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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh that was just so much fun!

Thank you!

And I never heard that song before.. it's a new favorite. Like it a lot.

Ta ta,


Oh -- the shadows on Laura's door yesterday -- was that Tracy?

And Remos, I don't believe it was a smirk on Laura's face. I saw a smile -- a mother who was happy about what her child was saying... and that was as much emotion/reaction as she could muster.

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I agree lainey--it wasn't a smirk...what wasn't clear was if it was the first time she was waking up, or if she was pretending or if she had relapsed again and on some vague level able to hear lulu but not respond. what makes no sense at all is that Lainey said there is no change in Laura' s condition and seh checked with the staff etc. How would nobody have seen laura wandering around the gardens at shadybrook and sitting outside reading. How would no nurses know? So stupid.

How are things with you? Traveling a lot?

BTW next week is all Diane/Max stuff with the Sorpanos guy coming to town and he likes diane, etc.

I also think it was pretty certain that was a man listening yesterday at Laura's door. I bet it was Scott.

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Some info from the lil sharks poster on soapdish...again grain of salt...

They say it is their last post on soapdish...

This is the insider who also said GH contacted Wally or was in contact with him--don't think that is true.

Morning SD,

Did you guys know that a shark once attacked a horse in the Brisbane River and almost brought it down? And it was a small shark too.

Don't think I'll be coming back here anymore, there are some really nasty things posted about other insiders. Lots of ugly and nasty posted because certain fanbases aren't getting what they think they deserve. Just wanted to let you lil sharks know and that some of you have been great and that it's been fun. Anyway was supposed to come by last night, but we went for drinks after work and almost decided to leave again but for those of you who've always been so nice, well this is for you.

Scrubs, I've told you guys over and over and stated they are safe until Spring 2009. Soapnet and ABC are unsure where the are going with NS3, until that is determined Robin and Patrick will be in love raising their daughter. Pat and Matt are going to form a good connection eventually, but it will be really rocky at first. JT is excited about another aspect to his character as JC is just excited about additional screen time. KMc is one of the nicest people on set, she is sincere and aboveboard, she doesn't play games and she isn't nasty, she also hasn't ever backstabbed or dissed anyone she doesn't like, she is a rare actress in daytime.

Johnny and Lulu are a favorite of B. G. they aren't going anywhere. They will have all the "romantic" drama that B. G. thinks soap fans love. I'm not a particular fan of this actress so I've no great interest in their story, not being unkind just honest.

Skate, MB really likes this pairing, he loves the idea of having an adult son (he just doesn't want him too adult and he has asked that it not be Spin....not going to tell you what B.G. is doing but MB might have a surprise) so they will have up and down times, just like all the years of CarSon.

Q's and Tracy/Luke fans. Sorry but the recent Q scenes were a bone thrown out to all the fans who called in this summer. I told you guys that there would be some scenes and that it would be nothing major, everyone said I lied and knew nothing. I probably still know very little but I'm not a liar. Tracy is going to have some scenes with the upcoming Luke and Laura reconnect and fans should know that the writers want Laura to be Luke's love if TG decides he's done with daytime. But if TG is staying then look for Tracy to be his love. Look for Tracy to figure in to the upcoming storyline and she'll have good scenes but it's not going to be a TRACY/LUKE/LAURA fight. JE and GF play well with one another, two very talented but very different actresses. B.G. loves TG and likes JE and not so fond of GF.

JLex, well sorry not everything panned out like I thought, but some of their scenes were cut and NLG was told that the focus was going to shift from a story focus of Jlex to Jerry and Sam. I stand by my earlier drops of nothing sexual occurring but instead two cons playing with one another but the uneasy truce between Jerry and Sam is instead going to be a battle to increase KM's story and airtime. Also NLG used the unexpected time off to campaign and even though unhappy about the storyline shift, she was happy about the chance to pursue her real love, POLITICS. Brian Frons made a polite request for these changes and now you see what you see.

LuSam has fans but their biggest and most vocal fan is BF. LuSam fans thank BF for the whitewash of Sam and the writing for KM.

Liason you are a large and vocal fanbase but the tides might be against you long term. B. G. loves angst and sorrow and if SB stays, which is very doubtful and he won't stay long because unlike MB he is paving the way to fund his retirement in other ways, then you will get your lovestory but it will be rocky. This fall is going to be good though and I promised you guys a love scene before the end of summer but that it wouldn't be a beginning, that was true but you guys are the most irritating fanbase in that you've never given up on these two in how many years? Your call in campaign? was it a campaign where you all identified yourselves by name, location and number of years watching, grabbed more attention than anything.

Maxie fans, well can only tell you your girl is loved by suits and staff. She is going to be mixing it up with Matt and Spin with her love interest yet to be determined. Sorry can't tell you more, only that she is the writers new darling, and they love the snark that comes out of her and they love the sparks between she and Matt but there are equal fans of the gentle love developing between she and Spin. You guys are going to have fun this fall.

Nadine/Nic/Claudia, I was the one who told you guys in August that this was going to happen, no one believed me at all. I said that Claudia might appear to have an edge but don't count out the good girl. Now with RiH resigning (WHICH IS THE ONE THING I DIDN'T EXPECT, OTHERS HERE CALLED IT, BUT I THOUGHT HE WAS GONE) look for Ric and Claudia to connect but she is still going to be drawn to Nic. And Nic will be drawn to her but he will love Nadine.

I enjoyed coming here. It gave me a chance to vent at times. Some of you guys are terrific.

Take care

Great White or Hammerhead *I like both*

To me, that sounds like TG is like "If I stay, I want to work with JE, if not, then I will ride off into the sunset"

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^^^Thanks, and that seems to be about it. :( Anyhoo, thanks for posting the possible spoilers, it has been one long summer without Tony or Jane. But hopefully with him taking his vacation all at once we will have him on our screen through the holidays into the New Year and Valentine's Day. :P

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I'm beginning to wonder how much of the ewcbo love is for the benefit of the masses, 'cause there sure doesn't seem to be a whole lot behind the scenes.

This makes me feel better. I don't think TG is ready for the fat lady to sing yet, and this give Tracy at least a 50/50 start. That's better than some others would give her.

As for me, r/l has been sucking in my time and with the lack of Tracy it's hard to get inspired. Tomorrow morning I have a couple coming here to vet us to see if we would be suitable to host a Korean child for 3 months while they learn English. I don't know what parents are thinking to send a child to another country at such a young age, but it's not my call. If this works hopefully we would get a girl and some pooka shells. Heaven knows we need both in this household.

Is this week taking forever or is it just the sense that it's all down hill so perception makes it longer?

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A little fun before I go to bed...

~ An informal survey ~

1) Have any of you dreamt of Tracy or another GH character? If so, what happened in the dream? Were you watching a GH episode in your dream, or did you get to interact with the characters?

2) Have any of you dreamt about meeting JE, TG, or another GH actor? What happened?

3) If you had to choose the best acted episode in the recent years of Jane Elliot's, which one would you choose and why?

4) If you had to choose the worst acted episode in the recent years of Jane Elliot's (this will be hard), which one would you choose and why?

5) If LuNacy were to end, would you prefer Tracy to be single or to get another love interest? If you choose the latter, who would you want that love interest to be?

6) Which female on the canvas currently would you like to see as Tracy's friend?

7) Which male on the canvas currently (excluding Luke) do you think would be a good friend to Tracy?

8) If Dillon were to return, what kind of interactions would you like him to have with Tracy?

9) And if Ned returned???

10) What would you prefer: Having Tracy onscreen all year in a decent capacity but no longer paired with Luke or having Tracy onscreen in a minimal capacity but paired with Luke?

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A little fun before I go to bed... I'll play...

~ An informal survey ~

1) Have any of you dreamt of Tracy or another GH character? If so, what happened in the dream? Were you watching a GH episode in your dream, or did you get to interact with the characters? Not that I remember.

2) Have any of you dreamt about meeting JE, TG, or another GH actor? What happened? Not that I remember.

3) If you had to choose the best acted episode in the recent years of Jane Elliot's, which one would you choose and why? Either Alan's funeral or the one where TG got the emmy. (I hope he gave it to her to hold at least once, because she is the one who truly deserved it.)

4) If you had to choose the worst acted episode in the recent years of Jane Elliot's (this will be hard), which one would you choose and why? I'm going to go with the mute Tracy episodes - not that she acted badly but that TIIC didn't let her act at all.

5) If LuNacy were to end, would you prefer Tracy to be single or to get another love interest? If you choose the latter, who would you want that love interest to be? Wow, we've moved from dreams to nightmares - okay Trevor, he's the most interesting other male on the canvas.

6) Which female on the canvas currently would you like to see as Tracy's friend? Diane (which reminds me, I owe you something Lainey)

7) Which male on the canvas currently (excluding Luke) do you think would be a good friend to Tracy? Jax is a given... Nicholas/Lucky are now on the level with her sons... I'd say Sonny (wow, we have some serious slim pickings in this show)

8) If Dillon were to return, what kind of interactions would you like him to have with Tracy? I want to see Tracy thoughtlessly agree to be in one of his movies, then he calls her to own up to her promise and she's cast as a tender grandmother who gets to wear jeans and sweaters for a month. Tracy will bitch and complain but Jane will get her favourite type of wardrobe for awhile - and Luke cast as the benevolent grandfather with children crawling all over him as well. They show the film being made so Tracy and Luke can bounce between being 'in character' and 'themselves'.

9) And if Ned returned??? I'd like Ned to get in the way of Luke and really put the screws to him, interfering with LuNacy the way Tracy has always interfered with Ned's marriages - and force Luke to prove he is worth of Ned's mother.

10) What would you prefer: Having Tracy onscreen all year in a decent capacity but no longer paired with Luke or having Tracy onscreen in a minimal capacity but paired with Luke? Well, since LuNacy pulled me back in to the show, I'd have to say what we have now. I want more, of course, but her pairing with Luke is a keeper. Can't we have both? Great story and Luke? Surely JE/TQ have paid their dues by now.

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I knwo most of you know this...but just in case...

From SOW

Revolving Door spoiler

John Reilly and Sharon Wyatt will be joining Tony Geary and Finola Hughes on NS2 for the last two episodes of the season, airing on Oct. 14 and 21. Leslie Charleson appears on the Oct. 7 episode.

Tamara Braun debuts on AMC as architect Reese, Bianca's girlfriend on Oct. 30.

A. Martinez is out at OLTL.

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Here is a SOW article that actually mentions....Tracy (too bad she is only one day next week but it at least sounds good!)

SOW asks why Johnny takes Lulu back to Shadybrook.

BB says that he realizes Lulu really does need help and he loves her and wants her to get the help she needs.

SOW asks if Johnny is surprised to see Tracy there.

BB says Tracy's a bit of a lurker and always seems to show up at the most inopportune times for JoLu. She was there looking for Lulu but winds up finding her with Johnny.

SOW says she can't be happy, right?

BB says Tracy is definitely unhappy. In her eyes and everyone else's Johnny is the reason for what happened to Lulu, what he did, none of them realize, of course, that Lulu really did it. Tracy and Johnny get into it, and Tracy reads him the riot act while Johnny just sits there and takes it.

SOW asks if Johnny feels guilty himself.

BB says Johnny thinks all the choices he's made have caused Lulu's downward spiral. He should have called the cops and told them Lulu killed Logan in self-defense from the beginning, it would have turned out happier for everyone involved. This is one of those moments when Johnny realizes that everything he touches turns to shyt.

SOW asks if Johnny is also thinking about what Lainey told him, that he represents danger to Lulu and it would be better if he weren't around.

BB says that Johnny does all he can to to not believe that, but it's a cathartic moment when he realizes Lulu wouldn't be where she is if it weren't for him.

SOW asks if he resolves to let Lulu go.

BB says that yeah, for the time being he does. He doesn't know what's in store for them for the future, but for the time being, he realizes he needs to let Lulu get better.

SOW asks if, as a result of his guilt, does Johnny start getting more and more reckless.

BB says that Johnny starts to wreak some havoc in and around PC. He reverts to the reckless behavior we knew him for initially. "I'll say that to keep interest piqued. (laughs)" He starts crashing certain vehicles.

SOW notes that brings him into conflict with Scott.

BB says that yes, they run into each other after Johnny's reckless behavior. It was a fun moment to work with Kin. Johnny knows just what to say to push Scott's buttons. He definitely gets the reaction he bargained for. Johnny gets the last laugh, so to speak.

SOW says not that he has much to laugh about.

BB says absolutely. Everytime he tries to fix his life or go against the grain of his fate, he ends up hurting people more. He finally realizes that and says there's no escaping my fate.

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