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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Some more drops on the dish regarding Tracy tonight--these seem like part of breakdown spoilers..for next week

Lucky and Tracy want Lulu to stay in Shadybrooke and away from Johnny.

Patrick operates on Kate's spine. Monica informs Sonny that their is a chance of paralysis. Kate's seems on the road to recovery.

Tracy visits with Lulu and finds her with Johnny. She insists that Johnny is no good for Lulu but Lulu has none of it. Deciding to give Johnny a dose of reality, Tracy brings him to meet Laura.

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Some more from this person who gave the info about the Jolu interaction and Lulu interaction for Tracy..GOS and all that!

All I know is I am happy there seems to be somewhat of a tiny buzz again for Tracy

I was told Tracy ends up in a triangle of sorts with Luke and Laura, but I can't get confirmation -- a lot depends on AG and GF

still working on the other stuff

and I plugged AZ and Tracy again

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I am getting the serious vibe that Genie may be back longer term...or at least through the fall into winter...I think they mean it depends on Tony retiring status and whether or not Genie's schedule with taping that other tv movie coordinates, etc...

Nothing new today, except my bonded bridge fell out this morning and I have to wear a retainer with a fake tooth on it now for a week which is making me lisp and looks horrible! I will be so happy when this implant ordeal is over (dental)

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Yeah... when all is said and done I want Tracy on screen, even if we have to deal with the ewcbo. BUT if the choose LnL over LuNacy I think I'm gone. I'll be heading out the door behind Lainey. What good is investing in a couple to see it destroyed then pick another until that is destroyed? I've got better things to do with my life.

I haven't seen it today but apparently ewcbo smirked after Lulu left the room. I'm wondering if the discussion isn't awake vs. imagination Laura, but rather angelic vs. malicious Laura. Wouldn't she be more interesting if she had an agenda and only pretended to be sweetness and light? Perhaps the Cassidines did more to her than we think. Anything has got to be more interesting than the Angel.

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I know exactly how you feel, Ms. Q. I care what happens storywise, but what I see *not* happening is what I care about even more. I can't believe how they have attempted to reduce Tracy as a character over these past several months. If they had given Jane/Tracy even a fraction of the propping, media attention, airtime, etc. that they've given GF, they might not have had their worst year ratings-wise. And the fact that their worst ratings and JE's absymal airtime has coincided is, I think, not a coincidence. She's the best they have, and with all the returns, bring backs and re-hauling of the shows, she can be part of this resurrection they seem to be gearing up for. We just need to push for it on her behalf. As Remos mentioned in another post, Jane shouldn't have to do it. Her fans should be the ones.

Edited by QueenTracy
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According to TMI who is 100%...there Tracy spoilers all happen on Monday--which I assume means she will only be on Monday of next week. YOu know, I would rather that she be on one day and have 4-5 scenes where she speaks, then be on as wallpaper a couple day.

Tracy goes to Shadybrook to find Lulu missing.

Tracy finds Johnny and Lulu kissing when Johnny returns Lulu to SB.

Tracy asks Johnny is she wants Lulu to end up like Laura and then she argues with Lulu about Johnny.

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asnyone around for a quick chat?

9:20 central time

BR? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Have we all jumped ship? Has the lack of Tracy disbanned our little group?

My little one ran for student council rep today and lost. He was so upset cause he made a truthful speech and the other kids lied and they won. They said they would get coke machines for lunch and have no shoes days, etc...

I told him it sort of mirrored the real elections! People lie and promise things they cannot deliver!

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I'm still here! Lurking, but still here! I feel like such a creeper.

Sorry to hear about the elections. That voting stuff is tough. It seems like that's kind of a young age to have student government... it's hard to expect kids that little to make intelligent voting decisions. Haha.

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