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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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  • hookedongh


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  • Ms. Quartermaine


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Hope you did well. Last of Irish... Cinnte!

Oh... Sorry to leave you hanging like that, luv. I went to look as soon as you said something (can always hear "once in a lifetime, too" over and over again) and I couldn't completely tell. But I think you might be right. I'm convinced that's a wardrobe opps - nothing Luke has said lately would suggest he wants to take his ring off. And it would have been acknowledged onscreen if it was a plot point.

*Crossing fingers* oh, I hope so!!! There has definitely been a building towards something huge - a great payoff is coming, I can feel that for sure.

Hooked... I bow to your superiority when it comes to spoilers. You da ho!!!

Ms. Q... Tricky? Moi???


This on SOC for this coming week and next... Not new... but... you know....

Luke turns on the charm to win Tracy back.

Luke is arrested for laundering money.

And on SZ, not anywhere near as eloquent as we've seen... and a week early...

Luke flies the coop, to avoid incarceration, leaving Tracy with the Haunted Star.

Tracy versus Sam, equals fireworks.

The cops converge on Luke on a matter of money laundering.

Edited by remos
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More of the same...Except the last one (kind of). From SoapDish...

In order to cancel Anthony's leverage over Lulu, Trevor gets Luke arrested for money laundering.

However, Lulu and Johnny decide to keep seeing each other and bring Anthony down.

Meanwhile, Luke asks Tracy to go on the run with him and she gives him an unexpected answer.

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Thanks Nex for the clips!

Wow--maybe the surprise answer from Tracy is yes, she will go with him. But then she comes back early? Or the surprise answer is he should go, but she will run things?

Inquiring minds want to know!!!

Miss chatting with you guys. My parents go to bed early so I wasn't able to stay up late in here on the computer . Also, been running around this morning with soccer. Adam got picked for a select team for soccer next year so my 7-year-old is now having to make a life-altering decision (LOL) between that and football for the fall!

Got an early Mother's Day gtift of a Nordstrom gift card, so my mom and I are going shopping today. Going to an REO speedwagon/Loverboy concert tonight! Maybe late afternoon if anyone is around we can chat!!


From some anon...

I keep seeing spoilers about "sparks fly between Tracy and Sam" so I am assuming Tracy doesn't leave town with him.

No Tracy Stays behind and Runs the HS.

Thank you. At least he asks I suppose . Do you know if they have a nice ending scene and on good terms?

Yes they do they have good Scenes Coming up .

Can you share anything?

Well if you are a Tracy and Luke fan watch Tuesday you are going to love it and it is so Funny Luke Trying to be Romantic and Charm Tracy . When Luke leaves thouse Scene Coming up are bitter-Sweet .

Thanks. They stay married though right when he leaves? Bittersweet in that they are nice scenes, but sad cause he is leaving?

Yeah They Stay Married and yeah What I mean is that they are Good Scenes but Sad.

Edit again

Thanks. Sad cause he is leaving right? One more thing and then I will stop...do you know if he gives her rings back??

Yeah and she lets him go but not before telling him that she loves him and he promises that he will Come back They are really good Scenes you will like them Tracy fan .

and its ok you can ask

Edit again

Do you know if Tracy will be offscreen for a while, or will she be on after Luke leaves? I have read some Sam/Tracy spoilers, so hope they get some snarking in!

I'd love to know anything about Sam/Tracy also.

No Tracy will not be off Screen for a While she will Running the HS For Luke. Sam and Tracy have Scenes Coming up also

Edit again...but wait...there's more...

I was just wondering about the rings cause she hasn't worn hers since she dropped it in his drink in Jan when he came back, but he has worn his.

Do you know if Tracy is on with Lucky this monday or what days she is on this week? She bails him out of jail right?

How does luke try to romance her on Tuesday? Is it just played for laughs!

Will Tracy be on after Luke skips town? Thanks!

Yes she will be on Running the HS . Luke and Tracy will be on almost all week and about Tuesday its Funny but Romantic.

Edited by hookedongh
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Ya know... even him asking her is huge. I hope she really waffles on her decission before saying it's best she stays.

And logically, Ms. Tracy Quartermaine is not exactly able to live life in the shadows and stay out of sight 'cause Luke will actually be a wanted man. Mrs. Tracy Spencer is not that fully developed enough, yet.

Thanks Nex, as always :D

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Cable internet is back up~ YAY!!

Hooked, thanks for the spoilers!

Remos, thanks for the fic fix ;)!

Nex, thank for the clips! In the beginning of the 2nd LuNacy scene, TG looks like he's reading cue cards BIG TIME during the whole trapeze commentary.

Edit: Whoohoo on the rings!!!! Thanks hooked!

Edited by TracyLuv
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hooked, thanks again! That insider is so sweet (with the "it's okay you can ask" - so nice of him/her). I hope all of these scoops play out!!!

TL, you are the cue card noticing queen!!! That his hilarious. TG doesn't even work the entire year. I love him, but how come he can't memorize his lines??? So I am thinking, he's either reading something or looking in the distance to help him think... (It does help! I've done it before!!! But I'm not an actress, so it's okay - haha).

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Hooked those spoilers have me so excited. Thank you! Enjoy your shopping & your retro rocking!

I was a good JE fan this morning and wrote a couple different letters to all TI'sIC.

And by the way, Marlon Brando used cue cards too!

Edited by halee
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Oh.. Marlon Brando was legendary for that. Used to piss off his leading ladies - wonder how JE takes TG to task on that one....

Hooked *kissing your feet for the good work you've done* those are WONDERFUL!!!! And almost a whole week of LuNacy being romantic and connected? That's almost too good to hope for - it might just carry us until the end of May... might...

BUT *stepping on her platform so she can be heard about the excited chatter*, once Luke leaves our Summer of LuNacy Festival 2008 begins. Hope you are primed. Here are the rules:

1. Once a days someone has to submit something.

2. Submissions can include fic, vid, email, text message, phone conversation, or anything else your imagination can come up with that shares a bit of Luke/Tracy interaction.

3. More than one submission a day is very welcome.

4. The Festival will continue until the day Lukey comes back on our screen.

5. Subject content is totally up to the creator, as long as it involves Tracy and hopefully Luke, it's good. For anyone wanting a Trash flashback or any other combination, I leave it to your judgement.

6. Fics can be presented in their usual way (LJ or FF); if you don't have an account but want one many hear can tell you how

7. Vids can be presented in their usual way. #6 applies here, too

8. All short contributions (text, email, phone call, etc) can simply be posted on the thread. I would suggest you limit it to 2-3 paragraphs though, so it doesn't become overwhelming.

Any questions?

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