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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks Hooked. I really like the look of "Luke, Tracy and Co." Team LuNacy is always where it's at!

RECAPS, Friday May 22nd


Vets: Alexis, Holly, Mike, Tracy, Luke, Edward

Kisses: one ILY from Luke

Appearance: same as yesterday

Other Stories: Nic/Rebecca trying to spend sex-less time together; Carly having a hard to understanding why Michael hates her while Jason tries to help her understand; Michael/Lulu continue bonding; Sonny slamming around (it's about Olivia/Johnny together, hee hee); Jason admits he pushed his parents away; Mike tattles to Sonny about Edward wanting Michael back; as Spixie listen Claudia threatens Olivia then she goes after Johnny; Sonny tells Olivia she can't do Johnny again but Liv tells him to piss off; Maxie is not happy that Johnny is getting action elsewhere but Spinelli is thrilled

Line of the Day: Lulu calling the Quartermaines "Q's" :D and says they are all good alone, it's together that they are a bit much

HIGHLIGHTS: Ethan basically tells Luke to get his sh!t together and not to ruin his marriage for Holly, while Lucky is the one who finally gets through to Holly about the hurt/problem she's causing.

Sc. 1 - no LuNacy

Sc. 2 - no LuNacy; Holly offers Lucky a Scotch and Lucky accuses her of trying to get him drunk. They fight about Luke and if Ethan is his son. Holly nails Lucky on being judgemental and Lucky says don't put it on him. Lucky want Ethan to be a lie and a stranger, and he doesn't want Ethan anywhere around his kids - no matter who Ethan's father turns out to be. AND he wonders what he's supposed to say to his own mother about Luke having a kid with someone else. Holly is still not forthcoming.

Sc. 3 - Holly telling Lucky he should try to understand his father more. Then Lucky levels her by asking if she even cares what she's doing to his family. Holly does actually look like that effected her. Meanwhile Tracy says she has a low tolerance for wafflers, especially the one she's married to. It's complicated, Luke says. No waffling, Tracy says again. "Do I love you, Yes! Do I know what comes next, No." So are we all supposed to dance around to Holly's tune, Tracy asks. It's complicated Luke says again. Ethan asks this is now the time he should disappear and find something else to do, but Tracy says no their futures are inextricably linked and what happens effects them all. Then Tracy turns to Luke and asks what is he going to do, "run away with Holly and create some lovely little family? And what happens when she decides to go for a mark with deeper pockets? Don't think you can come back because I won't be waiting and I'm not that desperate." Ethan tells Luke "You know now might be the one and only time you should compromise, Mate". Luke looks from Ethan to Tracy without answering while Tracy waits.

Sc. 4 - Luke tells Ethan now would be a good time to go in the back room, Ethan says fine and starts to leave... then comes back and yells at Luke saying "Holly has kept this secret for over 20 years without saying anything, so is it really worth it to throw away your life with a woman who puts up with you at considerable personal cost for a woman who you couldn't trust to say the sky is blue?" Tracy is impressed, saying Ethan is wise beyond his years. Yes, Luke says, smart, obviously not my offspring. Ethan doesn't know how to take that while Tracy continues waiting. Meanwhile Edward comes to visit Michael and asks him if he's thought about moving into the mansion.

Sc. 5 - no LuNacy; Lulu watches Michael play Edward as he tells Edward he wishes Lulu was still at the mansion, so Edward puts his arm around Lulu and says she'll be happy to move back in. Lulu looks like she's caught in the middle and she's not liking it.

Sc. 6 - no Tracy; Edward tells Michael he can't wait until his great-grandson - his heir - is living with them at the house, and when Lulu moves back in with her father and Tracy everything will be fine. Lulu says she doesn't know that that will happen, but she thought he didn't like her dad. Edward says all that stuff with Holly will blow over soon, but the most important things is that Tracy is happy. Imagine, Edward goes on, all of them together sitting around the table talking about issues. Lulu says sure, so long as they lock up all the guns and everyone laughs. Michael agrees they don't want anyone shot in the head. Meanwhile back at the HS Tracy is gone? :huh: and Ethan asks Luke what the scam is now. Luke says he doesn't know and when did he become such a suck up to Tracy? Ethan blasts Luke for being willing to risk it all for a woman he had a one night stand with? It was more than that, Luke yells back and that could be Ethan's mother so watch your mouth. Holly comes in and Luke asks what she's doing to up the ante now, but Holly says the game is over - it's not fun anymore. Luke and Ethan wonder what she's up to.

Sc. 7 -no Tracy; Luke says the truth? Without a payoff, that isn't like you. Holly says she was so focused on what she wanted that she didn't realize she was hurting people and that wasn't her intention. She is Ethan's mother but Luke isn't his father - so he'll have to be satisfied with the children he has. Robert Scorpio is his father and Luke looks disappointed. Meanwhile Edward/Carly/Sonny fight over where Michael wants to live and Michael says he wants to live with his father.

Edited by remos
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Yep--once again Luke proves to Tracy that she will NEVER EVER EVER come first.

Luke is not going to run off with Holly and choose her over Tracy. I am pretty sure of that and the mags seems to agree. I think he is getting tracy back a bit by stringing her along and keeping the holly angle dangling and saying he doesn't know what he is going to do to sort of "get revenge" for what she did wiht the DNA test and lying when he flat out asked her.

However, my theory now is that he is going to say he wants a divorce in front of Holly to go be with her, but it is a ploy of some sorts. I think he is going to some how end up conning Holly if she leaves town without Tracy's money or getting Luke away from Tracy. Maybe he will plan to run off with her when she changes her story and then ditch her or maybe we will find out that Tracy is in on it with Luke? Not sure.

Only one more week left of this. I'm hoping she is on more than one day next week. Trying to find out. Not sure what day the PCPD scenes. That is not mentioned in the spoilers.

Do we know if Holly took Tracy's 2 million dollar check or not? I have't watched at all this week. I would think if she did she would have skipped town already.

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Hey, everybody.

Just a quick update. My son had emergency surgery to put drains in to help out a bowel perforation last Sunday night and he's been recovering nicely. Luckily, they were able to do a less-invasive procedure than they thought they would have to do at first. He also has a pda that causes his breathing some stress even on the vent, but it can't be addressed until his bowel perforation has healed.

I have pictures up on the CaringBridge blog I'm keeping about his recovery in the NICU, if you're interested:


Please keep sending good thoughts about my lil' guy - he's quite the fighter for someone so teeny tiny.

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Oh wow....slow weekend huh?

Anyway, I have a project for all of us...yay!

I'm doing the Daytime Emmy reels master list of the LA times's Daytime section, so if any of you hear or see any scoop on what people have submitted, psot here and let me know!

Any word on what TG or JMB submitted?

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It is memorial day weekend and last year this time there was that insider hanging around on dish spilling all weekend. Not sure but here is the info dropped today with regards to luke/tracy/ethan, etc..

Damn I was like on a mission to get info and then had to go through like 130 pages to make sure I got everything that pertained to luke/tracy/ethan/lulu stuff. GOS of couse...


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Wow Hooked, you deserve a medal for putting up with SD to bring us all of that. I wondered when Tracy mentioned the heart attach Thursday why she said it - it seemed so random. And also nice to hear that Luke isn't leaving town. About time they did the pre-taping thing.

You know, JE has a month off too. Perhaps that means something and they will be 'off screen' together. I'm actually glad to have confirmation that TG has been gone a month already, that means he's getting his time and we're getting ours - that seems the fair and proper thing to do.

I honestly don't think we will ever see ewcbo unless Lulu has a huge wedding, otherwise GF is good and gone, and I don't think LuNacy will ever divorce. Interesting though that Ethan has a vested interest in keeping them together. I think that's the most intriguing part for me.

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