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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks remos!! So today is still the same GH day a week later!?!?! I think I am all mixed up, can anybody tell me when Tracy first appeared with the silver skirt?? I had downloaded and edited last Thursday's (the 30th) episode but thought I missed a day somewhere. I will add today's show to last weeks, since they are all the same day.

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Okay this is from Soaps.com

Wednesday May 6:

Patrick and Dr. Hansen disagree about the timing of Michael's surgery.

Jax agrees with Dr. Hansen that the surgery can wait a few weeks.

When Carly gets home, Jason fills her in on Michael's dire situation.

Luke, Ethan and Tracy eagerly await the DNA results.

Lucky does not like the idea of Ethan being Luke's son.

Rebecca and Nikolas paint her room above Kelly's.

Nik enjoys a massage from Rebecca.

Here is the tvguide scan


Edited by hookedongh
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Hey has anyone posted the clips from last week yet??

Loved the show today!!!!!

Thanks Remos for both Recaps!

Wish they would bring back Ned and Dillon after today's mention <_<

Thanks Savannah


Hey Nex Tracy was first in the Coral Jacket on Wednesday April 29th

Edited by TracyQartermaine
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Soaps In Depth has learned that GENERAL HOSPITAL's Rick Hearst (Ric) is exiting the soap! Buzz is that Hearst — who was recently dropped to recurring status — will be returning to THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL, where he previously played Whip in 2002. It's unknown if Hearst will be reprising his former role, and when contacted for a comment regarding the actor's return to B&B, a spokesperson declined to issue a confirmation or denial, saying only, "It's our policy not to comment on rumors." ABC, however, is confirming that Hearst will be leaving GH. "We're saddened for GH fans but personally thrilled for Rick. We wish him nothing but success. Rest assured that the character of Ric Lansing will have an exit you won't want to miss," says a GH spokesperson.


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RECAPS, Wednesday May 6th (new day)


Vets: Luke, Tracy

Kisses: none

Appearance: turquoise jacket, her hair has been trimmed

Other Stories: Michael's family dealing with his surgery options Patrick/Hanson disagree with the speed of the surgery; Maxie trying to get Spin's help with work leak and Lulu backs her up; Rebecca and Nicholas redo her room at Kelly's; Carly returns to be with Jason and Michael and Carly complains about the healthy diet she's now on (lol) but could reduce the risk to 25%; LnL2 plan Jake's birthday party; while Jax removed Patrick from the case again, Jason tells Carly Patrick is convinced the surgery has to be done immediately

Line of the Day: Carly re: the new diet restrictions she's on "It's awful... it's green, green, green and fruit... and no sugar!"

Sc. 1 - no Tracy; I missed it, sorry - apparently Lucky comes into HS on official business (something about break-ins in the neighbourhood)

Sc. 2 - no Tracy; I missed most of it - Luke/Lucky talking about why Luke wants Ethan as his son. Holly mention I guess. Lucky not happy (no surprise there).

Sc. 3 - no Tracy; Lucky blasting Ethan as being smug and arrogant (Luke looking really haunted). Lucky demands the truth - is he really after Tracy's money? Ethan is pissed at Lucky and Lucky keeps trying to swing over the bar to hit Ethan but Luke is in the way. Lucky yells at Luke that there is no way Ethan can be Luke's son for one because he's just a bit older than Lulu and that would mean cheating on ewcbo. Luke continues his spiel that he's not a saint and never pretended to be - his 'roaming eye' aside, Lucky was a whole lot more accepting of Nicholas. Lucky tries to take another swing at Ethan while he says Nicholas is different. Luke says he hopes Lulu's a whole lot more accepting and Lucky tells Luke he's NOT telling Lulu.

Sc. 4 - Lucky threatens Luke not to tell Lulu, but Luke points out that if Ethan is Lulu's brother she has a right to know. Lucky yells that it's a pretty big if, and Lulu doesn't need to know. Luke says she has a right but Lucky yells back that it will hurt her because she believed in LnL and when it comes to faithfulness Lulu/Laura are as faithful as they get (excuse me while I hurl). Ethan slams Lucky with the fact that he hasn't been faithful himself. Lucky says it's none of his business if there's more of Luke in him that Lucky wants. Then Lucky turns on Luke again and says Ethan isn't family, and storms out but runs into Tracy in the meantime and tells her not to let Luke hurt Lulu. Tracy looks at Luke and says well, who would have guessed such a little thing like a DNA would cause so much trouble.

Sc. 5 - Tracy plays with a shell game and then says they should go over to the hospital b/c the results should be in. Luke thinks Tracy is a little anxious and Ethan wants it all forgotten. Luke says those are the same old songs. Ethan points out that everyone would be happier if they all forgot it but Luke says Lucky is always looking for one more reason to be pissed-off with him and this is just one more nail in Luke's coffin. HE needs to know, Luke tells them, so they can either come with him or stay there but he's going to the hospital. Luke turns to leave. Tracy thinks for a second or two then grabs her clutch and runs after him. Ethan finally sighs heavily and follows the two out.

Sc. 6 - LuNacy/Ethan arrive for the test results. Piph asks if they are there for the result, and Luke says "Yes, they want to know if this spud is a chip off the old Potatoe Head"

Sc. 7 - LuNacy/Ethan go into Conference room for results. Tracy comments on liking the room and that Nicholas' money was well spent for a change. Luke snaps at her for talking about decor and Tracy asks what he would like to talk about. Luke says they are there for the results alone. Piph walks in with the results and Tracy rushes to grab it. Luke stops her but Tracy says she's the disinterested 3rd party. Luke corrects her and says they only disinterested 3rd party is Piph so he asks her to read the results. Piph pulls it out and Luke looks pleasantly confident he knows the results. The shoe won't be dropped until tomorrow.

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Thanks for the recap.

For tomorrow

Thursday May 7:

Carly sides with Patrick and orders the surgery immediately.

Matt tries to talk Patrick out of performing the operation without Dr. Hansen.

Sonny, Carly, Claudia, Jax and Jason nervously wait during Michael's surgery.

Luke and Ethan's DNA results are in.

Spinelli takes on an important task at Crimson.

Nikolas and Rebecca's relationship heats up.

Stuff still left I think for this week:

Luke has to still accuse Tracy of altering the test, and then ask Lulu to cozy up to Ethan to see what Tracy is hiding this week. Not sure if that is all tomorrow or not.

Next week:

I believe there is a spoiler about Luke still thinks Tracy is not telling him everything for Monday the 11th (not sure if Tracy is on or not)

Wed. the 13th Luke/ethan leave for Singapore to rescue Holly (CGS) and Th the 14th Tracy/Luke/Ethan get into trouble (CGS) and Friday the 15th Holly pays Luke a visit (in PC I guess at the HS).

The 19th is from SOD that Tracy confesses to Lulu

Edited by hookedongh
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This is kind of interesting on the life cycle of wardrobe pieces at GH from the wardrobe Dept. They answer questions on soaps.com. Basically they say that once a piece airs, they take it to consignment store in LA and the money goes back into their wardrobe budget. (unless it is a basic piece like jeans or a purse or jewelry, etc).

Nex--I sent in a question and asked if this is the case, then why is Tracy still wearing the same teal jacket she has been wearing for the past four years and how come so much of her wardrobe is seen again and again--sometimes only a month or two apart.


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I sure hope that they respond to your question, I would love to have a list for them of every time Tracy has worn the same shirt with every date she wore it. I think even they might be surprised just how often her wardrobe is recycled.

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I'm sure Ms. Q has a chart! LOL She has worn that black/grey jacket thing a ton with that tie around her neck. That turqoise table cloth looking thing better never see the light of day again! You know the table clothes are gonna come out as soon as Holly is back! LOL

The teal jacket--we could come up with a list off the top of our heads.

I am curious if they will answer!

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No chart, but I do have a document saved on my old computer with descriptions. I have it open now, and it's actually not as organized as one would think, but here's the count for the teal jacket:

1) Tracy is banished...again. April 2003.

2) Tracy badmouths Courtney (can't remember this one with this jacket). No clue.

3) Heather almost strangles Tracy. November 2004.

4) Tracy loses her CEO position. July 2005.

5) Lulu steals Tracy's PDA; Jax wants Tracy's help. December 2005.

6) LuNacy (don't) renew their vows. April 2006.

That's the last time I updated. Since then, here is what I recall...

7) Tracy looks at Sam's resume. January 2007.

8) LuNacy talk about Lulu and clink glasses. October (?) 2007.

9) LuNacy fly to LA. October (?) 2008.

10) Today. May 2009.

There are probably more occasions, but without my clip collection in front of me to see dates/descriptions (which then I can related to outfits), I can't come up with anymore.

As for the black, gray, furry jacket...

1) Jax/Skye/Hotel. December 2003.

2) CEO vote. March 2004.

3) Edward, Tracy, and Helena try to stop Emily's wedding. October 2004.

4) Dillon calls Tracy to the Haunted Star. January 2005.

5) Skye and Lulu plot against Tracy. January 2006.

6) Luke teaches Tracy to be a hostess. March 2006.

That's the last update. Since then, off the top of my head, I can recall...

7) Luke returns to town; Tracy is kicked out of the mansion. January into February 2008.

Another one she wore a lot but not recently was this shiny gray one with darker gray designed, outlined in black. Yeah, not a great description, but here's the count:

1) The Q's visit Edward in the hospital. September 2004.

2) Tracy testifies against Nikolas. December 2004

3) Luke, Dillon, Georgie, and Skye think Tracy is in the cahoots with Helena. January 2005.

4) Courtney visits the Q's after AJ's death. February 2005.

5) Tracy won't pay for Dillon's tuition. April 2005.

6) Luke returns to town. Tracy is Luke's ice queen. October 2005.

7) Carly calls an ELQ meeting from Roselawn. December 2005.

8) Tracy fakes her death. January 2006.

Finally, she wore the black and white swirly jacket a lot that was in her promotional photo on ABC.

1) Tracy, Luke, Skye, Sam, Ned and the Dead Man's hand. December 2003.

2) Nik's funeral. Whenever that was. 2004??

3) The Q's learn that Lila died in her sleep. July 2004.

4) Lorenzo invites the Q's to Carly's charity gala. July 2005.

5) Tracy learns ELQ is being used to front mob activities. August 2005.

6) Tracy is kidnapped by Vinnie Blue Eyes. October 2005.

If anyone has anything to add, feel free. :)

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