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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks Ms. Q. Lukey was around quite a bit today, but it was very direct and he had his own student (Lulu)

Can someone slow-mo that promo (is it even possible?) There were a lot of others in that and I swear one of them was Luke. I could identify a few but not many. I'd like to know if Tracy is in there anywhere.

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Totally OT....

HELP..... my best friend since birth is coming for a visit this afternoon (she's the one who has an annual breakdown just before Christmas about not having a husband and children, and calls me..... I don't get it either). Anyway she's one of the people with no dependents save a mother who can be sat in the corner with a book while my friend does her thing. Now her mother has early Alzheimer, which is very stressful and I don't want to belittle it in the least, but it's not the same as raising 4 kids between 4-10. She is the world's martyr and everything is so busy, so unhappy, so twisted, so unhealthy. Honestly, she makes Eeyore look like he's the life of the party.

So she's coming (right around 3 btw, so if I don't give recaps that's the reason - and today Luke is talking to Sonny so I'm doubtful of a Tracy appearance). I can deal with all of this - the problem is she's made a second CD of her music and wants my opinion. IT'S AWFUL!!!! My 10 year old writes better lyrics. Honestly, she's off key, her voice fades in and out, and the words are so repetitive. She wants me to talk about the 'symbolism' in everything, and honestly it's just bad - not symbolic to my hearing at all. And from a commercial POV if she wanted something to sell it can't be her introspection where there isn't a context. I don't know how to deal with this. She has never been able to hear honest criticism - if something negative is said the other person is just jealous. She has been hired to sing at wedding and funerals quite a bit - not her stuff, the old standards - and that she does well. But this.... argh..... She has actually told me that I just have to wait, wait until the day I'm finally published and no one reads my books, then I'll know how rejected she feels. I know I write some stuff that sucks, and I trust all of you to be honest about that. But I can't be honest with her because her ego is eggshels.

I am not looking forward to this afternoon...... I'll be coming later for cyber-hugs.

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Thursday, January 8th

Spencers: Luke and Ric continue at the docks threatening each other. When Lulu sees it all Luke assures her he's just getting started; Later at the HS Trevor goes to see Luke saying one father to another, don't put Lulu between Anthony and Johnny. Luke asks if Trevor is there on Anthony's orders. Trevor says he's the calling card - don't ever come between a father and his son. Sonny arrives and asks what Trevor is doing there. Luke wants to find out. Trevor continues blustering and notices they go way back (yup, to Frank Smith, they laugh). Luke and Sonny continue to play cards while Trevor talks about what Claudia will do to Sonny. Trevor leaves but not without reminding Luke he lost a draw bet to Trevor about getting Lulu out of town, and he might want to think about it. Once he's gone Sonny says isn't this about the time Luke runs out of town? Luke says yeah, but he broke his back getting back to his wife and he's not about to leave and make her think he's gone after Laura. Sonny nods his understanding. Luke then talks about the mob business going down and Sonny says that night is the night he takes back everything that belongs to him.

Others: Jax is creeping me out with his treatment of Olivia, Sam and Lucky are not communicating; Sonny is telling Carly how painful it was for him to loose Michael, Carly and Jason all at the same time; Alexis arranges for Nadine to speak at Senate hearing; Sam/Maxie bonding; Alexis and Diane plot to get Carly and Jax back together; Spixie lovin (just wish Maxie knew it her true heart); Winnifred meets with Agent Reynor about Spin - and he tells her Spin is a means to the end to get Sonny.

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This LuNacy song was originally posted on August 28, 2007 and then re-posted on January 26, 2008.

I thought I would re-post for any new members that might be interested.

hooked, BSG, and I created this one summer night. TL served as a spectator, offering her thoughts.

Was thinking of it the other night and couldn't remember the words, so I looked it up, LOL! And figured I'd share with any newer members. :D

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I know its been a looooonnnngggg time since I stopped in. Hope to catch some of ya'll in the BR soon!!! A lots been happening here and its been thanks to youtube that i've kept up with GH lately. Craziness erupted at our house it seems. Hope everyones doing good!!!

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Hey IluvA&M

Your girl is on the cover of SID this week! Scary! Monica keels over during that surgery in the crisis.

I don't think she is dying, but think she is exposed to the biotoxin and incapacitated so Luke gets to take over...

From IL..

Matt's rilvary with Patrick causes him to take a chance with Lulu's life; resulting in tragic consequences.

Luke steps up for Tracy in a big way

Robin makes a costly error

Monica sees double

Carly and Jax fight for each other

Kate is about to reck Claudia's life.

Johnny is overcome with worry and anger.

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Morning guys...from IL at soapdish..

Matt wants to show Patrick up.

Liz's life hangs in the balance

Tracy falls sick

Johnny does not go to the event. He shows up too late. He does everything he can to get in.

Johnny warns Claudia to stay out of his way.

Sam and Jason try to figure out what happened.

Luke comes through for Tracy

Nikolas and Rebecca work together

Lulu is unresponsive.

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