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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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From daytime confidential for 1/23/08

Nothing new...just summarized so I wont' bother doing the spoiler thingy...

Monica's story is developing. Tracey does factor into it as I am seeing RUMORS that she serves Monica with a malpractice suit. The RUMORS go on to say that Tracey gets herself kicked out of The Q Mansion. Looks like Monica is not too happy about being sued by her sister-in-law. I'm sure we'll hear the classic lines: "this is my house" "I gave it to you" So I would guess Alan the ghostly conscience makes an appearance. We can also add drunk driving to Monica's story.

Tracey and Luke will have some problems when he returns. January 31st is the date that I am hearing. Looks like Tony Geary took a short vacation after all.

January 31st is a busy day at GH. It's the first day of sweeps, Sarah Brown debuts as Claudia Zacchara, Luke returns and the new opening premieres!

I rarely use dates. I hate them because things always change but there are some events happening that a little timeline assistance my be helpful to the GH faithful. So here it goes: the week of the 28th starts with Cooper being found dead. Spinelli comes up with his "theory" about the murders and the killer. Robin tells Patrick that she is pregnant, by an anonymous sperm donor. Lucky learns the truth about Sam and Luke returns. Claudia and Sonny hook up and the week ends with Lucky not believing that Sam is in trouble. Is the belief that Cooper was the TMK why Lucky thinks Sam is lying?

My comment: I sure hope TQ has her old hair in the new opening...hope it was shot before xmas break!!!

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Morning all... I think I'm in shock. We have awakened to new Tracy spoilers almost every morning since Luke left. And this morning - nothing. I just hope she's on today.

BTW, 1 week until the blow-up (Jan. 31st)!

Edited by remos
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Not spoilers, but info summary stuff


- On Tuesday, January 29 look for a new Girl's Night Out with Nadine, Regina, Kelly and Lainey.

- Sarah Brown debuts as Claudia Zacchara on Thursday, January 31, 2008. READ MORE

- Also returning to the canvas on January 31 is Anthony Geary's Luke Spencer who isn't as welcome as he once thought.


Monday: Sonny wants to settle things with Johnny once and for all. Monica tries to cover her tracks. Nikolas is tormented by what he can't remember.

Tuesday: Spinelli and Maxie set out to find out who is the real killer. Carly gives Jax the news he'd been hoping to hear. Tracy stirs trouble for Monica.

Wednesday: Claudia lets Trevor know who's calling the shots. Elizabeth can't forget what she's done. Ric and Marianna share a passionate night together.

Monica is also said to be covering her tracks. The suspects for who hit Sam with their car are Carly, Liz, Nik and Monica. Liz thinks she might have done it. Carly finds out she is pregnant. I also read that morgan finds michael's gun and shoots himself thinking it is a toy. He is touch and go, but then is fine. Carly finds out she is pregnant and is a wreck about being a parent, after facing truths about Michael and the life he has been raised with.

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More summaries....some new stuff here...freaking Edward gives Monica his blessing to evict Tracy...Knew he would take Monica's side. Gonna be our girl against the world! Hope at least Lulu stands by her and maybe even Lukey (even though she says she doesn't want him too)

What I dont' get is if Tracy wants Luke out of her life (which we all know she really doesn't but is hurt and angry), why would she be suing Monica on his behalf???

Spoilers NY Daily News

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Jason and Mike react to Maxie's screams coming from Coop's room, to find Coop hanging from the rafters — an apparent suicide. The police jump to the conclusion that Coop was the Text Message Killer. Jason, however, remains skeptical that Coop committed suicide or is actually the killer. Monica continues to secretly drink and is stunned when Tracy serves her with papers suing her for malpractice for Luke's botched surgery. Tracy and Monica have a catfight at the hospital. Lucky overhears Elizabeth and Sam's argument and later asks Elizabeth to tell him what else Sam has been keeping from him. Learning Sam watched Jake's kidnapping, Lucky tells Sam to get lost. The Quartermaine mansion becomes a battleground when Monica, with Edward's blessing, evicts Tracy from the house. Jason warns Sonny that Michael could be headed for trouble. As news of her pregnancy spreads, Robin maintains the lie that Patrick isn't the father. Sonny connects with the mystery woman after a chance encounter in a hotel bar. A returning Luke doesn't get the welcome he expected.

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We knew Edward was going to be on Monica's side, the old bastard. He's always treated Monica as his daughter and Tracy as a corporate raider - unless he's needed something, of course.

At least we know that Monica evicted her from the mansion (which she can do and it's about time... Tracy has the family, she should have a home of her own), but Edward hasn't destroyed her place as CEO of ELQ. That's more important to Tracy than the mansion was. Her family - the Specermaines - will support her, I have no doubt.

As for Tracy saying Luke is "dead" to her... whatever... watch her ring finger, that is the true indicator. If she takes those rings off, that will tell us how deep the hurt goes and how much work Luke has to do to get them back on her finger. Perhaps the spoiler about proposing hasn't happened afterall. Those rings were still on her finger on Tuesday.

Tracy is only suing about the surgery being botched. Wait until she finds out Monica was drunk (and you KNOW she'll find out).

If Lukey really thought it was over, he wouldn't try so hard to win her back. Spoiler say he does everything he can, and Luke can be pretty creative. I hope it's good, and mushy, and public, and everyone knows that after 6 decades Tracy Quartermaine is finally getting celebrated for who she is!

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For rachel.....

Monica hits Sam while driving drunk.....hint she tries covering her tracks. Meanwhile Liz thinks maybe it was her and that she fell asleep at the wheel. She tells Jason, Jason doesn't think Liz hit Sam. Jason finds out it was Monica and covers.

Oh by the way, in SOD this issue,

It's only my opinion article:

Talks about the pergatory storyline...

"Tracy got the last word, of course, "I"m glad you're alive, seh intoned with her steely gaze, "because now I am going to kill you, you selfish son of a bitch". Then she went on to say if Emily is a ghost or a hallucination, why doe she need a coat to go outside? There is only so much ridiculousness a soap can ask us to swallow!

Whole four page spread on JZ!

Classic lines section:


Luke tells Tracy about his vision of hell

Luke: ulu was barried to Junior Baldwin, pregnant out to here with three screaming kids, and a ridiculous poodle. Disco was back. Scott was an international playboy with his own private jet, and you were all over him like a cheap beaver coat!"

Tracy: "There is nothing cheap about beaver!"

Yay our girl is still making the mags in some respect!

On that note....

What have you done for Lunacy today???? Let's keep posting threads! :)

I just wrote a letter for somone who asked me to for Jax to get to be a dad this time in exchange for them writing a keep Lunacy together letter. Hope they are not lying that they do it! I just sent another letter about Lunacy to the show.

I am going to be away from Friday morning til Monday night, so trying to do my part before I go. I got the comment line programmed into my phone too!

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I have seen some unconfirmed spec...I repeat spec...that luke is the one who sends her the 10 million...not sure I buy this or not, but it could be that he gets asked to do something to get back into the game that involves him moving some cash....maybe since Tracy's assets are frozen, he gives her the money to funnel through ELQ or something...

Just spec again....

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Okay last post and I have to get my butt in gear and pack!

This if from a comment on Total TV online by Darcy, whatever his name is. I haven't checked that site in a long time. This was from a december column!

Jane Elliot...that long awaited Emmy should be yours

You know, I never was a fan of Jane or Tracy. I just never got into her character. Never really saw the talent that Jane brought to the table. Things changed when she started working with Geary, whom I prefer without Laura.

Jane Elliot, since paired with Geary, has been flat out awesome. She has been humanized to the point that her character is very tolerable, where as before, I fast forwarded through her scenes.

Her scenes with Geary, and even more so, her scenes with Monica over the loss of Emily, and her apology to Monica showcased this actresses powerful talent.

The former Emmy winner should at the very least get a nomination for the next awards ceremony.

Constantly under rated actress in my book.

I think I like this guy!

He also said that Tony Geary was mega-pissed at having to play the weak, heart-attack victim for so long. That was according to his sources. Hopefully Lukey is gonna come back ready to be scheming and fun again! Ready to go toe to toe with our girl!Edit

Interesting article about JZ in SOD...talks about getting hate mail early on with death threats in blood when she first came to GH. They had to bring in the FBI as that is a federal offense and she had bodyguards tailing her. She and Kin were like 25 and hopped on his motorcycle and tried to ditch them for fun. THey both got in big trouble with Gloria Monty and she reamed them up and down for it. she said they were young and stupid and it was a fun adventure! She said she doesn't understand why they dropped the whole Lucas coming out thing, and then why Jerry hasn't even said hi to her. She said she is not bitter about recurring...she understands it is financial and you have to pay someone who has been there 30 years more than someone for 3 months, etc...she got divorced and raising her daughters alone, etc.

Funny that is the most press she has gotten in a while!


Just sent a snail mail letter to SOD too. That makes SID and SOD. anyone else wanna do SOW?

Okay...I am getting carried away here. Back to my babysitter four page dissertation for the weekend!

Edited by hookedongh
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Okay..can I just say that I have posted way too many times today (trying to make up for the deficit when I am away this weekend). Come on girls..where's the Tracy love today???

Taking it she is NOT on. WTF is up with 1 minute and 27 airtime this week. One day last week. See when TG is gone, she gets bupkus...(nada). She so should have gone with him this time...except for then there would have been no pissed off at luke story to tell when he got back, and from what I can gather...TG was getting sick and tired of playing the weak, sickie Luke!

Someone else please post so that I dont look like such a pathetic loser==LOL!


This is an interesting site to bookmark for latest complied scoops


Edited by hookedongh
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You are not a loser. You are, however, very thorough.

Nope, she wasn't on today. But Alexis was, and she was too cute playing with her hair while she spoke with Jerry.

Gotta say, Lucky and Sam with Jake, Cameron, Molly and Christina were really cute, too.

There's always tomorrow, and lets hope next M-W have her on to establish her position before the boy returns on Thursday.

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