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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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La...la...la *holds ears, skips through thread, and sings* .... "I can't hear you" :P

I sent out some tracy post cards today but considering the above and Tracy's (and my) insecurity over EWCBO, I guess I should send out my luNacy ones tomorrow.

speaking of Tracy/LuNacy, if you haven't posted on the SOC thread about a SL for Tracy, go forth and show your love for our girl.... Why is it that Tracy never get's a SL... She's So Awesome

Lisa Q, and Ms. Q, LOVE THE NEW VIDS! Great to see that clip of LuNacy's first kiss, I'd never seen it before.

Okay so which one of you is going to take a crack at a vid to Chris Doherty's "I'm Going Home"? It would be a great one for Luke's return :D ....

*sings while the song is playing on my computer* - "I'm going home to the place where I belong. Where your love has always been enough for me" .......... "The miles are getting longer it seems, the closer I get to you. I've not always been the best man, the best friend for you but you're love it makes true and I don't know why you always seem to give me another try.... I'm going home......" whaddyasay? :D

In the BR for a few right now..... http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Edit: QueenTracy, I didn't realize you had an Tracy info site until this morn. I found it just in time to print out the contact addresses and bring them to work with me. Thanks.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Night all,

I know I'm late to the game tonight. I didn't even watch today because I thought those spoilers about her not being on were true, so I'm watching Youtube right now to see what I missed.

Edward just gave an amazing speach about the damage the mob has done to the town and Lulu - not comedic - it was right on the money (except he blames the wrong killer, but hardly anyone knows Lulu was telling the truth). Scene 3 I believe Nex, it's worth including IMO.

Scene 4 starts off with the long awaited moment between Monica and Liz at the hospital. Another Q.

Lainey/Lisa - Diane is hilarious in this scene as she goes into Lawyer mode to convince Kate not to marry Sonny. Mock trial with Maxie as stenographer.

Scene 5 - begins with Monica again; gangs all back in the court room to hear the verdict including wallpaper-Tracy

Scene 6 - Mute Tracy is shocked, gets up (with a hair swing I might add) and storms out of court looking disgusted. Ed and Piph shake hands - don't know what's going on there...

Scene 7 - Lusam hottub, Hooked

Edited by remos
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Ok guys... here are the newest. Not the best b/c they are neither painting nor "real" drawings, they're oil pastel drawings so it's a little looser in the realism, but oh well. One is a prtrait but I couldn't remember if I put it up before. I'm trying to get enough of these pics done to be able to sell them at some kind of event so I found the oil pastels to be the quickest way to get a lot done, then I'll do the larger ones as paintings but the small 8x10 and around that are fine in oils... right?




ok, going to watvh gh now and anxiously waiting the scene (the one everyone missed of course) where TRacy has a big, break-out, star of the day kind of sceen.... or more realistically, Luke eventual return and therefore Tracy's piddlely little screen shots can grow to once again take up a full five minutes... I hate tv

Edited by knh
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Evening all.

Check out this spoiler pic from ABC Media net.


Does this mean LoooLooo isn't imagining her mommy? Or is the doc a hallucination? I'm confused

best part of the whole show. I loved it when Sonny asked for a scotch and Diane told him no alcohol on the 'witness' stand! LMAO!

Edited by LisaQ
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Stace made these "luNacy babies" at a site called MakeMeBabies.com a couple of month ago. They are too cute. And so as per request in the BR tonite, here they are....


Perhaps this is Lila Joy from Stace's story? LOL This HAS to be Coleman's kid. haha.


Baby Elliot from funny's story?


Okay, here is baby Layla from funny's story too :D

One thing is for sure, they all have Luke's hairline and Tracy's eyebrows. hee.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Tl sorry I came back but it said signed out

Here is finally a reliable spoiler! Cable guide...looks like Tracy may not be back on til 9/29--but hopefully then her story will pick up a bit with luke returning shortly after in about two weeks.

Oh and Laura is awake I am fairly 100% sure...AIG said she is awake and they are always right.


Episode: "Chaos Erupts"

Gunshots interrupt Kate and Sonny's wedding; Johnny takes Lulu back to Shadybrook where they encounter Tracy.

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Morning all...

Love those kiddie pictures, TL. Very funny, but the baby is my favourite. You'd think someone as beautiful as Jane would produce something more... um, attractive.

I'm settling in for a non-Tracy fortnight. But when Lukey returns we had better be getting some serious TQ action. These past 4 months have been ridiculous, and yes - we are coming up to the 4th month mark of the LuNacy drought. That's 1/3 of the year!!! I don't want TQ with anyone else, but I wish they would send Tracy off with Luke rather than having her as wallpaper or once a month for a scene or two. I don't think she has accumulated even half and hour of actual airtime in these past 4 months. Not amused...

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Now this is what ticks me off, when Laura first came "out of it" she said to Lulu that Luke and the boys knew but didn't want to upset Lulu. Now all of a sudden the only person who does know is Lulu. It's amazing just how stupid the writers think we are, even a casual viewer like me, knows what happened and how, the fact that they are changing the story is just dumb. They could have had a real good thing if it was all in Lulu's head, she could of gone off to another facility (Julie can go on her honeymoon) and Laura could "leave" without upsetting the crazy diehard L&L fans.

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