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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Staci I loved your post on SOC. Dead on IMO and I wanted to cheer you on. :)

I haven't watched yet so I don't know what the previews look like, but there was the "heat turns up" and Tracy "warming up" to the Haunted STar, so suppose it really is smoke, maybe Luke tries to cook dinner and burns it instead? Sounds pretty plausible.

As far as Tracy leaving with Luke, I'll decide how I feel about it when I know how long JE will be gone, and if she gets to leave again to bring him back. I don't know, to me it's just another way to ignore the Q's, whom we only have a few left of anyway and we never see them. But then, we've had at least one summer where we saw Tracy ONCE for five minutes, so at least if she's offscreen with Luke, she'll have stories to tell when she gets back. I don't like the idea of Sam staying to run the HS while they're gone, because I don't like Sam at all, but as long as we don't get jealousTracy in scenes with Sam, or Sam getting physical and Tracy standing there taking it, I might be okay with it.

If we get at least one good scene of Lacy on the run, instead of them just walking out of the HS, it might be worth it.............

although we might miss out on Anthony Z and Tracy scenes, and I really am dying for a few BW/JE scenes.

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Okay so everyone is happy....but me. Trying to get happy about this and reconcile it. Happy that it is like Lunacy summer on the run! Going to drive the Lnl fans wild.

As lainey said....this is like a 60 year old cinderella ending for her--she has always had the shittiest husbands who never loved her...she finally has one who is now totally in love with her and wanting her to come away with him and sweep her off her feet.

Why are there other spoilers still being dropped though about her and Sam and potential about Alan's will stuff, etc...from Shirley at GHH2

I have been able to find out that she does leave with him, but comes back sooner. However, some anon on SD says she comes back in late august. Consideirng nobody even knew she was leaving with him til the SOD announced it, then how do they know this.

Until yetserday I was getting info on their bittersweet goodbye scene. Shows you SD is a total clusterf*&K!!!!

My spoiler ho duties will get rusty all summer long!

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Hope today is as good as we think it will be. After today we have potentially only two more days of TQ (waah) but happy to think of all the adventures she and Luke are sharing offscreen. Actually our couple is the ONLY happy couple on the show it seems this summer.

Check email.

Also, someone on a board pointed out a bright spot to me (this will make Ms. Q, TL, Halee and Nancy laugh and Funny and Remos roll their eyes

"Look on the bright side, Tracyfan--at least it will give her hair time to grow out"


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Tony and Jane are just SO good. They say so much more with a touch and a look than ANY combination of ANY other actors or pairings on GH. Love them ! yesterday was good, but today..>>TODAY, my friends....HEE. Is the "ring" moment.

live recap, please? :P for those of us stuck at work.

To the "two more days" of TQ thing, no...SOD said Tracy and Luke are leaving "this week" but remember, that SOD is from 052708. So they mean THAT week. The week of the 27th. Not this week. Of couse, we may not get much more Tracy from now till then, but this week isn't the last.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Okay one thing making me sad now. We have to all try to still post here for the next couple of months while TQ is gone! I will be very sad if we don't at least pop in to say hello and chat every so often!!

Also--I would suggest that we all try to call the comment line this summer asking where is Tracy, we want her back to show that fans really do miss her when she is offscreen!

Edited by hookedongh
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Yeah, I love my girl, but the hair needs to grow out. shoulder length is best, she's too "mature" *cough* for really long or short hair. Years ago on DOOL, she looked okay (not great) with the ultra short hair, but now?

You just look better with the "SWISHY" hair, Janey-poo.

My opinion only, although I'm sure Staci misses the swish, too.

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