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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks so much Nex. I know you are so not into the Lunacy these days and Ethan has ruined them for ya--I hear ya! So I especially appreciate the clips because I know how hard it is to motivate when you are just not that into it anymore.

But hey--at least you know in a couple weeks, your job will be pretty much on hold all summer! ;)

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Your welcome!

Just so everybody else knows, Hella Good still hasen't posted anything new since 5/5/09. I don't know whats going on, but I will probably have to go to Something-More.net to download the clips but everyone be aware that the quality isn't as good as HG.

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Its been ages since i have been here but for the past week i have been captivated by Jane's presence on screen. I love the new.... well old.. hair.

Ahhhh What can i say about that old decrepit Teal Jacket that she has owned since she returned in 03, GH i know that we are in a recession but come on...

I am so confused about what is going on with GH.... take a little 8 month hiatus and suddenly it seems like a all new show.... has anyone hurd anything about what Dee Hall is up to since leaving DAYS?

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RECAPS, Tuesday May 12th - SORASed Morgan on today


Vets: Tracy, Luke

Kisses: none - but we did get an ILY from Tracy

Appearance: Teal jacket, black pants again

Other Stories: Surgery on Michael; crew in the waiting room still going at each other; Sam supporting Jason on Hospital roof; Spixie still on the case; Kate on phone saying she's not going to steal from Crimson anymore

Line of the Day: Spin talking and Kate turns to Maxie "Okay, this is your opportunity to translate."

Sc. 1 - Luthan wonders why Tracy is suspicious. Meanwhile Luke wants to know why Tracy doesn't like Ethan.

Sc. 2 - Tracy says you know what his problem is, Luke says no. Tracy says the disconnect between Lucky/Luke is creating this hole that he wants filled. Luke tells "Mama" she's a terrible shrink, and the real issue is that she's jealous about any connection Luke has with Holly. Tracy rolls her eyes and says not to put it on her, "I love you, Luke, and I'm trying to protect you". I know that, Luke acknowledges gently, but the thing is he likes Ethan and the kid has a job there as long as he wants one. Tracy gets up and leaves telling him to do what he wants but watch his money. Meanwhile, serious Tracy propping by Luthan on the docks as Lulu tells Ethan how much Tracy has always supported her and that Ethan and Tracy have a lot in common - they come off tough and hard, but scratch the surface and they are really decent. Ethan knows he's getting the brush off and Lulu says she doesn't have any more romantic feelings for him than he has for her. As he goes Lulu tells him to watch his back with Tracy and Luke, don't do anything either asks.

Sc. 3 - Johnny arrives on the docks to meet TRACY!!! He asks her what she wants (while Luke, who's obviously followed Tracy, eavesdrops). Tracy says Lulu's rebounding and going to Ethan and she wants Johnny to stop it. Johnny says lets get this straight - after a year of blasting him, Tracy now wants him with Lulu? What isn't he getting here? Tracy stares him down and says she made herself clear.

Sc. 4 - Johnny points out that Tracy had issues with Johnny. That was about his father, not him. Johnny says that's bull and Tracy says look, if he truly loved Lulu he'd get her away from Ethan. Johnny replies no matter how bad Ethan is, he's worse. Then walks away leaving Tracy stewing. Meanwhile Luke returns to the Star and sees Ethan on the barstool. Ethan says Luke hasn't asked how his delightful date with his daughter went, since he was his 'devious desire' in the first place. Luke asks if his daughter told Ethan about said 'devious desire'. Ethan said she did - and it's very perverse. In fact in turns out that Ethan is quite disgusted by how Luke is using Lulu in this capacity, knowing there's a possibility that they are siblings. Luke says the scam is on Tracy not Ethan or Lulu, and besides the DNA test said otherwise. Yes, Ethan acknowledged, but Luke doesn't believe it and thinks Tracy switched the results so he's setting up the situation where Tracy will be so disgusted that she will squeel. How's it going, Ethan asks. Luke says she hasn't squeeled yet, and what's so wrong with being his son anyway?

Sc. 5 - Tracy follows Lulu to Crimson and tells her Ethan is a disaster. Lulu smiles while Tracy says Lulu can do so much better - find a guy that has a college degree rather than one who's headed for jail. Lulu points out that Tracy liked him at first. He was a novelty, Tracy counters. Lulu says she's never seen Tracy so wound up. Tracy looks around to see that Spixie can't overheard them, and says she has her reasons and she's not telling Lulu, but this is disaster if she stays close to Ethan. Lulu continues her smile saying that's a shame because she and Ethan are getting very close. Meanwhile at the Star Ethan says it's time to set up for opening and he can't understand why Luke is still convinced. Luke says Tracy's on the board, her SIL is COS, and her family has given millions to the hospital. She has the means, the motive and the opportunity. But why would she do it, Ethan asks? Luke condinues his jag about Tracy not wanting anything connection Luke to Holly and Ethan cuts him off at the knees. Yelling at Luke, Ethan says just listen to yourself! You're jumping through all sorts of hoops. The test said no relation, so leave it be. Luke is stunned by Ethan's outburst.

Sc. 6 - no Tracy; Luke asks why he doesn't want Luke as a father, and Ethan counters why does he want to be so badly? Luke says he doesn't want to be Ethan's father, he doesn't want to be anyone's father, but he wants to know his 'genetic variation'. Ethan says he's not interested in being one of Luke's 'genetic variations'. Luke says sorry he wasn't there when Ethan was growing up, but he's there now. Ethan is still not happy but plays along and says if Tracy did switch the results how will they get her to confess or find out the truth, sneak back in and take another test? Luke shrugs to suggest that's one idea, but Ethan says he's not doing that again. Luke says there is one other way, and he should have done it earlier.

Sc. 7 - Luke pulls out the phone and says he should go to the source. Ethan says Holly has kept this secret this long so what makes Luke think Holly will tell him the truth now. It would be faster to get the truth out of Tracy than Holly. Luke tells him for someone who's so disinterested he's putting up a whole lot of blocks. Besides, Holly will tell him. "Good luck with that" Ethan says as Luke dials (btw, why does he have Holly number memorized) Tracy walks in as Luke says he wants to hear those dulcet English tones, and orders him to drop that phone. Luke tells her to leave it alone, he's talking to Holly. Luke points to Tracy and tells her to stay out of it, then point to Ethan and says "you too" (NP gaff, he can't help laughing and JE's struggling right behind him - watch how tight her cheeks are). Luke gets Holly and tries to talk but there is something happening on the line. Finally it goes dead and Tracy laughs. Of course there's a problem, she points out, this is Holly's plan stage 2 - she's now a Damsel in Distress and Luke's vulnerable.

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Sounds like a good Tracy day. Thanks Remos. Glad she said ILY. She never says that.

I must say that NLG is the [!@#$%^&*]!! Sorry Jane, love ya but NLG rocks. Read this interview and notice all her subtle digs at TPTB, JFP, SB....it is hilarious! Love this woman! Love her!!!


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