seriously both as characters and as a couple. The jury's still out on whether that will ever happen; they're strictly for laughs these days, but it's getting better. You are truly the Source of All Evil, aren't you? Bite your tongue, wench. I did notice the expression--in fact, I replayed it so Fey could see, too. A Tracy - Lulu partnership could yield very fun results, imho. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members tracyluver Posted April 28, 2006 Members Share Posted April 28, 2006 Hello all! I totally missed the Tracy scenes yesterday because i was mad at my mother and sulking in my room with the tv off. Now i realize that the only person that punished was ME because i missed TQ!!! you know we barely get her scenes as it stands and now i'm wasting them! ARGH! I tried viewing the clips but the comp im on right now won't it let me watch them so i'll have to wait 'til i can get on another one. Quote: (b/c for some reason, the comp won't let me do it any other way) Another thing...A few days ago, Tracy said that Alice was the only one in the house that hadn't accused her of falling in love with Luke. Um, did I miss a Ned/Tracy scene? Or a Tracy/Alan scene? Or did this all take place offscreen? I think maybe that she was being a bit dramatic and emphasing (sp?) ya know? Like when a teen says : you're ruining my life!" The parent isn't REALLY ruining their life, but it totally feels like that at the time, just like when tracy said everybody keeps saying i'm in love with him. ETA: Yay!! I'm an advanced member! It seems like it took me forever to get there! 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members kenna Posted April 28, 2006 Members Share Posted April 28, 2006 *waves at everyone* Oh, wouldn't that be funny if Tracy got lost and was running all over the place...I can totally see it happening. I thought the same thing about her outfit yesterday, except I thought it was kinda soon to put her in the outfit again, but oh well. I'm loving everyone's fanfics, btw. I'm trying to review them all(been a little busy). I made a vid(first one i've made in a really long time) it is called "True Colors" by Cindy Lauper. It is a vid of my favorite actresses on GH so its not just Tracy, although i could probably make one of just Tracy to that song. If anyone is intrested....i'll be posting it here later when I have time,but right now it is up at GH Video Theater in the ensemble section. I loved the Tracy/Robert scenes. I was cracking up when she thought of sitting on his lap(he didn't seem to mind)....and Dillon's I think, if the writers give the the opportunity, to be very good friends...depending on how long TR stays. Well, I hope we get some good TQ scenes next week. We'll see, i guess. Edit: <<<True Colors 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ms. Quartermaine Posted April 28, 2006 Members Share Posted April 28, 2006 kenna, I provided feedback at GHVT. All positive. MinervaFan, you should post your videos there. Thanks ILoveTracyQ for commenting on the banner. I'm going to keep the Luke/Tracy one here and use the Robert/Tracy one at GHVT. Hmm, a lot of TQ mentions: Lulu: "I want to know if your mom really hooked up with Robert Scorpio." Dillon: [spits out his water] [later] "...I just have a very hard time imagining my mother, mistakenly or otherwise, having -- se--" Lulu: "Sex? The word is sex." I thought the scenes were cute. Some more mentions: Nikolas: Luke, Tracy, and Robert are all adults, supposedly. They can take care of themselves. Heh. Supposedly? Are we going to get to see her taking care of herself? Dillon: "Look, I know my mom's a walking nightmare, but I love her and I care about her. I can't help it. Believe me, I've tried. I just -- I don't -- I don't want her to get caught up in some freaky misadventure with Luke." Aww, Dillon. I don't care how many times you give that speech. I still love it, LOL, but wait a minute...Is he insinuating that he tried to stop loving her? Eh, well...The rest sounded nice. So, about our girl...Is she still in the air? Did her plane crash in the jungle? WHERE is she? Will we see her before the middle of MAY? 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ms. Quartermaine Posted April 29, 2006 Members Share Posted April 29, 2006 Bumping because angel is on. *waves* Emmy News... In the beginning, Tom Bergeron summed up the soaps in some random order. There were 3 GH mentions...One of them being the Luke/Tracy marriage. (the other ones were the trainwreck and Luke bringing home a chimp and a virus) No JE/Tracy in the GH Montage. No surprise there, I guess. And finally, congrats to Tony Geary. It's sweet that he thanked Robin Christopher for making the last 3 years of work pleasurable for him (something like that), but what about Jane Elliot? A little mention would've been nice. Oh well. Am I being too critical? LOL. ETA: Page 57. *waves to nex4evr* ETA (again): And now coolkid is on. *waves* ETA (for a 3rd time, LOL): Hi tracyluver! 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members nex4evr Posted April 29, 2006 Members Share Posted April 29, 2006 MinervaFan and Kenna LOVED both of the mvids they were great Can I just say that it is killing me to have to wait to see the Emmys, being on the west coast and having to wait 3 hours....cuz I can't watch them in real time haha I need to ffwd through anything that is not GH related *waves to Ms. Quartermaine* 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members MinervaFan Posted April 29, 2006 Members Share Posted April 29, 2006 My tape messed up today. I'm glad there was no TQ, but I'll have to borrow Fey's mom's tape to see at least the discussions about her. Been crazy busy--just got on the computer about ten minutes ago, and it's 2 am. I'm loving the comments about the episodes and the spoilers. Did TG win Best Actor? And not a word of thanks to freakin' Jane Elliot? What a maroon..... Oh, and MsQ--the Robert/Tracy banner had me LMFAO! The only problem is that the color scheme made it hard to see the pictures clearly, and trust me--these are facial expressions I so want to see. *downloading the All Tied Up scenes* 2:33 am: Just edited the I'm Not That Girl vid *again*. Smirks, your suggestions were great--I think it's better now. And I learned to use Transitions, so...well, get ready for the cheesy goodness. You know the drill--will upload to SendSpace asap. And no more edits on this one--it's done. As for uploading to GHVT? I have no idea how to do that. I think I'm registered there, but I haven't been able to make heads or tails of the whole damn site. I haven't been able to find one thing there yet..... Does that make me officially old? Yeah, I'm a complete geezer. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members ILoveTracyQ Posted April 29, 2006 Members Share Posted April 29, 2006 *waves to everyone* ABout the Emmys....what a waste of a tape. They have always underwhelmed me,always. Only reason I watched was to see if Tracy was in the "best show" clip(she wasn't) and if TG thanked her if he won. My tape cut off before his win. So,he didn't thank her. Meh. I'm used to JE not getting the recognition of certain other people. She deserves it IMO,but eh, I doubt she cares,she's probably happy TG thanked RC,so whatever. *shrug* MinervaFan sorry about being pessimistic sounding about Tracy's involvement in this sweeps,but here's why: Tracy/JE were on I do believe,just ONE episode when TG took his ten week break last year, just to give you an idea about how they view certain female characters when a man's not around. Seriously...except for Dillon/Tracy during the monkey virus,can anyone think of any significant solo Tracy scenes in the recent past? Anybody? *crickets* Yeah me neither. We were all like,what happened to Tracy,because Dillon was a suspect in the campus stalkings,and we all knew Tracy would have the PCPD's heads on platters,yet she was nowhere to be seen,then suddenly Dillon told Justus not to call his mom in EUROPE and tell her what was going on. Did we get any scene letting us even know where she was or why she was there? Uh,NOPE. Did we get a leaving or coming back scene? Uh,NOPE. One scene in ten weeks. So,yeah.....I can see them not even showing her until it serves the next plot point. I'd love to see some of Tracy tracking Luke down,I think it'd be the best part of the whole "adventure". And maybe they will pleasantly surprise me and give me those scenes. Tracy in MediaNet pics,not mentioned at all by anyone for spoilers next week. So that's why I feel the way I do about it. I'd love for it to be different this time. Either way,I'm going to be happy to see my girl. I always am,even when the character is being humiliated,because sadly at least that means she gets airtime. Have a good weekend,ya'll ! 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members MinervaFan Posted April 29, 2006 Members Share Posted April 29, 2006 Okay, promise, swear--this is the last version of this video. I'm deleting the working file after I post this and saving ONLY the final version. I'm Not That Girl (Final Version). 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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