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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms. Q., I've got "Way I Am" on repeat, and have been singing it while I get ready for my Guide meeting tonight. Just heard Ru walk past whistling the tune. Have you any idea how much you have influenced the musical exposure of my children these last number of months?
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Mala: I think Emily would want to ride out Natalia Livingston's contract in corporeal form. I'd gamble on THAT.

Robert: I'm waiting for Emily to join Alan's ghost on the Q sofa to haunt Tracy.

Mala: Ah, but per the GH writers, Alan is a conscience, NOT a ghost. Though, seriously, Emily SHOULD haunt Tracy, who seems to think somebody else's niece died.

Robert: If the man who tried to kill his wife three times and murdered someone else is the "conscience" of that family, then they're in trouble.

Robert: Okay, I think Logan and Tracy's sunglasses beat Bobbie's.

Mala: Oh, look, Tracy suddenly has grief. Were they afraid Jane Elliot would outgrieve everybody? 'Cause, seriously, the woman rocks.

Robert: Jane Elliot could read the phone book for me.


Got anything else going on backstage??

TG is not happy - grumpy would be a good word.

Oh, he's grumpy???

Likes working with Jane. Does not like the story.

Don't think this has been mentioned yet, but Tracy acknowledged that Emily was her neice today. Not "adopted neice" or "the poor little orphan girl Monica adopted" or the "orphan princess." Though that was nice of her. Of course it was also tactful. And I don't think we should have expected any less from Tracy on a day like today.

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I came in to post, got sidetracked, and totally forgot I was on. So it probably says that I have been posting for like an hour.

So. I just saw the second half that I missed. I really like the Tracy\Dillon hug. An ILY would have been nice, but she seemed to really mean it.

Ms.Q, I thought that was gonna be a hotel fire hug, too! It was the same exact arm formation. lol. I was also a little affended with the Carly love. I was like helLO she is not the only chica in your life... whatever. Her crying with Luke was really good. And I liked how hurt she was when Luke offended her, and he realized it and immediately shut up. But the "You're not gonna die" line is getting old old old.

EDIT: rewatching the clips on youtube, (thanks, Nex!) I noticed that Scott told Luke that Tracy probably has a "young gigolo waitin' on the side." Haha Luke should appreciate what he's got.

Edited by Colette
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OK, I may be the only one but this makes me really nervous!!!! I know they like working with each other (how could you not?!) but from what they have both said in articles, making a story suggestion is the fasted way to get the opposite! If he starts asking for something better I don't know what will happen. Then again, it seems like they just may listen to TG, o if he is saying he's unhappy with the story I also don't want to see what'll happen.

Damn it, guys!!! I've been so freakin' positive and you just broke it with that one line. Man... I'm gonna have to get it back. I'll just have to watch todays epi now.


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Stace---LOVE the banner and avitar! My favorite one ever I think! IT is soooo cool. Love the Qs. So sad so many of them are gone. I think TQ is going to be more than just Thursday next week. I think Alan is going to appear to her next week for some reason.

This was just from soapdish from SOW or one of those mags.

..Luke finally agrees to heart surgery.

Duh--great scoop huh??? Ha ha.

So do you think that was his big vanishing act or he is gonna disappear again? SO overblown if it was.

I think TG doens't like this sick feeble luke storyline and I don't blame him much. But think...he is still there and it is end of Nov. which means he is on for the next three weeks at least or so. Maybe even for xmas. He could get back totally in the mob storyline afterwards...

I like this Dr. Julian because he is a rock doc! He is luke's type of doctor. On Nightshift which I know none of you really watched...he saved Maxie's life. He was like listening to his ipod jamming around the hospital iwth his ponytail and even played the guitar for her in her room.

JE was amazing today in her timing of the Dillon/ned hug...how she was acting all motherly straightening his collar for him. SHe looks so little compared to them. My son just passed me up heightwise. It is strange looking eye to eye with him. I love Tracy's assessment of Liz today...wanting to go heave! I did think Liz gave a good eulogy even though it was a bit long. Loved her scene with Luke...just perfection!!!

I loved scotty today munching on that apple while harassing luke. He is so true to his character ya know...even after all these years.

Ticks me off Emily got a way better, longer funeral with a longer montage than Alan did. Plus could they put more of her and nik's sex scenes in that montage?? And...did you see Tracy's face when Liz was commenting on Em's nutty family. Monica, Edward were smiling, ned and dillon and alice were, but Tracy was like "how dare you call us nutty you interloper--ha ha".

Also, what ticked me off is that Ephiphany and Dr. Ford and patrick got mentioned in the eulogy...but she neglected to mention Ned/Dillon...Ned was so good to Emily when she was a little girl in that house.

Okay...done with my rant...anyone around for a few...br? 9:15pm

Nex--you are the best!!!!!!!

Remos---two out of three of your doll stuff came today. I will wait for the third and then mail them to you.

Edited by hookedongh
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Lainey is officially tired of the "Luke is too cool to follow doctor's orders" storyline.


Watching TG play pain, and JE play fear is fantastic... but at some point, you gotta move on!!! MOVE ON! There is more to be mined there, people. Just THINK a little. Geez.

Ms. Q, LOVE THE NEW GRAPHICS!!! I have never seen most of those pictures!

Yeah, that was kinda yucky. What was up with that?!?!?!
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OK.. so as much as I always hate to see the old banners and avatar go b/c I loves them so so mcuh!!!!!......... I ADORE this one, Stace!

It's fantastic

edit: wait, no party today? what's going on? I'm hearin' crickets!!

Hooked: HUGE story question for you. I just emailed you so I hope you get it

other than that... I had something I came in to say but I forgot what it was when I came in, so I'll have to think about it... and hopefully it's not the fact that I'm apperently getting hit with EARLY early early onset alzhiemers

yet another edit: sorry guys, just wanted to say goodnight to all the BR party guests!!! The second I said I thought I lost my connection I ended up losing it for real. My computer sucks!!!

Night all

Edited by knh
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TL--Here is the scene breakdown for Johnny next week...this person has been dead on...



Lulu & Luke

Lulu & Luke

Lulu, Luke, Tracy, Epiphany & Day Player

Lulu, Luke, Tracy & Leo


Lulu, Trevor & Day Players

He must come to Gh to see lulu who is with luke...

Doesn't mean they aren't on other days cause they didn't drop scene info for Luke or Tracy or really much of anyone else...

Night all!


No way...Deb..what are you doing up so late checking the thread??

Edited by hookedongh
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