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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Happy Holidays, everyone!!

Wanted to stop in and catch up for a bit after seeing that awesome wedding this past week. How much do I love, love, LOVE that we managed to have a full on Luke/Tracy wedding with no mention of Laura in sight? I can't believe that didn't get milked, but I'm so grateful.

(And don't get me wrong. I actually LIKE Laura. I just don't like she and Luke together as I feel Tracy and Luke are infinitely better matched.)

One complaint about the Wednesday ep, though. Would it have killed them to have shown a photo of Alan on the mantel? I mean, I know that TIIC have this apparently loathing of Stuart Damon, but COME ON. Not having Monica there for Tracy's wedding and showing the disrespect they do for that couple is just nonsense. A throw-off mention of Ned and Dillon wouldn't have hurt, either. Aside from that, no complaints. It was exactly what I expected for a LuNacy wedding and the affection, love and enjoyment was evident. The scene where Edward talks to Lila was just icing on the cake.

Anyway, now that I have a working laptop again, I'm hoping to become a more permanent fixture around here again.

My little man is getting so big. He's showing some developmental delays even for his adjusted age, so he regularly has speech and occupational therapy. Outside of that, he's doing well. He's been off the oxygen since this summer and is so mobile now I can barely keep up. He walks short distances but still prefers to crawl all over the place.

Not bad for a kid who only baked halfway, huh? :P And just to bore everyone senseless, here's a vid of him yesterday playing on one of his (MANY) new toys.


Hope everyone had a great holiday celebration, whatever the type.

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star, he's so beautiful. Glad he's doing well overall. And what a cute video!

hooked, I know you're away, but after you return, would you be able to send more clips my way? This is huge, but I don't have the second part of 2009 or any of 2010. Everything else is on my old computer, but at least I have it, and if I am patient enough, I one day might transfer it. LOL. I actually have 2005-2008 on CDs, but that too requires patience. But, anyway, it's 2009 part 2 through 2010 I'm interested in since I don't have those clips at all (err, I might a couple I got from YouTube). I'm not sure if you or maybe nex has an edited zip file you can upload?? But if possible, it would be really great.

TracyQ, loved, loved, loved the video! When is the first "falling apart" clip from? I don't remember her breaking down in that scene.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey Ms Q

I'll be home tomorrow afternoon. I remember the file for the second part of 2009 was too big, but how bout I send you a dvd. I'll email you.

I am not all caught up on 2010 clipping tho...gotta do that soon!

lainey are you back to work tomorrow or are you able to tweet during GH? I'm gonna be on the road driving home...if you're tweeting, I will get my recaps! LOL

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It was after Luke had smoked the cigar and the doctors were trying to revive him. It is really short.

I have everything from this year do you want me to post it.

It was after Luke had smoked the cigar and the doctors were trying to revive him. It is really short.

I have everything from this year do you want me to post it.

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I will let TracyQ do a detailed recap, but if you haven't seen, Tracy and Luke briefly discuss going through with the wedding and are about to toast when Alice butts in and toasts with them. When it's time to toss the bouquet, Tracy can't believe she's really doing this. As we've known, Brenda catches it. Sonny uses this moment as an opportunity to announce his engagement. Tracy's mouth opens - she is not amused. Tracy tells Luke it's rude of them to do that, but Luke tells her rude or not, sometimes you just have to smile and wave. Tracy and Luke smile and wave at Brenda and Sonny. It's funny.

Later, Tracy and Luke are conversing with Sonny and Brenda, and Tracy holds up the cake slicer and says their manners haven't improved. Luke quickly ushers her away. As the night goes on, guests start to leave. Alexis tells Luke to be gentle tonight, and Luke is like, "Tell her [Tracy] that." LOL! Also, Brook Lynn welcomes Luke to the family and tells Luke it's nice to see Tracy happy. Meanwhile, Tracy warns Nikolas to break it off with Brook Lynn. She doesn't want Brook getting caught up in the Cassadine madness and ending up dead like Emily. If Nikolas doesn't break it off, Tracy will for him.

After all the guests are gone, Tracy and Luke share a dance. Tracy removes the pre-nup from Luke's jacket, looks at it and almost cries. She walks over the fire place to burn it. It looks to me that Luke did sign it correctly, and that's all Tracy needed to know. Tracy starts to sob, walks back over to Luke, and they hold each other and kiss. And then, some genius thought it was a good idea to cut to Dante and Brenda using LuNacy's music... BUT, that's another story.

Overall, it wasn't so much about LuNacy today, but what we did get was nice. JE rocked that last scene. :wub:

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Yeah I hated that the mob took over LuNacy's reception. Damn, Spin, Jason, Brenda, and SOnny can't let others enjoy themselves without them involved. But whatever... :mad:

Ms. Q. I did too think Luke signed the pre-nup correctly. Otherwise she wouldn't have burned it. Loved that last scene of them dancing together. They didn't even have to talk (which they didn't) and it was romantic.

And yeah, wtf were they thinking to play LuNacy music during dante lusting after/dreaming about Brenda. Ugh.

But that last lunacy scene was :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Sorry guys.. I think he signed it Willey E Coyote. Even Alexis referred to him as Mr Coyote, implying she had seen the signature that way.

I think the burning was symbolic of her trust and love. She rocked the emotion toward the end of that scene. JE does "tracy stripped emotionally naked" so damn F***ing well.

The gentle line from Alexis was hilarious. Ad lib?? I bet.

I loved the Maxis tease. Is anyone ever going to give us Maxis for real or are they just trotted out for the holidays?

I like the idea of Ethan getting tied up with ELQ. Good idea. I hope it happens. Would like Michael to get pulled in, too.

I wish I could have liked today's epi more. I really hate Sonny and Brenda. I hate the Brante stuff even MORE. I don't like that it overtook the LuNacy wedding.

And who the F**K decided to use LuNacy music over the Brante flashback?!?!?! -- WORST IDEA EVER!

uh... Remos... forget about your smut... er promise? You know that little emotional outburst in the den carries over into the bedroom... How could it not?!? ;)

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Lainey my Luv, I haven't forgotten a thing. I needed to see the whole wedding to know where to start. Unfortunately the reality is that I head a Christian household with 4 children and this tends to be a rather busy season for me. BUT now we're on the last legs of Advent/Christmas/Epiphany so I can think about other things…. like LuNacy Lust.

Haven't seen today yet however I'm not surprised that LuNacy couldn't have three full days for themselves. BUT I am glad to hear that it was noted out loud that S&B are rude attention seekers. They had no business doing that on Tracy's day.

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