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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Mr. Snow Miser!!! Halee--did you watch his clips with Tristan? From the Tristanrogers.com video blog? So funny..Tony walks in and hugs Tristan and then says he is sick and Tristan is like thanks a lot and Tony says "I was going to tongue you" LOL . It was also funny that John Reilly said they wouldn't allow him to park on the lot so he had to park at the burget joint across the street. Tony starts to tell a story about being somewhere to buy supplies and then John asks him if he wants this on camera...I don't think Tony realized the camera was on..

They added a few more clips...anther one of John, Tony and Tristan.

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Here is the SOD scan from the article about NLG's chat. Notice in the photo JE's hair looks way better than it did on the show (she should do her own hair for GH). I think it is just styled badly for this Mexico adventure all brushed back! I know...I know...hair talk again but tough S*&t--I bought the mag, posted the scan, I get to say it.


If anyone is interested...some "tattle tale" information from SOD on GH (nothing on Jane, but it is cute)


Edited by hookedongh
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Laura will wake up put all of her energy into protecting her cub.

Maxie and Lulu team up to help Spinelli get out of his most recent pickle

Claudia has an ‘out there’ suggestion to diffuse the situation and she runs it past Jason. The outcome? They dare each other to put the plan in motion.

Tracy’s mouth continues to make things worse and Luke comes upon the realization that his father-in-law doesn’t intend to help them out one bit.Jax is fired up to defeat Nikolas and Nikolas has a tough time convincing Nadine that he and Carly are not romantically involved.

Jerry and Sam’s follies continue and this time, Sam is made to look like the evil one.

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Lainey/Lisa Here is a DC/CH scan from SID

I will spare you the Kin/Genie three page spread

Only a small blurb about Tony on issues

Interesting NLG article I am scanning on changing the demographics in soaps...


CH/DC photoshoot


geary on issues in daytime


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Today's Recaps, Friday Oct. 17th (I'm dating them because they will be daily for awhile - ain't that great!!!)


Vets - Tracy, Luke, Bobbie called on speaker - but no showing <_< , Edward (still in that hat)

Kisses - nada

Sc. 1 - The Fed starts listing the reason he's there, charges of disturbing the peace, destruction of property, running out on a bar tab. Luke takes offence at the last one saying he's never run out on a bar tab - he has his standards. Tracy yells she's heard enough. She would be content for the Federale to take him if it wasn't for Lulu.

Sc. 2 - So chilly Popsicle? You expected me to follow you? Luke grabs her clutch telling her to brib the Federele, saying he's only looking for a brib because he saw Tracy, found out she was his wife and then the charges started spilling out. Tracy says if she finds out this is kicking back to Luke she will get him. Luke wonders why he never thought of that, but assures her it won't - they are a team. Luke digs the money out of Tracy's purse and tells her to give it to the Fed. Tracy does, saying she hopes this will deal with everything. The Fed offers one more threat saying he better not see Luke causing trouble anymore. Luke assures him they won't and the Fed leaves. Luke says okay, lets get out of here, but Tracy stops him and says he's not going anywhere.

Sc. 3 - No LuNacy

Sc. 4 - "Buttercup, now that we've paid the man lets leave."

"Sweetheart, we can't."

"Why not, does my daughter need me or not?"

"Yes she does - with her, not in jail. We have to wait until we hear from Daddy that the charges are dropped."

"That could take years."

"Don't underestimate Daddy."

"Don't underestimate Scott Baldwin, he could have me on every wanted list going."

The Fed comes back in with his hand out and Tracy asks Luke if he wants more money. Luke says think of it as the installment plan.

Sc. 5 - Tracy on phone with Edward telling him to hurry up. Edward saying he's trying and Scott keeps coming up with new charges. Edward telling Tracy the wheels of justice spin slowly. Tracy tells Luke they have to wait, but Luke says no way, no one keeps him from his daughter. Tracy smirks and says she's always been a fan of better late than never, but he wasn't there when it mattered. Luke leans back in his chair, knowing she's saying the truth.

Sc. 6 - Scrubs discuss calling their baby Georgie; Spixie trying to get Lulu out of SB; Luke thought Tracy didn't like giving lectures. She doesn't but when he gets back to SB/PC he has to have a clear head. Luke thinks he will manage alright. Tracy says it isn't pretty. Luke is convinced Lulu has too much Spencer in her to break like Laura. Tracy scoffs then the Fed returns and Tracy can't believe it. She reaches for money in her purse and Luke trying to tell her not to pay this one, but she does anyway. Then she looks up and says no one should be arrested, and the new-Fed says you will be for trying to pay off a police officer. Tracy and Luke look at each other with jaws dropped.

Sc. 7 - Tracy in cuffs, saying the payment is a 'tax', just like she paid the other officer. The Fed takes note that she tried to brib other officers. Luke sits there drinking, and Tracy asks if he's going to do something. Luke says "Officer, this woman is a snake in my grass. I'll pay anyone to take her away. Drinks for the house." Tracy glares at Luke (I can't see clearly if she is smirking or not, but I think she might see his humour).

Ed. comment: Ruah hears Luke says that and went "Whoa"; she thinks he was mean

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Oh you know the laura lovers are lovin the ending today thinking see...he does'nt love tracy--but you know it is some luke/like scam!

Maybe there are no kisses because Tony was sick when he first came back to town--JMB even said she hadn't taped with him yet because he had been sick. He didn't want to get Jane sick so they had to cut out the kisses LOL)

Thanks for the recaps Remos!

Hopefully these wacky hijinks will lead to some good moments next week.

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Oh on anothe funny note...

Someone on soapzone pointed out that Edward's internet dating name "sellhighandsplit" was one of the ones that matched carly for her profile the o ther day and that his dream date was walking down wall street! LOL

Hey two days in a row wiht Lunacy in 6 out of 7 segements...pretty good!

The last time tracy had an arc that lasted like 6-7 dyas was with Sam in 2007 I think.

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As to no LuNacy love - the look Tracy gave Luke wasn't clear, so she was either really pissed or knows he's up to something. Her facial expression should tell us. Sorry I couldn't be clearer.

As for the ewcbo fans - they are picking at the flesh of another relationship because the bones of the carcass of LnL are pretty bleached in the sun, they've been out there so long.

As for kisses - they really haven't been in that mood yet. Give it time. Some of the heartfelt stuff was in the air today.

And with that I'm off for the weekend. See you Sunday night.

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Monday, October 20th, 2008:

Because Spinelli is in trouble, Lulu pulls herself together to help Maxie rescue him.

Anthony demands that Sonny marry Claudia as a show of loyalty.

Jason tells Karpov stay away from Sonny.

Alexis takes Jerry's side instead of Sam's.

Jerry plants prescription drugs in Sam's apartment and calls Mac.

Luke plans to help Tracy, but ends up in a fight with a cop instead.

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Hey DDers!!!

Who's been calling Prospect and complaining?

Word is the message phone has been lighting up.

That said the light isn't going green.

You all know these I'm sure

but I have been told I can confirm:

Anthony to Sonny: Prove we're gumbas, marry my daughter Claudia.

Johnny starts acting like Jason: He pushes Lulu away saying she will be better off without him.

Shock of the moment: Sonny finds out Olivia has a son.

Battle over Alexis: Jerry sets up Sam and plants a large batch of prescription drugs in Sam's apartment.

Battle over Alexis Part 2: Sam insists Jerry set her up, causing Alexis to doubt Jerry.

It's a plan man, It's a plan (or a plot point): Jason and Claudia decide to beat Anthony at his own game.

Scrubbies shower and wedding

SuperCouple or not?: Luke and Laura reunite.

Sorry I can't give you more.

Again, there may be more false than true stuff coming out as some of tptb are a little POd right now about the calls -- calls about stuff that wasn't supposed to be spilled yet.

the above is "approved" for spillage

play nice


I think that is sounding like they reunite but not necessarly in the way we think (or LnL lovers think)

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General Hospital (CTV/ABC) — Jerry Jax out?

• Has Sebastian Roche (Jerry) been fired? Well, it depends who you talk to. According to Soap Opera Weekly, the sexy and talented star has been axed. When The Suds Report called for confirmation, GH issued a “no comment.” However, soaps.com is reporting that the actor has re-signed after speaking to Roche’s publicist. Someone’s clearly drinking the Monavie Jesus Juice. Meanwhile, Bob Guza tells Soap Opera Weekly that Megan Ward (Kate) is staying in Port Chuck for the foreseeable future. That’s. Just. Great.

• Genie Francis is back this week when Laura really wakes up form her catatonic state on Oct. 23. In the story, Laura overhears Lulu admit to killing Scotty. Look for Mama Bear to come out roaring to protect her daughter. Wouldn’t it be cool if Scotty blackmailed Laura into marrying him to keep Shrew-lu out of jail just as Luke returns? Oh, I wish.

General Hospital: Night Shift (SoapNet/DirecTV) — Why Emma Samms was MIA during the Night Shift

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• Future Emmy nominee Tristan Rogers (Robert) tells The Suds Report he's GH-bound after Night Sri's finale next week. "I'm back for at least three episodes for Robin and Patrick's wedding," he says.


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