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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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have fun remos.

I'm not leaving til Sat except a little short day trip to galveston dump tomorrow! LOL

I hope the person who told me JE taped with Franco wasn't lying!

Oh well...it is to be expected I guess this summer.

I'm into this david/dorian story on OLTL and can find some stuff on DOOL to entertain me soapwise.

I've got a ton of old clips to catch up on so that will give me a good chance!

Who is watching your kids remos? Your hubby taking off?

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I guess without Tracy onscreen, it's hard for us to come up with something to discuss. I could always start the "ONE YEAR AGO TODAY" thing - of course, that doesn't work well in the summer months. One year ago today, Tracy was offscreen?! I don't know, but probably.

I'm actually OK with her being off for a little. Don't hate me, but I am kind of getting into GH, even without our girl. I guess that's what time off from work will do to a person.

Also, what's with Franco's obsession with the number 66? Any chance he's supposed to get involved with any of the Q's as their address is 66 Harbor View Road? (I know he's rumored to have scenes with Tracy). Or did GH forget that was their address when they had Franco use that number?

OT: On the topic of vacations, I may or may not be going on one from Sunday to Friday. I'm scheduled to go, but may back out for personal reasons. I'm sure my family is hoping that will happen due to the unintentional drama I am creating.

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where are you supposed to be going Ms. Q? You should go.

Oh and the number 66 is related to route 66 which deads ends in santa Monica I believe in LA. Franco is leaving a trail of clues to lure Jason to LA to his exhibit.

His mother sucks! Just sayin! LOL

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Honestly, I don't bother watching when JE isn't on. I haven't even caught up on the last few weeks she has been on. I just don't have the time right now. But, even if I had the time, there really isn't anyone on GH I'm invested in. If Brook isn't going to have SIGNIFICANT interaction with her family, I don't care about her. If Ethan is going to interact with mainly Kristina and Johnny-I don't care about him. Tracy is MIA with Luke not there.

So.....I got nothing.

It did occur to me before Ms.Q said what she said, that Franco and Tracy's interaction is going to be more than just a few scenes. Mind you, I'm not watching, but I know Franco has troubles with his own mother. I'm wondering then, if the interaction with Tracy won't be bending in that direction. Probably not, probably knowing Guza, it'll turn out to be nothing-but why even bother working it in, though? But then, Guza always does pointless stuff, and it would be just like him to add in the Q's address for no reason at all. Which drives me insane. I always thought one of the basic tenants of writing was-if it doesn't serve a purpose or drive the plot forward, leave it out.

AUGH. Guza irritates me.

It would be awesome if he did make the Tracy/Franco connection more than a plot point, though. Can't you just see JE/JF being a blast, if Franco chose Tracy as his replacement mommy?

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At this point, I am guessing the tracy/franco scene won't even show up at all. or it was not accurate info, although it was from someone I know knows things. Just like I am pretty sure the tracy/brook scenes AL tweeted with were cut too.

Pessimistic I know, but more like realistic with GH. I know they supposedly were taped on 6/10...which would mean this week or next. Watch it will be them passing each other on the docks or something.

With unmarrying her to luke, they pretty much wiped out any other canvas ties...not that they ever used them much in the summer anyway.

I guess I am just pretty much figuring she won't be back til mid to late sept. Seems as though she won't even get her token 3 appearances or so over the summer.

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But not even a teeny, tiny little hint about what they were about and the tone of the scene? Hmmph. Well, if it's next week, obviously the show didn't feel them important enough to spoil in the mags.

I mean, who do we think they are? Sonny and Dante? *rme*

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Nope. No hint. Hey at least she answered. I will believe it when I see it. I can see if now. Tracy goes into the MC restaurant and bumps into her and says "oh hello"

end of scene! LOL

Or Tracy sees her with Johnny and is like "oh no....don't tell me you are sniffing around my grand-daughter and her saying "hey butt out"


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You are probably right about the length and subject matter of the scene, hooked. I just wish there would be more to it. After all, Tracy has actually mellowed, grown, and changed in the years since BL has been gone. I'd like to see a shift in that relationship. I'd like a bond to form, since Ned/Dillon are gone. Both of them could benefit from it, and I wouldn't have to sit and stew that BL is getting more scenes with Olivia than her own Granny. Of course, with Brenda coming back, there will be even one more person Brook will be around that won't be family. *SIGH*

I just think it'd be cool-and different-if BL/Tracy were to start to become close. Of course, there should always be some mistrust and antagonism, they're Q's, after all-but I'd like to see them be a blend of Tracy's relationships with Ned and Dillon.

Oh, and I still vote for it being time to bring Lord Larry back for a few months. :) He can be Brenduh's real daddy, for all I care. I just want him back.

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I'd love to see tracy caught between brook and lulu. Like have her find out what brook is really doing in town and go ream out carly and warn lulu and bust carly's scam.

Here is a SID article with Guza/Phelps discussing Franco's story. JFP gives shout out to the wonderful actors on the show including the vets like Mo, Tony, steve, jonanthon and Jane....

Guza and JFP artcicle from SID



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You know, I always had this running thought way way back when Lulu and Tracy were starting to get along that Brook would come back and be jealous of the "relationship" Tracy and Lulu shared. One time I had a dream that BL and Lulu were fighting Alice is in the middle breaking it up when Tracy walks in and sees them, after they both leave Alice tells her that they were fighting over her.

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