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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ok here is one. There were a couple more too, that sounded Remos-esqe. But then they declined in value and she just started saying things like "Tracy looks like Michelle Pfifer doesn't she?" And I was like, ehh, not Remos. Plus I just clicked on her name and saw she had a profile. Anyway nothing but love for whoever she is...fellow Tracy lover and all!


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morning guys. I am off to see "Wedding Singer" in a couple hours (the play).

I was going to say what is missing from that spoiler was ....in jail! Although I don't think Tracy is arrested if she is bailing him out. The storm is taking place now and lasts through Tuesday supposedly. Wed. the 21st is a new PC day and the storm is over, so Lunacy can leave town. I bet Tracy's leather looking jacket is a raincoat. Maybe they spend the night at the HS.

So I bought the SOD and the SID at the grocery store yesterday as I saw both at the check out. So get this...not only is the stock photo of JE/TG so outdated (the teal jacket one) but in the SOD there is a photo of just Jane with the caption that says 'Jane takes a break from GH" and it is the photo of her in some beige looking jacket with like lace on it or something and it has to be from like 2003 or something cause she has those cruella d'ville blonde streaks only in front--now what was she thinking with those???

Tony's article says he is going to go to the artic circle, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, etc this summer. He definitely says Jane is not off the whole summer.Edit


LadyA!! breakroom real fast? 10am central?

Edited by hookedongh
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From PA on the dish this morning:

Anything new for Jax, Tracy, or Alexis?


PA waves back at Anon! Good morning!

IR will soon be off for vacation. Rumors continue about his contract status.

JE is already on vacation. She will return immediately prior to TG's return mid to late summer with a storyline relative to the HS. Alexis' storyline is very much connected to Jerry during this late spring and summer. Alexis is about choices and chances.


The good news...she will return. And with a storyline relative to the HS. The bad news...immeditaly prior to TG's return. Mid to late summer.

By the way...Tony said he is due bck mid-sept in the SOD article.


Me bugging PA again:

PA: So I missed the beginning part of the conversation...so you think JE will be back like mid-July or late Julyish? Do you know if it was her choice to take vacation or it was a way to get her offscreen for the summer?

Based on my current information, JE will return in July. I don't have any more specifics at this time.


Edited by hookedongh
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Guys, I am bringing this whole excchange over in case any of you want to see it...info on the rest of the show. I know there are some Diane fans and some Spin/Max fans here. It gives some insight into the backstage stuff too. PA is very reliable.

The characters of Patrick and Robin are the cash cows, according to BF.


too bad it doesn't show on screen


True. The reasons are mired in contracts, character development, divas and divos, etc.


What do you mean by character development?


I assume she means Claudia..but that's just my spec


Good spec, Anon! Guza and Wolf are commited to ensuring Claudia as a character along with the contractual matters within SBr's contract (read money).



PA: So I missed the beginning part of the conversation...so you think JE will be back like mid-July or late Julyish? Do you know if it was her choice to take vacation or it was a way to get her offscreen for the summer?


Based on my current information, JE will return in July. I don't have any more specifics at this time.



Have YOU heard anything about Carly and a WTD storyline? Or if Sonny really signs away Morgan?


I have only heard RUMORS of a WTD storyline for Carly. If I hear anything definitive, I will share.

LW advocated for more of the Michael storyline, especially relative to Kate's shooting. She is pleased with the current Michael storyline with hopes of an Emmy reel.



PA can you tell us if Alexis will have a sounding board at all now since Jax is unavailable?


Diane will be her sounding board with a bit of Ric for the near future. She will also continue to caution Diane about Max.

Have a good day and remainder of the weekend, DD!



What is coming up for Scrubs? Should we give up that they ever really get back together?


Good morning, Anon! A number of storylines are being stalled, delayed and/or postponed. Ratings is a serious issue along with contracts and storyline commitments.



Waving hello at PA.

Anything new for Jax, Tracy, or Alexis?


PA waves back at Anon! Good morning!

IR will soon be off for vacation. Rumors continue about his contract status.

JE is already on vacation. She will return immediately prior to TG's return mid to late summer with a storyline relative to the HS.

Alexis' storyline is very much connected to Jerry during this late spring and summer. Alexis is about choices and chances.



The characters of Patrick and Robin are the cash cows, according to BF.


Hey PA!

I am sure they are; his marketing eyes see dollar signs. They are the poster children for alternative revenue source opportunities.

Any news on feedback about FH's return?


The feedback relative to FH's return was positive initially. Some negative feedback relative to Patrick's commentary about Anna.

FH will be in and out of the storyline this summer. To date, not all the scenes with and without Noah/Eli have been written.



PA, What's happening with LuSam so far ????


Lusam is one of the storylines which has been delayed due to personal issues for the actress and actor (family matters). The storyline is also been delayed due to the attention required to repair/redo/rewrite/salvage the character of Claudia.



PA, are Scrubs being delayed due to RS as well?


Guza intends to address some father-son issues between Noah and Patrick.



PA..is Patrick getting negative feedback again? His waivering on the baby isn't going over well online at all. Just curious! Thanks


Yes, in one word.



Hi PA,

Do you have any information on SpinMax or Jason Cook's character? Much appreciated and thank you!


First, I confess to being a fan of Spin and Maxie. KS and BA are truly having TOOOOOOO much fun with the storyline.

Spin is suppose to develop some deep feelings for Maxie. However, angst will come in several forms.

There is also some talk about Sam being involved in the storyline along with the character to be portrayed by JC. I don't have all the details on the later character at this time.



PA can you please give us details about jerry/alexis?


I don't have significant details. Generally, you will see Jerry's bad boy act on a regular basis. Alexis will become aware of some of antics, but not all. Initially, Jax was to be involved in the storyline as a safe haven or sounding board for Alexis. IR's vacation may have impacted this element of the storyline.



PA i am curious.. do you think that steve thinks his character has taken a hit the way the writers are writing jason.

I just can't for life of me think he is too happy right now. *shrug*




There are a number of actors/actresses who are concerned with their storylines. Some actors/actresses found themselves in the role of advocate on behalf of their character or pairing.



PA, In your opinion does TPTB care how they have to script Nikolas to sell Claudia?


There are two reasons for the pairing:-TC's request; and intent to address certain issues with the character of Claudia.



Are they ever going to repair Patrick?



The storyline for Scrubs was to include several proposals during the period of the writers' strike. Robin's response was to be the focus of the proposals.

As to repairing Patrick, I am not certain what would constitute repair for fans and non-fans alike. I can share that Patrick's storyline has changed on several occassions as a result of fans as well as higher ups.


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Well, a few things spring to mind from that list....

First of all, no one in the know is going to tell us anything about JE's return until closer to the time. I suspect we'll see her in 2-2 1/2 months. July is not 'immediately' before.

Secondly, TPTB are even more out of touch than I thought. The way for Claudia's character to improve is not to shove her down everyone's throat, but to allow her to develop naturally. Fans are wanting to dislike her on principle because they know she is hogging the airtime and taking valuable story away from the beloved characters.

Thirdly, again TPTB don't seem to understand the value of story. You can't tell 'story by committee'. Stick with a vision and run with it. You can't tweak this much along the way because the focus is lost and and the fans lose interest. One would think that the TMK story should be seen as a big cautionary tale in that regard.

And finally, it seems everyone is out for themselves - either keeping their jobs or that elusive 'Emmy reel'. Is anyone at GH interested in tell a good story? Honestly, their flubs will be remembered much longer than any award winning performance ever will.

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Kind of OT: I totally forgot my log-in information at PhotoBucket and after several guesses, I have now been locked out for the time being... I should have just gone to "Forgot password" from the get-go 'cause even though I know the information now, they are still telling me "too many failed log-ins; try again later." Grrr... :angry:

*waves to bsg and funny*

EDIT: Yeah! I'm back in PhotoBucket. Unfortunately, this board wants to enlarge my avatar... This is what it's supposed to be, but right now, it's not working. <_<


Don't worry, LuNacy fans... LuNacy will return to my banner/avatar in the future...Maybe if we get good scenes/dialogue next week, I will create one for their offscreen summer adventure.

EDIT AGAIN: Woot! I got it. Just decided to upload from my computer instead of PhotoBucket...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Funny, I had the opposite reaction. All I could think of is what a bastard he was to her back then. No wonder she has trouble with men. Why did Lila put up with Tracy being treated like that? Now at least Edward has his moments where he'll admit to needing her - then she was nothing.

I'm amazed that the character of Tracy hasn't cracked under that treatment. Luke may be many undesirable things, but he's the only one who's bothered to see beneath the surface and knows she worthy of better treatment then she's gotten.

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Yeah agree. I don't know if it's just how it is written now or if it was JE's relationship with David Lewis, butTracy's scenes with Edward used to have so much more depth and complexity. Now it's all pretty one note.

Ahh, the good old days!

*Hope you didn't have screamers on the plane!*

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Hey guys...haven't scrolled back cause I just got home and have to make dinner (yes make dinner I did say those words). Saw Wedding SInger--very cute and such a fun 80s flavor to it!

I saw this on SD...

Titan TV CGS


Carly and Sonny deal with their grief; Claudia makes a confession to Nikolas; Elizabeth consoles Jason over his guilt regarding Michael.


Sonny explodes at Carly for asking that he stay away from Morgan; Luke is arrested; Elizabeth and Jason wish that things could be different.


Carly can't find her husband; Nikolas regrets his connection to Ian; Tracy aids Luke with his shenanigans.

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