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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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  • hookedongh


  • remos


  • Ms. Quartermaine


  • ILoveTracyQ


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Staci--You are a genius! That is possibly the coolest thing ever!! Your best photoshop yet!!!!

I am so using that as my avatar now on Soapdish and elsewhere!!! I will credit you!!! That will be my summer avatar on those sites starting next week (unless you want to use it on SD in which case I won't!) I think it will be a good in your face thing for all the LnL fans who like to rain on our parade!!!

Remos--still no kudos for my positivity???? You wound me woman!!!

I was like WTF with Lulu rehashing the Laura rape [!@#$%^&*] today with Johnny--that made no sense and was not needed. And also, I am so damn sick of watching LW cry.

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hooked, want me to shrink so it's avatar size? I know it'll shrink automatically if the settings are on, but sometimes it comes out distorted or rather pixel-y. How's your son doing, BTW?

ILTQ, omg!!! You have to write more often!!! What you wrote is incredible, and I saw it all playing out in my head, and I was like "That would be so neat if it happened on GH!!!" Wonderful job! I hope to see more from you. :D

Okay, I think Luke looks a little lopsided, so I tried fixing him up a bit in the "movie poster." Any better?


hooked, here is a smaller version. Feel free to use or discard. :D The second one is a little brighter.


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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It is with deepest regret that I made an oversight of such magnitude. I bow to offer my most profound apologies and desparage that I have caused you pain. You accomplishment was indeed impressive and I should have acknowledged it in a more timely manner. Please forgive my callousness.

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Ms. Q, I love the LuNacy poster. I would love to add that to the site! It definitely needs/deserves its own page.

As for your sister, she is clearly not as discerning as the rest of us. Your poster is top-notch.

Edited by QueenTracy
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All I can say Remos is: LOL and THANKS! I feel much better now!!!

Thanks for the avatar size stace!!!!! Tell you sis to go back to her Sam lovin' self and stick a sock in it! LOL!

I thought it was a bang up job!!

I thought it was funny today that people kept coming in looking for Luke today. I wanted to yell at my tv--sorry he is too busy in bed with his wife making up!!!

ILOVETQ--What a great fic! I LOVE IT. You must write more!!!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Okay someone on SD supposedly has the ABC SID magazine early.

They said it says:

JE is tagging along with Geary to Amsterdam for a vacation.

Now that is funny and fun to think about isn't it? Could be fake cause people are so freaking whacked on SD that they make up fake stuff from mags to bait people into getting upset.

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I am like worn out over this dumb@$$ show!! They really 'F' with our heads man. arrrggghhhh! Called the comment line again today, and had Dana call too. Was SOOOOOO looking forward to the ring/kiss scene. G-d forbid they throw us LuNacy fans a freakin' bone. We needed a nice little chew-toy (LOL) to help get us through the summer without them. D@MN THOSE SOB's!!

Oh, show some love for our couple by posting at some of these SOC threads:

LuNacy and LuSam - S/L possibilities

Five Things You Would Like to See For Your Favorite Character

Luke & Tracy - I Love These Two Together!

Luke Giving Tracy a Limp Flower

Anyone for the breakroom? I promise I'll behave tonte ;)


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Ok, HUGE question that needed clarifying b/c I need to know.... JE is accompanying TG or TQ is going with LS. Big differences with those statements. Plus, as much as this group is pretty split as to whether or not they think those to or one of the two are gay, let me just say that I, for one, think they make the cutest couple EVER and so that is where my mind is going with that quote... they they are oh so cute and taking a vaca together.

Now for the show. I haven't seen today's yet but let put a positive spin on the last 2 since a good many people think we got jipped. If really great writers were doing their jobs I think we would have been jipped too, but seeing the way things have always gone with our faves and the fact that they can step in sh-t and make diamonds they can simply be making the same old crap into something better than it would normally be, but I say we give credit where credit is due. TIIC, while they may not be producing great writing, they are giving us much of what we have been asking for for a LONG time, and all in recent months. Luke has declared his love over and over. He has said that he loves her (at the very least) as much as Laura and he doesn't want anyone else ever. He has or will be asking her to run away WITH him. And last but not leats, she kicked him to the curb and is making him work to get her back. Like I said, the writing may not be fantastic, but they are certainly giving us what we wanted. And if none of this is what people want to hear b/c, yes, the shows are still disappointing (I'm not saying they aren't, just looking at the silver lining) than to you I say this... becareful what you wish for... or at least VERY very specific!!


And *waves to everyone on right now (TL and Funny)*. Been a long time guys!!

Edited by knh
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Why not??? ewcbo has boasted for years that she has an 'open invitation to Amsterdam'. She can't be the only friend he spends time with there. And I would imagine he has a lot more to share with JE than with GF.

My conspiracy loving heart can go there with you. Not a problem.

Drat... you're right... I hate to be interupted mid-rant by logic... Just think if we were Scrubs fans or Liason fans... We actually have gotten 98% of the goods and we're b*tching about the last little bit. No other couple has even that much at the present (also JoLu is coming up fast on the inside).

Edited by remos
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Sorry! didn't mean to spoil anything for ya! Just wanted to shine a little light on the "good" things about what we're being given. While they are few are far between, they are there and I have found them!!! I feel like I won the scavenger hunt... but there's no prize. It'd be great if the prize were scenes that we REALLY wanted, but still. can't have it all

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ILTQ, it's really good! I'm so glad you wrote it! Thanks for posting!!!

Ms. Q, your poster is adorable.

Hooked, I'm glad you're happy about your positivity (I'm too pissed for positivity myself). Oh your son-- he's adorable with the Bush letter. TOOOOO FUNNY!

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