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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Stop that pessimism right now Ms. Q...where is your Lunacy faith! Even 10 letters once a week can make a difference if not that many people write in. I posted a thread on SOC about it to get the other masses out there interested maybe. It might get deleted I dont' know the rules.

Writing to the mags is key too.

Go post on this thread


I am going to start one on ABC datyime message board too to reach more people.

Here it is...if you are a member at abc.com, go post on this one too! Trying to reach out past our little fanbase here!


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Here are the addreses again:

I just emailed everyone on the thread whose email address I have.

Sorry I am being such a big pain in the butt...this will be my last post on this today!

Jill Farren Phelps

Executive Producer

General Hospital


4151 Prospect Ave

Hollywood CA 90027

Brian Frons

President of ABC Daytime

2300 Riverside

Burbank, CA 91506

Brian Frons

Daytime President


77 West 66th St

New York NY 10023

(Name of Actor)

c/o General Hospital


4151 Prospect Ave.

Hollywood, CA 90027


• ABC comment line: 212-456-7477 (Press 4)

• GH Comment line: 323-671-4583


• SODopinion@aol.com (Soap Opera Digest - "My Opinion," Carolyn Hinsey)

• SODsound@primediamags.com (Soap Opera Digest - "Sound Off!")

• SPWpubop@primediamags.com (Soap Opera Weekly)

• SPWvoice@primediamags.com (Soap Opera Weekly)

• abcmail@soapsindepth.com (Soaps In Depth - ABC issue)

• abcspeakout@soapsindepth.com(Soaps In Depth - ABC issue "Speak Out!")

• cindir@komotv.com (Cindi Rinehart)


Speak Out!

c/o Soaps In Depth

270 Sylvan Ave.

Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 07632

Soap Opera Digest

261 Madison Avenue

New York, NY. 10016

Cindi Rinehart


100 4th Ave N.

Seattle, Wash. 98109

phone number: 206-443-3439

Soap Opera Weekly

261 Madison Ave.

New York, NY. 10016

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You are right Ms. Q, if Sonny gives Luke a job, it will be taking him out of Tracy's orbit. NOT HAPPY About that! Should be interesting to see if Luke continues to wear his ring even though Tracy wont be wearing hers.

Many on other sites seem to think that it was just a marital spat and that it wasn't a real break-up. But Tracy's never gone as far as to ask him for a divorce before ('cept for the 15 million dollar thing way back). And she never gave him his rings before so... I don't know about that one.

There is a part of me that is saying that now the difference is 1. Now she KNOWS for SURE that he's in love with her, esp. since the Wyndemere stuff - so she's taking the risk that he will see the error of his ways with her. 2. - she WANTS to affect him - that's why she gave the rings back to HIM and not just stopped wearing them. Maybe that's why she is acting in a way she hasn't before, because she's more confident he wont just walk away. BUT will the writers write it that way? It makes me wonder when she didn't bring up why she was really mad, and started harping on him taking off. All of a sudden she's not fine with it? Maybe these scab writers don't know that Tracy already accepted that it part of who Luke is? I mean I think that JE and TG had to tell them that Luke calls Tracy "Spanky" because there were like 2 weeks of shows when he kept calling her Tracy and NOT Spanky. Then from out of nowhere "Spanky" made it's way back to his vocabulary.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Yesterday was only the beginning of this story...don't fret yet! She will get her chance to give him another earful I am sure. I have taken off my ring a time or two (but never put it in a drink...will have to file that away) for dramatic effect over the years...I am about as mature as Tracy! :)

This is laying the groundwork for the stuff to come...

and yes TL..check your email in a few for the answer to your pm

Think about it...if Tracy wanted a divorce from Luke...she would have filed the papers herself...she is a take charge woman...she would not sit around and let him divorce her! SHe is playing hardball with him now...let's see if he has the balls to come up to the plate and fight for her.

Nobody said that Sonny will say yes to Luke! I think Sonny is gonna say no cause he is scared of the wrath of TQ--LOL!! Maybe this is the thing about him getting his legs back and Tracy kicks them out from under him.

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I agree with hooked, , I was just coming on to post that, I think Sonny is going to say no, then Luke takes in the unlikely progeny ( I do think this is Spinelli) with his PI business and Tracy gets him fired from that somehow, because isn't Luke sometime soon supposed to get a job from Tracy?

I think this time she was justified in freaking out when he left. He almost died HOW many times, and left without a word, so the situtuation was far different. At any rate it should be fun to watch them together at ELQ.

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Okay, wasn't sure if she was on or not. Two scenes, owned them both!

5. Monica at hosptial walking to elevator. Tracy comes off looking like the 'cat that ate the canary'. Monica rolls her eyes and says she came to work to get away from Tracy. She filed the lawsuit and there is nothing else she can do. "Guess again", says Tracy with a smirk

6. Why aren't you with Luke, enjoying each other and wondering where you should live in poverty? Monica asks Tracy. Tracy says the first thing she is going to ask for in the suit in the family home. Don't count on it, Monica says, as she was leaving she heard something about Tracy wishing Luke were dead, that should go over well in court. Tracy says she asked Monica not to operate on Luke but she did anyway. Mon says he would have died if she didn't, Tracy says no, you did operate AND he almost died. Mon says she doesn't have time fo this, she has a patient to see. Tracy says she doesn't and she can talk to Dr. Ford... as Head of the Hospital Board, if gives her GREAT pleasure to inform Monica that her surgery priviledges have been suspended. She can consult but not be anywhere near a scalpel. Then the zinger: Tracy asks if Monica "is just drinking in the evenings or if she's started drinking all day long. THAT should be interesting in the courts!" Then Tracy walks away triumphant.

Edited by remos
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Need to catch up on the thread...just home from dinner and I "spoke" to chat up again. Told her I was a busy letter-writing bee today and got emails out to write in about Lunacy...told her what a pain in the ass it is to write letters vs. call or email....no wonder why they count!

This was her reply:

Good for you TF!

It's exactly why mail counts. There are all kinds of studies that discuss the level of people's concern/investment/anger on subject matter based on which medium they use to express themselves.


From soapdish...

Yay..our girl is on next week...but probably in the same hideous sweeps fur!

Also Lainey...

Just a soap dish anon poster, but someone dropped that CH and NLG are pushing for a different type of daytime story, that Diane falls in love with Alexis... could be total BS, but just thought I would throw it out here that it was said it was in being discussed.

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Darn good thing I don't have a soapdish account, because y'all would be accusing me of dropping that there!

I don't believe it.

It's just the posting of some kookie 'bean who sees the heat I see and wants them to "go there." It would be nice, and they might play with those of us who see those sorts of things... but if they're not brave enough to break some LnL taboo.. wtf makes anyone think they'd be brave enough to go THERE? No way. Nice thought, but no way.

Haven't watched today.

Might watch it..

Might keep up a mini boycott until they fix this horrid LuNacy situation. It's horrible. HORRIBLE!!.

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Well I printed up my postcards! I am sending one to everyone on the contact list.

I hope all our hard work pays off. I'm trying to be postitive :D

Here is the pic on the front of the PC (minus the grid background - that doesn't show up on the actual postcard and the actual pic is bigger)


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