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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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From soapnet May preview---LOL at the Tracy/Holly commentary--guess all those "insiders" were wrong. Unless soapnet is lying.

Looks like some major rewrites in the Luke/Ethan story. Probably because of all the backlash of the original plan. Good--I would much rather him be a Scorpio than Spencer.

Edited by hookedongh
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Sort of skimmed through the show...Boring as everything, IMO, but here's what I noticed...

They're changing everything. Sonny and Olivia instead of Claudia, LnL2 speed reconciliation, Nikolas/Emily/Rebecca, and Sam and Jason. So, maybe they will soon be changing other things we don't like.

Hooked, thanks for sharing the Lil Sharks scoop. She seems sincere in her posts. I don't guess anyone gets everything right, but she never sounds BS-ish to me. That business about BG and couples sounds really in keeping with today. I could care less about any of them, but all of the couples getting started or restarted today are his choices. (Based on everything that's been passed along. Haven't seen anything contradictory.)

I hope this doesn't turn out to be a be careful what you wish for thing, but no one could care less about the Quartermaines than BG. So, maybe the Quartermaines will be, if not front and center, at least a real part of the show. Romance and couples, which Frons likes, are soap tradition. So, it makes sense he would see families as part of the equation. (I hope!) And the Q's always top the list as GH's favorite family. :)

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Thanks so much, Hooked! Hopefully they're right in both instances. Seriously, I can't imagine GH being dumb to have Holly on, and not have any scenes with Tracy. That's not just dumb. It's crazy!

TracyQ, there was no Tracy or any mention of her today. Both Tracy and Luke are supposed to be on tomorrow.

If you go to SOC, I think they have recaps of each show. The characters on today were Spinelli, Maxie, Johnny, Patrick, Elizabeth, Lucky, Sam, Jason, Sonny, Claudia, Olivia, Nikolas, and Rebecca/Emily. (I may have left out a couple, but that was basically it.)

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Sorry darlin', I've been on negative-energy overload and I just had to step away from it all. I didn't even think of you folks on the other side of the world.


Sonny is still bombing around thinking copping attitude about Carly. Both Claudia and Jax told him privately to butt out and focus on his own family. Laster he returns Olivia's cellphone (can't remember why she was at his place) and he doesn't let her hand go when she reaches for the phone.

Johnny saves Maxie from a real mugger and Spin arrives too late. Later Maxie tells Johnny she wants Spin, not him. Spin arrives and asks if the stalker/mugging was a set up. (I did miss some) she cops to the stalking being a set up but not the mugging. Maxie repeats how she wants Spin in her life.

Jason and Sam talk about her PI work, why she was wet and naked (buddy hires her b/c he thinks wife is having affair -wife and girlfriend force Sam to jump from building). Jason also lays out how he thinks Claudia is guilty but he can't do anything about it.

Liz/Lucky and Rebecca/Nicholas admit mutual attraction, and they want to try again.

Patrick was the domestic devo, but I can't remember an actual point in his being there.

And that's what I remember. On to today...

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Recaps, Tuesday May 5


Vets: Luke, Tracy

Kisses: none

Appearance: same silver skirt and light-rose paisley jacket

Other Stories: Nic/Becks almost do the dirty but Becks stops and ends up being storm-stayed on the island anyway; LnL2 home life bliss with Chinese delivery and talk their history/past involvements; Claudia afraid she's miscarrying and Ric there being an ass, eventually they find out the baby is fine; Olivia/Sonny flirty and talk about Claudia;

Line of the Day:

Sc. 1 - no LuNacy

Sc. 2 - no Tracy; At the HS Ethan returns sneaking in, and pulls grocery list out of money box. Luke turns on the lights and says it's deja vous all over again. Ethan says there's no shot gun and Luke says this time he wasn't surprised. Luke knows he's sticking around for the DNA test results and he appreciates that. Ethan says what's the point, they should burn the results and move on with their lives. Luke asks why they would want to do that?

Sc. 3 - Luke and Ethan play poker. Ethan asks why it's important because he hates being a father. Luke says no, he hates the traditional roles of Father Knows Best. He loves his kids but he wants them to be who they are not because he wants them to be someone. He says Lucky is having difficulties but they had a lot of good years, Lulu he'd be proud of no matter who she belonged to. Ethan says what's the point in knowing. Luke point out that they have lots in common or he's an even better con than Luke thought he was. Ethan chuckles at that. Luke continues to tell Ethan nothing changes if they are father/son - and gives him a warning about not getting caught up in the mob because he was in it when he was Ethan's age. Tracy walks in and asks if Ethan was still conning her husband and both men roll their eyes.

Sc. 4 - (Mike was yelling at me so I missed the first part) ...Tracy quietly tells Ethan about Ned and Dillon, about how they don't visit and she really misses them. Then she says she really appreciates the con - she truly does - and how Ethan/Holly are exploiting an emotional need the victim (aka Luke) doesn't even know he has. Ethan throws his cards down on the table and says he folds. He's sick of this. He's told them over and over why he's there and they still don't believe him - he doesn't want Luke as his father and he doesn't want to be Luke's son. Both Luke and Tracy are surprised by his outburst.

Sc. 5 - Tracy asks why Ethan is still around if he doesn't want to be Luke's child? Luke explains he took the cash out of the box so Ethan couldn't steal anything before he left. Tracy then asks him if he only stayed to get money? Then Tracy turns to Luke and says he can give Ethan all his money, but don't give any of hers! and storms out. "Isn't my Popsicle beautiful when she's cranky?" Luke calls after her with a smirk on his face. Tracy just turns and glares at him. Ethan says Tracy is right - he's stolen and lied to everyone so why trust him.

Sc. 6 - Luke tells Ethan a little of the Spencer history - Ruby (tough, honest, didn't suffer fools), and how he grew up in a whore house hustling johns and playing with Ruby's girls. Then tells about how he sent Lucky across the country to Ruby, because she would take care of him. Ethan comments on Lucky not being the son he wanted. Luke says Lucky is lost right now, raising someone else's kids and he thinks it will come back to haunt him some day because he wasn't made to live the straight-and-narrow. Luke then tells Ethan he's got a lot to offer if Ethan is his son. And what if he isn't, Ethan asks? Meanwhile Tracy is at the hospital hitting up Piph for Luke's DNA test, and Piph tells her no dice. Tracy then gets holier than thou and says she's given so much to this hospital that the staff can cut corners, and as Luke Spencer's wife she has access to his medical files. Piph gets uppity back and tells "Ms. Quartermaine" that her staff doesn't cut corners, that it wasn't a medical proceedure and that no one outside of Mr. Spencer and Mr. Lovitt will see the results and inform her if they want to. Piph walks off and Tracy glares at her.

Sc. 7 - no Tracy; Luke tells Ethan he hopes he stays around regardless of the DNA test. Luke like's "Dodge" and wants to teach him what he can - because Ethan's got talent. Ethan suggests perhaps the divine brought them together. Luke says he doesn't believe in God - that it's a random crap shoot. Ethan says he hopes the DNA proves they aren't father/son because he wants to stick around.

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Thanks for the recap. No Tracy mention for tomorrow--just that Lucky is not happy about hearing Ethan may be Luke's son--but hopefully she will pop up.

This was in SOD for the week of the 18th

SOD: VCR Alerts...

Monday, 5/18: Carly gets the news she's been praying for. Ethan drops a whopper on Lulu. Rebecca and Alexis make a deal.

Tuesday, 5/19: Tracy confesses to Lulu. Claudia thinks she's a step closer to being in the clear. "It's never-ending with her" chuckles Brown.

And this was posted


I just opened the new TV Guide and in the soap section it names the new Kristina, Morgan, and says that Ethan is Luke and Holly's son.

New Kristina:


New Morgan:


Kristina first appears June 4. Morgan is on next week, May 12.

NLG on the aging of Kristina and Molly:

"The way I see it, this is a trial run for having a teenager in real life. I can go to work and get used to hearing that I'm an idiot and that everything is my fault!"

Ethan is Robin's brother?

He is Lucky and Lulu's brother according to TVGuide. Here's the quote "Holly (Emma Samms) returns May 15 to reveal that Ethan (Nathan Parsons) is her son by Luke Spencer."

This is in the 5/11-17 issue of TVGuide in the Soaps section.

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