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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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coolkid,Ms.Q...have I told you lately that I love you?

Oh,and coolkid you forgot "Luke is deadtome".

What about Skye? Not deadtoyou? Lulu?

Cause actually even though I have my issues with the girl,Georgie is the ONLY one out of the bunch acting human before it all happened.

Dillon I felt for a little,but Alice can die a slow death and I'd just shrug,at this point.

coolkid if you think this past week they wrote Tracy like a villain,wait till next week.

Oh ya'll even if I'm not watching GH,I'll post here...if for no other reason than to bump this thread.


BTW "Beautiful Disaster" on FanFic.Net is updated.

It's sad...that it is fan fic written by a teen...and it's much better than the real GH.

She certainly does a much better job of writing Tracy/Luke the way they should be.

Hmm...this is my spec about the crash. Tracy really did wreck. When she hit the water she realized she really might die. She decided,heck if I'm gonna die, Luke is going down. So she strapped the canister in the seat and broke the window to get out,instead of opening the door,which would have filled the car with water,possibly drowning her AND wiping away the canister.

OR she couldn't get the door opened and HAD to break the window.

The guardrail was smashed,that tells me she had to be going at a fairly high rate of speed when she hit it,so she couldn't have just hit the guardrail,gotten out and then pushed her car over the edge.

Could she?

And Tracy loves herself,LOL...way too much to purposely hit the guardrail taking the chance she might not get out in time to prevent drowning...in essence,comitting suicide all to frame Luke.

So yeah I'd say that she really did wreck,but used the situation to her advantage.

I doubt Dillon tells Tracy anything except: "You're dead to me." LOL Sound familiar,


About Coleman.....interesting. Yes. I'd love it. Especially if the first thing he does is grabs Tracy and kisses her. :)



I'm looking forward to MAYBE the first two days of next week.

After that,I think I'll rely on ya'll to tell me,watch or not.

Then I'll check out the clips,and if they don't irritate me too bad,I'll tape Tracy's stuff for posterity.

But as far as watching GH on any kind of regular basis,I'm SO done.

ETA 13 pages ! :)

ETA who wants to bet...and I'm not spoiling this since it's been announced in the mags...that when BL leaves,it'll be because her family is whacked,touched off because Granny faked her death?

And the whole family will blame her for that.

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Aww, I love ya guys too! This thread is so much fun, and I love coming here all the time...even when TIIC insist that Tracy's "evil" because you guys know that she's not and that she shouldn't be written in that manner. I just don't understand how people can ONLY blame Tracy for the latest shenanigans. Why is she the ONLY one who "needs" to be told off? And I realize it's just a soap, but the whole "Tracy is heartless, so she deserves this" idea pisses me off, as does the fact that in the end, she will be the one considered wrong/irrational/and of course evil. I just don't get it. :( I guess there's no point in going on and on about it though, so I'll stop.

coolkid, this is for you! Remember the "burial" of the jacket at the first SON? I guess Wardrobe didn't get the memo, so I've decided to cremate it. LOL. About the villainess thing...ILoveTracyQ is right. I don't even want to watch what is coming up.

ILoveTracyQ, the canister had been strapped in ahead of time, I thought, but other than that, there is nothing to suggest the accident was intentional. Tracy isn't stupid, so I agree that she used the situation to her advantage. Also...I'm assuming she didn't push the car in because in the media pics, her hair is wet, and she's in her robe, so she definitely spent some time in that lake. Oh, and I'm also enjoying "Beautiful Disaster." I hope the author continues. And I can't hear you about Brook Lynn. ;)

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We all know that this is the best thread Cause no matter what we always got that Tracy love, you guys are great :) .


Skye she isn't dead to me but shes in a coma though ;) I guess because I used to be a big Skye fan back when she was on AMC so she gets my sympathy card because she would be so dense when it comes to Luke if It wasn't for GaP.

Lulu - I like her cause she has spunk and has some potential with Tracy and Skye.

Georgie - I have to admit it was hard putting her on that list but If I were her I would have walked away from Dillon, I have relatives who have done far worse schemes and blackmailing plots then Tracy has done to Dillon but I have never jumped the bandwagon on something like that I think that Georgie should have dumped him right there on the spot.

Ms. Q

I love the banner I think that cremating it is a good idea because it keeps coming back from the dead ;). I was so excited when it seemed that the wardrobe dept. had gotten Jane some new stuff, I had thought that maybe they would retire that jacket but no they couldn't :angry: LOL I guess they figured that we wouldn't notice.... I guess they were wrong.










Hey does anyone know what happened to the rumor that Tracy and Lulu was gonna be friends?

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LOL at the banner Ms.Q.

Well done.

coolkid Skye's been in a coma for me for months now. She was on life support,and I pulled the plug. :lol:

Seriously when she made that smirky face on NYE when she and Luke left the Q's party to go to the MetroCourt,I wanted to slap her. The fact that she told Alice to get rid of any evidence that might convict Luke,pushed me over the edge.

*rant over*

Lulu....I wish we'd see something different from the usual stepmother/stepdaughter rivalry.

I'm still hoping we will.

So coolkid about the Lulu/Tracy rumor,I don't know. I'd like to see it happen.

Ms.Q I feel that way about Tracy too. I understand how viewers and maybe even the writers might believe Tracy "deserves" this or that,but I can't condone the "free pass" given to the people doing the deeds.

Tracy doesn't get a free pass( okay legally she might,but not in terms of relationships).

So why should they? I don't like that,and I think that's most of what makes me hate this stupid show.

Characters like Tracy and Durant for example are eevvillll...and those opposing them are not,even if those opposing them do the same,or worse.




About the MediaNet Pics...I'm not sure those are from when we first see Tracy.

I think those might be even next Friday. We're supposed to have Tracy reveal herself Tuesday to Dillon.

So the pic with Lulu may be the next day or that night.



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It might just be me, but I bet TPTB like the fact that the wardrobe department dressed JE like an evil witch, looking all disheveled. That's what they were going for, right? *sigh*

In the event that I'm not on tomorrow...Happy Birthday to Ms. Elliot! Hope it's a wonderful one! Any chance she'll get a decent SL for a gift? ;)

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Okay yes techically I'm a day early.

So,sue me.


I watched the Q clips on NQ....saw JE's two minutes of airtime. I may really get to like this way of viewing.

Now I know not to waste my tape to tape today's show.

It's kinda cool. :)

I think everyone involved is wrong. Luke and Co. were wrong for drumming up the plot.

Tracy is wrong for faking her death.

The difference is,people in town will chastise Tracy for being cruel for what she did...while the others won't be.

At least,that's how it's always been in the past.

So,that's why I don't jump on the "Tracy is evil" bandwagon like everyone else does.

That,plus I love her.

But seriously...we'll have Dillon saying Tracy is deadtohim,Skye and Lulu plotting,and everyone saying what a horrible person Tracy is.

But nothing,nothing of any substance,anyway...will be said to or about Luke,Skye,Lulu,Georgie(although Mac might say something to her),Dillon or Alice.

Alice should be justifiably fired for her part in it.

And Alan should berate Skye.

If we see any of those things happening,I'll be surprised.

But you can bet your boots we'll see people going on about how horrible Tracy is,when in truth all she's doing is giving them a taste of their own medicine.

I'll be surprised also if they allow Tracy to have a voice and tell off Dillon.

I hope you are on tomorrow Ms.Q so you can give details about Tracy revealing herself to Dillon,and again whether or not I should watch. It seems Lulu hears Alan/Tracy and Dillon probably confronts her before she gets a chance to reveal herself.

*sigh* Here I was hoping she'd let him sweat a little more.



Do we even know that Edward is going to die? JA's exit hasn't been announced in the mags yet,but they may be keeping it secret. They've already announced Brad Maule's though,so I wonder.




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ILoveTracyQ, ICAM with your perspective on the latest SL. About today's scenes...You should watch just 'cause Tracy is ON. LOL. I hated that TIIC had Alan putting her down, but I'm glad he sided with his sister in the end. Plus, she was allowed to have a voice in all of this. She kept reminding Dillon about what he did to her, except she doesn't realize it was his idea in the first place. And Brook Lynn mentioned her "Granny!" Aww...But then I'm not too sure what to think about the "this is why we need therapy" remark. And I wanted to enjoy Tracy/Lulu, but it's so obvious that Lulu tried to scam her.

Question about this scene...

Tracy: I went off the road, could've been killed, and thought, "Wow, this is a perfect opportunity to punish Luke for frightening me." I ran with it.

Dillon: And punished me instead.

Georgie: But how did you disappear so fast?

Skye: Because she had a little help, somebody who picked Tracy up and brought her home, which proves it was no accident. Right, Alan? You were in on it with her all along.

Is Skye referring to the car accident? Just because Alan knew about the rat poison/martini shaker plan doesn't mean the car crash was intentional, right? Tracy could've called him after it happened.












About Edward...I'm not too sure, but the Q's gotta have *something* to do during Feb. Sweeps.

Newest SD Rumor...TK is leaving even though TK is denying the fact at the moment. His exit SL is going to be a repeat of the Luis SL, except this time TRACY will be the murderer, and it won't be self-defense. :o

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I watched the Dillon/Tracy/Skye/Lulu/Alan clips and the Tracy/Skye clips.

That's it. LOL

Sadly I didn't think the two seconds of airtime would be worth watching the BL clips,and figured the dissing of WK would just make me mad...so I skipped them.

Well,that's not the only reason I skipped her scenes but it's the most important ones.

About ALan: I'm glad too that he stood by Tracy,but it's because he wants Luke out,and I hope he doesn't double cross Tracy in the end,because we all know she doesn't want "Lukey" to go to jail.

I liked how Tracy was speechless when Skye accused her of being in love with Luke.



About the Skye speech about the accident: I thought that was odd,too: just because Alan came to pick Tracy up,it wasn't a real wreck?


About Feb sweeps,no Ms. Q the Q's DON'T have to have something to do.

You optimist,you !


THe rumor you posted,I heard something similiar,only I heard it was Carly involved,and Jesse who shoots.

SD...I don't know whether to believe them or not.

They spoilered Tracy would try to kill Luke,and it was actually Luke making Tracy think he wanted to kill her.

They have spoilered other things coming true but in different ways than they actually played out,so who knows?

TK resigned,of course he's been almost non-existent since he did so and he can't be happy.

So he MAY be on his way out,if they released him from his contract.

Spoiler/Rumor Discussion Over

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First and foremost...Jane Elliot SoapDish Rumor...Take a deep breath...(paraphrased) JE has been released from her contract, and it was not her choice. She will remain on the show in a recurring capacity. <_<:(:angry::blink::o

So, um, what were we discussing? *tries to pretend the JE rumor does not exist* I hear ya, ILoveTracyQ, about WK/Ned. TIIC couldn't even give us a goodbye scene? There is something seriously wrong with this show. About the Q's/Sweeps...that's true. I'm just being hopeful. ;) As for the TK/Lorenzo Rumor...I read that too. Hmm...Who knows anything anymore? *sigh*

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Well if so maybe it really won't affect her airtime.

She's only on about one third of the eppys now anway.

So is TG.

If true it might not make a difference in how often we see her.

I guess it will boil down to how much money they save,paying her per day,as opposed to salary/contract.

I hope it isn't true.

But I guess if it is we'll hear something soon.

Keep the faith Ms.Q !

And I still say it is LULU who sees Lo/Skye on their date,and gets mad,not Tracy,as SD says.

We'll see.

Well she should be on this Friday.


Take heart TracyFans...it'll be okay. :)


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SZ and SOC is reporting that SD(LOL....see how the rumor mill grinds) is saying that Helena is responsible for the "flu" during Feb sweeps,and Luke/Robert/Tracy set Helena up,it backfires,and Tracy is almost killed,which causes Luke to admit his feelings. It also says Edward dies.

I'd love this to be true,although I don't want Ed to die but honestly they should have killed him off two years ago.

I don't trust web site spoilers,though.

Although SON is pretty accurate.

I wish the new Tracy spoilers weren't happening but ah well......


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Still no word on JE's contract status...Considering the source, it might not be true. (I can hope, right? LOL.)












From this site:

Tracy is disgustingly vile towards Lucas and Bobbie...Dillon, Georgie, and Lucky are there to support Lucas when Tracy voices her thoughts on his sexual orientation.

Ooh, it's TIIC's favorite game. I'm not playing. <_<

Lorenzo and Skye head off to Manhattan together, while an angry Tracy watches on.

The same Tracy who urged Skye to be with Lorenzo not too long ago? Why is she angry? Because Luke will end up fighting for Skye instead of paying attention to her?

From SOW:

Dillon is appalled by Tracy's prejudice toward Lucas.

Why is Dillon appalled? Does he not realize that his mother is EVIL? C'mon, Dillon. Get with the program! ;)

Lulu gets Tracy to drop the attempted murder charge against Luke.

See below.

From the ABC HotSheet:

Lulu convinces Tracy to drop the charges against Luke in exchange for info about his whereabouts.

So it's mutual? Or is Lulu not telling the truth? And wouldn't Tracy realize if Lulu was indeed lying?

From SoapDish:

Since ILoveTracyQ just summarized the rumor, I'm not going to copy/paste it. I want Luke/Tracy to move forward, but I can't see it happening with the current IIC. :(

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Not just vile...DISGUSTINGLY vile.

Have I mentioned how much I despise GaP today? :rolleyes:

*waves to the Tracy LOVERS. :)

And likers too.

All others,please be respectful if you post here.


Please,and THANK YOU.

And yes...I'm in a fightin' mood today.

Still lovin' Tracy though,as always. <VBG>

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*waves to ILoveTracyQ*

Our girl was ON today! You were right. :)

I thought Tracy looked great! ("recycled wardrobe" and all) See Wardrobe, you don't have to put her in long, heavy jackets all the time.

So I see that Tracy is evil once again; this time for throwing an "innocent, hurt, and confused little girl" out on the streets. Whatever, GH.

That's not very gracious, considering the two of you are both interlopers under my roof: THANK YOU, TRACY! Skye should NOT be plotting against the sister of the brother who is allowing her to live there.

It's driving you crazy that Luke took off. You thought this constant game of one-upmanship would be enough to keep him around, keep him interested. Lord knows you can't do it any other way: Did anyone else notice the look that Skye gave Tracy as she said the last line? Kind of like, "I'm sexy, and you're not?" I might be interpreting this all wrong, but that small scene bothered me.











From SoapDish

Wed 1/25 - Tracy gets upset because Skye takes off to Manhattan with Lorenzo.

Same spoiler as another, but this one provides an exact date.

Luke chooses Tracy; Skye moves out of the Q's; Helena goes after Skye; the Quartermaines combust.

All are from the same poster. I like the Luke/Tracy one, but I wonder if it will last long. If Skye's in danger, then Luke will be there for her, right? Hmm...Quartermaines combust? Is that good or bad under TIIC? Rhetorical question, I know. ;)

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