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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Well, Keith, TG couldn't help GF. ;) Eh, I need to be optimistic. And I am about tomorrow's show. Tracy, in recycled wardrobe no less, (It's the same outfit she had on during the trainwreck; I guess that outfit spells disaster, LOL) is concerned about her husband. Aww.

Semi-OT: Lately, I've noticed there are several "lurkers" in this thread; don't be afraid to post with us! We don't bite. So come on in, and spread some JE/Tracy LOVE! :D

ETA: Page 16!

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I think Jane kows enough not to piss off Phelps. There was no real scenario or precedent before the Francis incident, but I tihnk she knows where she stands. Unfortunate as it is. And, as long as she stays in line, Geary's love will keep her as with the show as he is.

Now, allow me to wash my mouth out with cologne, Listerine and Alka Seltzer, for trying to make the prcesses of GH's empire logical.

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I'll delurk!!! I'll delurk!!! I followed an old link I had to this thread the other day and I was kinda blown back by all the Tracy-centric love. She's definitely my favorite character on the ever-thinning cast (at least in terms of quality?), and it's really nice to see that she's someone else's favorite as well.

Somehow I don't think it's JE that's shopping around to other soaps. For one, she's not backburnered to the extent that a lot of the vets are. And as far as I've been able to see, she's been liking working with THE Tony Geary.

I watched last week's clips over the weekend and was kinda disappointed that they made Tracy the one-note bigot scapegoat, when it would have been so easy to turn it into something different, even if they had a 1 second shot of Tracy leaving the Q living room after being chased out by Bobbie and smiling and nodding like she had done her job. Oh well, this is no-layers GH. That's too much to expect.

I really hope Jane (and the rest of the Q portrayers) get SOMETHING to work with in this farce of a sweeps storyline, because the spoilers depress the hell out of me.

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welcome to smirks,and congrats on the NQ stuff.

Your Q video is awesome,I LURVE it !

Ya know....I always love JE/Tracy.

But I was just thinking yesterday how back in the day, say 89-93,and even on The City, how I would rush home to watch my tapes.

And I wondered what changed,how there are tapes from months ago that I haven't even watched.

I realized part of it is the internet,watching clips is just as good.

Also,reading recaps and transcripts,sadly,I pretty much get the gist of it,and sometimes don't even feel the need to watch the awesome Ms.Elliot,if her particular scenes for that day have been picked over and scrutinized by message boards.


I mean,I haven't even watched the last two weeks.

Now,granted,I haven't really had the chance....but then I haven't really wanted to,either.

I guess it's like what smirkssaid, this is no layers GH.

We have to GUESS about whether or not characters have a life because if it isn't seen,it isn't talked about.


Looking forward to today's eppy although it will be this weekend before I could possibly watch.

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*imagines a very short battle between Tracy's immune system and mutant monkey virus.* Can't you imagine little Tracy germ warfare cells demanding the little interloping chimp germs to get out of her body before she calls the cops and has them thrown out or she kills them with martinis?

...my imagination...a little too active.

And...thanks everyone for the welcomes and the congrats for my HOF honors at NQ. I knew that video would make it...who can resist the Q's?

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LOL smirks and you are right.

I don't think the strain of virus that is making everyone else sick would do much to Tracy. It'd have to be ten times more lethal than everyone else's,to take her down. :)

And I say that in love.

BUT she's contaminated now,which means even though she might not get sick...she CAN pass it on to others.

Has anyone heard a confirmation about Edward? Yes or no?



Me neither.

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I was reading this post and the song they played at Lila's funeral during the montage came on my iTunes. God, I hope that's not an omen. Is it weird to pray for fictional characters not to die? *sigh*

You know, I'm not to comfortable with Luke or Tracy being the one's to pass off anything fatal on to Edward.

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MarlandRulez, I refer to it as Recycled Wardrobe, LOL. coolkid and I have noticed it for a long time.

ILoveTracyQ and smirks, I never thought of that in regards to Edward. But I bet he's not even involved. All this speculating for nothing. :lol:

About today's show:

Is Monica home? Tracy intended on calling the hospital, but couldn't she (or Alice for that matter) have just called Monica?

JE looked great! And I LOVE it when Tracy is allowed to be concerned! Think she'll be at the hospital tomorrow? *crosses fingers*

Can't you just ever go to the beach?

Too simple, I guess?

How did this become my life?

Aww, poor Tracy. I loved her reaction after the chimp copied her smile, though!

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Smirks Im a wee bit late in welcoming you but hears a late welcome, Your video was great Congrats on the HOF

As for Jane I agree she know better then to mess with Phelps, Phelps is know for making big changes. She's cut some of the biggest Stars in Daytime, one of whom was Robin Strasser (Dorian Lord -OLTL) Phelps one by one Changed Dorian into a money hungry women who comitted crimes, Didnt care about her kids and was very manipulative witch.... Does it sound familiar ;):(

EEEEEEEKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW JACKET ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I liked the one she had on today It was a nice color for Jane especially with her new hair color. I love that Tracy was trying to nurse him :)

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I think maybe Tracy based on recaps,will think Lulu is faking and it's another con.

So,Tracy will look bad when it comes out that Lulu/Luke really are sick.

But maybe not,however based on past history with these writers I could see that,just one more way Tracy will be evil and one more reason for Dillon to diss his mom.

I think Tracy has plenty of reason to believe they are conning,though.....look who we're talking about. LOL

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