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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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From TMI who is a legit insider this is sweeps stuff.


More hi jinx in Mexico, but Luke gives in and says Tracy has his heart.

They are arrested.

Luke gets bailed out by a mystery woman, which pisses off Tracy.

He eventually bails her out and they share some moments while getting their drink on in Mexico.

Luke pilots the plane back to PC, but the engine fails and there are no chutes.

They chase Scott/Laura to LA.

Tracy tells Luke he'll have to choose between herself and Laura.

Laura learns that Luke is married to Tracy.

Luke and Laura lock eyes Friday, 10/31.


Sam tries to convince Alexis that Jerry is involved with Karpov but evidence is lacking.

Lucky learns of Sam's tryst with Jerry in the hot tub.

Sam attacks Jerry, but Lucky pulls her off.

Jerry sets Sam up.

Alexis wants to believe Jerry.

Lucky thinks Sam would have slept with Jerry to get info.

Sam pleads with Lucky, wants him to come to her place, but he won't.

Lucky gets involved with Lulu and Nikolas in an attempt to find Laura.


Elizabeth helps plan Robin's Shower (at Jake's)

Elizabeth arrives at the church early to help Robin and runs into Jason.

She meets him at the altar and he takes her hand before they are interrupted by Mac, Maxie, and Robin.

Robin wants the best for Elizabeth - and the best happens to be Jason.

Elizabeth is at Robin's wedding and the hospital for the remainder of the week.


Robin asks Jason to her wedding, but he thinks it's best that he's not there (Maxie convinces him to go)

Shower at Jake's with a thoughtful gift from Coleman.

Robin talks to her daughter about what marrying Patrick means to her.

Robin/Anna/Maxie share some family moments.

Patrick is late to the wedding, but makes it just in time - for Robin's water to break.


Anthony wants Ric to marry Claudia, but Claudia has other plans after Sonny says he'll never marry her.

Jason tells Kate what Sonny is up to but Kate blames Jason.

Ric goads Jason about Sonny's new alliance with Anthony.

Kate confronts Sonny about his mob involvement, but Sonny says it's who he is.

Claudia is angry at Ric for not warning her about Anthony's plan.

Ric tries to convince her that his intentions are good. They might have a good thing if she doesn't blow it.

Claudia tells Jason about Anthony's plan for her to marry Sonny - thinks they should marry instead.

Before Jason/Claudia can say "I do," the Justice of the Peace says "I don't."

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Not sure how I feel about today's episode... While I like that TPTB taking their time with this Mexican adventure (unlike the Miami one in 2005), I thought it would have been a little more exciting than it has been so far. :ph34r: Good thing the best is yet to come. :D

hooked, thanks for those spoilers! Sounds like some awesome stuff for Sweeps!

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Insider from SOD (I think this was the other Fan of Tracyfan insider...


you guys just move too fast

olacindy and others -- Skate still have story. Sonny doesn't want to marry Claudia. But he wants revenge and he wants back in. They still have to play out the Sonny Secret Son SL.

Anon -- Scrubs place -- not at this time; maybe after they really get married.

Lulufan -- Laura isn't kidnapped in my info. She goes with Scott to "save" Lulu.

anon -- Nik/Nadine/Carly/Jax is story.

Jax wants divorce. Carly wants Jax.

Nik kinda wants Nadine. Nadine wants Nik but thinks Nik and Carly want each other.

And the most important part is that Nik wants the MetroCourt.

Lusam peeps -- IMO, Lucky is upset because Jerry/Sam were in the hot tub. He's really upset about how far it appears Sam will go.

And don't forget he called Liz a lying whore and got over it.

Tracyfan -- Tracy will continue to be involved in both the Q and Spencer SL. IMO Tracy was so great in those Mexican bar scenes.

Anon -- Calls about Liz/Jason, callers wanting more scenes. Also there was a pick up in calls and cards about Jason/Jake scenes when Lusam took Cake.

Jackal -- Sorry Audrey will still babysit and honk the horn; no plans for her demise that I've heard.

anon -- Dante is now the secret that tptb were hinting about. Just consider it a WTF secret they decided on.

Carjax anon -- no attempt to put them back together in the forseeable future. But no attempt to break them free.

JMM -- kudos for asking "where does the shootout take place?" Those are the type of questions you all should ask of spills. Be as specific as you can.

OK -- being dragged into another meeting

have fun

and Play nice


Me: What Q storyline?

ABC hotsheet I think..


Still angry about Lulu's role in Logan's death, Scott nearly gets violent with her at Shadybrook. Who stops him? Laura! Yes, Genie Francis returns as Laura Spencer, who wakes up from her catatonia to save her daughter. And Laura's willing to make the ultimate sacrifice: She'll leave town with Scott to protect Lulu. Is this farewell forever? Or will Luke -- fresh out of Mexican prison -- stop them? Meanwhile, Anthony promises to accept Sonny into his mob family if he marries Claudia. Jason scrambles to prevent a Sonny/Anthony alliance, and realizes the only way to do so is by marrying Claudia himself! One of these men takes Claudia to the Justice of the Peace. But which one? Plus: Sonny learns about Olivia's son, and Robin and Patrick have their wedding shower.

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From Soapoperasource.com for week of the 20th

Go post a quick one in the tracy lover thread!

Even Well Executed Plans Can Go Awry

While Spinelli cools his heels in a padded cell, Maxie and Lulu come up with a plan to rescue him. After a daring rescue, Maxie puts her thinking cap on and hatches a plan to break Lulu out of Shadybrook. The plan backfires when they are caught by Scott and deny the allegations they were trying to help Lulu escape. Lulu visits with her catatonic mother and unburdens herself while Scott lurks and overhears Lulu's confessions. Maxie and Spinelli have a return visit with Lulu and show her there is no way she could of written the blackmail notes. With Lulu's hopes higher, the three of them wonder if the blackmailer could be Trevor. An angered Scott, verbally attacks Lulu and threatens her, which Laura has a surprising reaction. After hearing Scotts threats, Laura will go to any lengths to protect her daughter. Lulu's plans to convince the doctors she is not delusional, do not go as well as she expected.

Meanwhile, back in Port Charles, after walking in on Jerry and Sam in the jacuzzi, Alexis seems to take Jerry's side over Sam's. Pushing his plans ahead, Jerry plants a large quantity of prescription drugs in Sam's apartment, then arranges for Mac and the police officers to find the drugs and arrest Sam. While Lucky and Sam keep up the charade of them not being together, Sam is frustrated because no one will believe her that she was set up by Jerry. Lucky cannot believe that Sam will go to great lengths to take down Jerry. Alexis is having a hard time believing Sam's story, but she's unsure if she should jump so quickly to trust Jerry. Later, Lucky accuses Sam of being attracted to Jerry and decides it would be best if he left town to distance himself from her.

Port Charles Happenings....

Claudia realizes the power is with her. Copyright © 2008 ABC Inc./Adam Larkey

Sonny tries to strike a deal with Anthony but for him to agree, Sonny must show his loyalty by marrying Claudia. Jason warns Karpov to stay away from Sonny. Claudia refuses a marriage of convenience to Sonny, despite Anthony's persistence. Luke confesses his true feelings for Tracy and later realizes Edward will not be calling in favors to help him return to Port Charles. Robin and Patrick prepare for their wedding.

Can’t Miss…..

Sam is a problem, but Jerry re-assures Karpov he has the situation handled on Monday, October 20.

At Jason's request, Kate tries to convince Sonny not to retaliate against Karpov on Tuesday, October 21.

Jax has plans to even the score with Nikolas by purchasing Wyndamere on Wednesday, October 22.

Claudia surprises Jason with a plan to undermind her father on Thursday, October 23!

Sonny interrogates Olivia about her son, Dante on Friday, October 24.

Next week on General Hospital…

Sam begs Lucky not to leave her as he is ready to leave town. Claudia and her father don't see eye to eye about Sonny. Maxie tries to convince Jason to attend Robin and Patrick's wedding. The wedding about to start and the groom is no where to be found, but Robin is convinced her groom will not let her standing at the alter. As Luke and Tracy are hot on the trail of where Scott and Laura have gone, Scott reminds Laura of the old days. Olivia confronts Sonny about his desire to regain control and power, as Karpov is ready to set his new plans into motion.

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WOW tons of scoopage!Thanx huys!

I loved Lacy on the first day back! But today was really weird and contrived! Actually majority of the eppy was , the only scenes I enoyed was Scrubs and Liason!

Edited by Truke
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Hey all!

It's been a while, I know. Hope you are all well. :D

LisaQ, Congrats on getting to meet some of your fave GH celebs! Those are great pics!

Nex, Thanks for the clips!

hooked, thanks for the scoops :)

Remos, thanks for the detailed recaps.

funny, I am waiting for some LuNacy sexiness from you. hee.

Hey to Halee, GroovyTQ, Ms. Q, hope everyone is well. :D

Was a littie underwhelmed by today myself. I keep anticipating some flirtiness, even a smidge would be nice. While Tracy's hair is not great, her face is goooorgeouuuuuuus!!!! besides, she's had worse 'do's.

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For what it is worth--keep calling and writing!

Evening SD,

How are all the little sharks, sorry I'm breaking my word, didn't expect to be back until Tuesday, and then meant to pop in this morning but it's been a crazy day. I see that others have also dropped about the angry calls.

What a surprise they are telling you guys to stop calling and complaining about the violence against women, the lack of romance, and the misuse of vets, so many calls with the same complaints (versus the calls about "I hate that such and such did so and so") has caught concerned suit's attention. Implying that you are risking someone's job due to leaks in false. With the nature of the genre the suits know that leaks and especially leaks during SWEEPS is part of the nature of the beast. What has upset the suits with the expensive imported Italian silk ties, is the fact that viewers are fed up and have stated unequivocally that GH is no longer worth it for them anymore. The ROMANCE PROMO seems to be the last false promise that has broken the faith of viewers. Also whoever initiated the more than 200 letters to the higher echelons of the "D" in ABCD, smartest move longtime GH fans could have done. Well articulated letters and calls are ringing like clear bells amidst the murky waters of falling ratings, the best time lil sharks can attack I think.

B. G. is standing on shaky legs, if you are tired of the violence, plot point driven storytelling, angry that a great ensemble show has been reduced to 3, well keep calling and writing. You will have more impact at this sweeps time than at any other time in B. G.'s tenure. Sharks are known for their ability to devour their prey with no let up, viewers should heed their tactics.

Good luck, lil sharks.


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I'm glad I'm not the only one that's underwhelmed. I really am hoping the spoilers play out as good as they sound. The plane one sounds very exciting.

Sorry I missed the breakroom last night. If I told you I was in bed before 10 on a Friday, would you call me lame? LOL.

EDIT: Thanks nex for the clips!

Anyone who's able... nex or hooked, perhaps??? Huge favor... In downloading the recent clips, I realized I do not have any of August or September saved. :o I can search the thread, but could you tell me how many episodes she had in each month? Also, she had 3 for July, right? THANKS!!! :D

EDIT AGAIN: This is what I found in searching...

August 6th: Anthony visits the Q's.

September 3rd: Tracy's visits Lulu.

September 10th-16th (not sure of the exact dates): Johnny's trial

September 29th: Tracy introduces Johnny to Laura.

Was she on September 4th? Seems like she was, but not sure...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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For you CH fans this was a blurb from the PA with Steve, Derk, Brandon and Bradford....regarding Max/Diane

Max told the story about him and Diane and their first kiss - which was so so funny. He was saying how she kind of backed out of her dressing poked her head out - in her bra - and said you and me next week. He said he was so nervous and trying so hard to be cool about it. He said he saw her lubing up behind a camera with lipstick and when they did the scene she just went for it. He joked about the lipstick tasting like cinamon. He said he's not that flexible and when they were on the couch and she pushed his leg up she told him to just suck it up and take it and he was like o.k. and he did. He said it really hurt.

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