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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey everybody sorry I missed coming to the br last night! I'll make it up to you by posting the fic tonight!

and did anybody go to soapnet to bump the thread for tracy and luke.


Were up to like 85 comments now! so the laura fans are getting scared cuz people like Luke and Tracy together!

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I think the spoilers are interesting, but I would much rather see Luke show Tracy he loves her, at this point, than simply saying it. We've heard him say it, and really....talk is cheap. I hate to think that is what the other spoiler meant about "we will know Luke loves Tracy before he leaves." I already know he does, and while hearing it is nice....it's been done. I'd rather get a few good scenes with him putting the ring back on her finger, or them celebrating their anniversary, than I would a simple "ILY".

I especially hate that we might only be getting it because Tracy might be jealous of Anna. :huh:

On the upside, YAY, Tracy spoilers !!

I have an idea for a fic, if this inspires anyone: I have noticed more than a few similarities between Luke and Larry...both like money, both like to be waited on, both love(d) Tracy, both like adventure, both have wanderlust, both are not that great at parenting but do love their children.... and I thought, what fun it might be, if Larry weren't really dead (they never clarified that, anyway) and he contacted Tracy for help because he's been on the run all these years but now he's afraid the people after him are going to hurt Ned or Brook Lynn. Tracy turns the tables on Luke by being the one to disappear without telling her husband where she's going, but Luke is soon hot on her trail.....

I would love a fic where Luke meets Larry, I think it would rock. LOL And Tracy would be mortified,especially when someone else pointed out the similarities.

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Am happy about the "impulsive ILY"!!!! I soooo hope it's true. Tracy spoilers are usually both litteral and figurative. Let's just hope its going to be fabulous!! I hope she uses Scott to get him jealous. Hey he already knows that Tracy has slept with him in the past AND Scott was in Luke's "hell" dream with Tracy so....

Rachel, I hope the whole room mate thing works out for you.

Remos, thanks for the spoilers!

tracynluke, I'm on my way to soapnet now.

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I think we'll get more than just a simple ILY. Significant stuff makes LH's spoilers, not the passing. That double ILY before Luke left the hospital, wasn't spoiled. Luke's ILY before the fake wedding wasn't even scripted. I think everyone has had enough of LuNacy's break and want to establish things are solid before TG leaves. Honestly, we are almost all story tellers - put on your writing brains and think about the story hole they'd be in if TG is gone for 4 months with no solid relationship to return to. That would be almost impossible to pick up before the Christmas break. They have to keep the flow going.

These things I believe to be true, my friends...

1. ewcbo will NOT make an appearance before the end of the decade

2. LuNacy will be increasingly solid as time goes on

3. TG and JE will not leave before the end of the decade

4. Spoilers are there to get conversation going, and are almost always misleading

5. TPTB are learning their lessons and have the potential to turn this baby around

6. Hooked will freak-out over something before the week is over

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Gee thanks for the vote of confidance there Remos! You know me too well.

ILTQ--This supposed ILY declaration is before the Anna stuff happens. The Anna/Luke scenes take place the week of the 5th. This ILY stuff is supposed to be next week of the 28th, around Wed. I have seen today that Luke and Anna scheme is what they do. Not sex. I read some spec about Anna and Luke scheme to take AZ for a lot of money. Maybe they are leading to that. I saw that Robin breaks down to Mac after talking to Anna on 5/13, so it looks like maybe she is on for her 6 episodes or whatever it is spread out a couple times a week. Could coincide with Tony's vacation. He could be leaving at end of May. Usually the mags spoil his last air date. Haven't seen anything about it nor I have seen anyone have info on it ion the boards.

The May 5th SID should have that lunacy question in its reader's poll section about should Tracy take Luke back? It is a little late don't you think??

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Eh.... what can I say... :lol:

I don't think they were ever going to have Luke and Anna going there. It would be gross, pointless and stupid. Besides, that's not the type of relationship they have together. Not every 'hook-up' in soap land is about sex. Now scheming.... that I could see happening any day.

I also don't think the spoiler was clear that they stole his money, just that they either scammed AZ or took something important to him. That could be anything.

It also said that FH has extended her time this summer, and quite possibly will be given her own story. It all depends on her schedule. Either way, she will be here long past 5-6 episodes.

Yes - thank heavens. :P

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Playing catch-up...

Addie, been meaning to tell you, nice pic!

TnL, would you mind sharing your birthday, so I can add you to the "unofficial list?"

Rach, eek on all the roommate troubles. I hope it all gets worked out.

Remos, thanks for the ILY spoiler!

Windows Movie Maker hates my nickname video. It freezes every other clip - oy!!! And then it doesn't want to re-open. :angry: I am up to 19 total of "wife" (or some variation - i.e. "my lovely wife")

Question: Do you think it would be better to put all the "wife's" in a row, and all the "Spanky's" and "Pretty Pink Peppermint Popsicle's" in a row as well? It's kind of neat watching them go by so fast, but then maybe it would get boring to hear Luke call Tracy wife almost 20 times non-stop??? (Or maybe not. :P)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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^^^ I have a feeling that's what most of us are going to vote. :D

Okay, so I am stopping with this video for the moment, 'cause the freezing/CTRL + Alt + Delete/re-open process is irritating me. But guess what? I found another "Spankster" so I have 2 of those now!!!

Oh, will there be any objections if I count "Mrs. Spencer" as a nickname? I have 3 of those clips...

Edit: BTW, when I closed WMM, "Wife" was up to 25. :o

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Remos I hope you are feeling better? i hope i get over this pre-cold.

hooked I will drink a little wine tonite. My kids weren't as bad today, but I didn't drink yesterday so I have to make up for it.

TnL I can't wait for the fic.

Ms. Q i can't wait to see the vid

ILTQ did you get the email?

TracyLuv i missed the br I was soooooo tired. Maybe tonite if not so late.

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Ms. Q, I think "Mrs. Spencer" should definitly be included. Tracy thinks of herself as "Ms. Quartermaine married to Mr. Spencer". But just for laughs, you should include the bit before the Metro Court hostage situation where she says "I'm a Spencer"

I think all of one name in a row would be hilarious. I'm so glad you're doing this - just wish your'puter was cooperating.

Thanks for the wishes. My voice is gone, and my chest hurts from all the coughing. I even had to tell Hooked to stop talking today because I couldn't respond to her if she didn't give me the space. :lol: I don't like being mute. (And the ass h*le is home from work, insulting me and taking advantage of me not being able to speak... not having a good evening. Hopefully we can all chat later... I'll b*tch then.)


Okay, somethings in the works...

This from Wubs:

Luke stuns Tracy with his words

Anthony and Luke have a drink and a talk

And for you, Lainey...

Max and Diane start meeting on the sly

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remos, sorry that you're sick. And thanks for the ideas with the video. I am realizing this really could go on for a long time if I keep searching transcripts for nicknames... I mean, I have (*knock on wood*) a lot of clips of the LuNacy love... Anyway, I think 20-something "Wife's" and 17 or whatever "Spanky's" plus everything in-between is enough... I mean, it's 2 minutes and 5 seconds of nicknames (that's a lot) with cheesy music in the background... Maybe I should take out the cheesy music? Haha.

Hee. You sound like my mom. Except my Dad usually works out of the house, by which I mean "in the house." Ahh, the English language where you fill IN a form by filling it OUT and when you wind up a watch you START it, but when I wind up this post, I END it... (LINK) - You all don't think I made that up myself, do you? :D
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