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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet - just a few days ago the site had another one liner that said ES had backed out, so until we see something confirmed I'm not going to assume anything.

Besides, LuNacy overthrew ewcbo. Holly wasn't that significant in the scheme of things. She asked him to leave Tracy once before and that was prior to love declarations. We'll have to see. All I know is that every time LuNacy has been on this year Luke has either been eating Tracy and/or telling her how much he loves her. Holly will probably work out to be nothing more than another speed bump.

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The only Tracy spoilers around seem to be about Tracy/Luke/Ethan/Edward and come in three varieties.

1 - Tracy arranges with Ethan to swindle Edward and Luke is left out.

2 - Luke arranges with Ethan to swindle Edward and Tracy is pissed.

3 - Luke and Tracy arrange to swindle Edward and use Ethan to do it.

You never know... one of these might actually be accurate.

And was 'walls of Jericho'? I ignored LnL back then so I don't remember most of it.


These were new overnight.

Holly makes a surprise visit. Luke and Holly's reunion will not make Tracy happy in the least. And a shocking twist about Ethan's parentage comes out.

Michael wakes up. Carly, Sonny and Jason are surprised when they face Michael's anger. Carly fights to re connect with her son. As Jason admits his guilt and attempts to keep his distance. The Quartermaines will quickly step in and offer Michael a safe haven.

All I can say is a big D'uh there - Tracy is never happy with Luke's 'reunions', but you know JE will play the hell out of it. If it's true that ES extended her contract, we could get some serious Diva fighting while Luke/TG is on vacation.

I wonder who is to be shocked about Ethan... us or them.

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It's so quiet in here I almost feel like tiptoeing in so I won't disturb anyone.

At least we know for sure that Tracy is on this week. We've had very few Tracy-empty weeks since October, but they are extremely long. Looking back how did we ever manage 5 months with no LuNacy and practically no Tracy?

Anyway, another round of Holly spoilers this morning - ES will be here at least 13 weeks (which will be well after TG leaves for vacation so I don't think we need to worry about LuNacy) and she knows Sam's father (and possibly that whomever it turns out to be IS Sam's father). As always GOS, but as one who always liked Holly, I must say I'm looking forward to it.


This sounds fun.... from SD

It's Holly, it's the same scam she has been pulling overseas, sleeping with rich old men and then conning them, blackmailing them.

Patrick may not be "rich" but he's wealthy, being a neurosurgeon and all. She will also be after Edward and the Q money. The show wants to give the Q's and scrubs a storyline together, Holly is the bridge.

Patrick will meet up with holly at Jakes, get drunk and she will sleep with him and then blackmail him. It's a con of sorts. Ethan will be in on it as well. There will be a video set up in the room, and Holly will hold this over Patty's head. It's going to be all about money, a scam.

This is why ES has been extended

Don't know if it's believable or not, but how many ways can they have Holly pissing of Tracy. That alone will be worth the price of admission.


SZ spoilers for the week...

# Tracy gets in Luke’s face, reaming him up and down for his and Ethan’s current con job against Edward.

# Luke and Tracy arrange to infiltrate Edward’s coffers, with considerable help from Ethan.

# Nikolas and Luke quarrel regarding their differences of opinion on how to handle Rebecca.

Rumour of LuNacy kidnapping with Luthan to the rescue (in a sham marriage) is still being bandied about.

I've gotta say, these spumors are a heck of a lot more interesting than last year's "Luke goes to work for Tracy and ELQ/ $100K check received by Tracy with conditions).

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Holly for a few weeks: I LIKE THAT A LOT.

Holly for the length of a "contract.": It's good because she's a "vet," and I like the idea that GH is giving a nod to it's history. It's important... but it's BAD, VERY BAD because Tracy will be relegated to some jealous shrew, and we all know she is so much more than that!!!

While I'm thinking about this.. a "contract" doesn't have to be for YEARS. It could be a 13 week contract or 3 months or 4 months, etc.. etc...

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Exactly. ES has a life and family in England, and there's not been any suggestion that she's about to uproot them for GH. She isn't like ewcbo whining every 2-4 months in the media 'they don't want me' or some other such foolishness (now I see she's going to write her memoirs.... at 46???... puulleease).

Holly targeting Edward would be hilarious. They've been having him flirt with younger women a lot more recently (the Nadine thing was downright creepy), so that might be the set-up. And I'm not sure they will go the Tracy-shrew line. Tracy-bitch line for sure, but if Luke is gone and Edward is the target Tracy is going to be hell bent for leather. NO ONE steals from her father except her!

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Lots of drops today about ES staying for 13 weeks, sleeping with Patrick, trying to con edward, etc.

I think they are all a load of crap.

The only thing I can see is if TG is gone all summer and ES is there in his absence somewhat--I could see them using tracy as a parental role for Lulu while ES is there for the ethan character if they are going ethan/lulu.

We shall see. Right now the meltdown is that scrubs is done and patrick is moving on to Liz and Kmc is out of there.

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We'll have to see how it all plays out. Scrubs is hinging on whether KMc decides to re-sign or walk, so everyone will hedge that particular bet I'd imagine. With this being the first day back after the week long shut-down, who know what changes have been decided.

So today - no Tracy again. All mobbies, Scrubs and JoLu/JoMax angst - with Sam/Spin/Win undercover stuff and CarJax.

Who now knows Claudia was behind Michael's shooting? Claudia, Johnny, Kate and now Jax and Ric. This secret is becoming as 'secret' as Jake's paternity the other year.

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BTW--I am going to visit my parents tomorrow til Saturday and going skiing (yes I will be wearing a helmut) so if I am MIA that is why. I am bringing my laptop so hopefully the connection will work.

I know Tracy is on TH. It might be the only day this week. Unless it spills into Friday. Supposedly she is not mentioned at all for the week of March 30th at this point. but who knows. I don't think they know much past that week anyway.

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Nice to see Ethan somewhere other than the Haunted Star. Wonder what brings him to Chez Blonde Ones.


This one won't go away...

Alexis overhears Helena threatening Rebecca.

Sonny comforts Carly the only way he knows how.

Jason scouts out locations for the firm.

Patrick and Elizabeth take the kids to the carnival.

Tracy is missing.

Lulu and Ethan continue to bicker.

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