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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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So far...

Scenes: 4

Segments: 1, 2, 3, 5, Luke in 6 for like 10 seconds

Hair: shiny, oomphy and has shape.

Clothes: This GORGEOUS, long, black jacket with big white buttons on her left and white trim on the sleeves. It looks amazing on her. It has to be new, it looks very fashionable, which seems to never happen with her demented designers. Pretty earrings, too. Lulu looks really nice. Her hair was really cute. Luke should be a little less crabby with the two pretty women in his room.

Scene 1: Looks like Luke tries to leave and comes back in the room. No continuation of yesterday's convo. Tracy comes in when he is situating himself, and she wonders what he's doing.

Scene 2: Tracy hooks him back up and tells him to keep his butt in the bed. Lulu comes in and Luke tells her to bring the "step-monster" (:angry:) to suffocate someone else. Lulu says she will let them sort that out and says she came to drop off Tracy her phone because she left it at home! HOW SWEET!!!!!! Tracy said thankyou in a surprised but nice tone. Lulu obviously moved back into the Q mansion.

Scene 3: Lulu said that she did not move back for Luke, she did it to not hurt Spin's feelings. He doesn't believe her, she is back with Logan. Luke mentions how Lulu lied about Lucky and Tracy tries to cover for her. Lulu says she loves Luke, he isn't going anywhere (as in die), and Tracy says that that is why he needs the operation.

Scene 4: At the funeral. TQ looks cool in sunglasses! She walked with Lulu, ran into Logan outside and said something insulting to him but I couldn't understand it. Logan said that she never misses a chance to insult her. Lulu stuck up for Tracy by saying how she was scared about her dad. Tracy, very sweetly, went up to Monica when she entered the mansion. She regrets how she treated Em. She hated how Em was compared to Lila. SHE CRIED! It was amazing. She hoped Monica would forgive her and walked away.

Scene 5: Luke the idiot is dressing up as a doctor. That must have been why he left and came back before. He is trying to leave but his heart is impairing him.

Previews: Funeral tomorrow. Luke is almost to the elevator but is stumbling. Dork.


- JE's scene with Monica was so powerful. It was just unexplainably wonderful. She is so good.

- TG is doing great with the half-dead thing.

- I want to give the jacket a hug I like it so much. Lulu looks so mature now. And pretty. Haha I am so happy today.

- Love how Lulu is being SO nice to Tracy. There relationship is getting so good.

Edited by Colette
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Wow you are on top of things today Colette! Not even through with the show and you are already recapping. Sounds great. Can't wait to watch. Even soapdish is commenting on how good JE was today and what a nice scene it is with Monica!

Good for little lulu for being pleasant to Tracy today and realizing she is scared about her dad!!!

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Thanks, TL. I gave it over to Lainey and Deb to do with as they wish.

Banner looks good.

Colette, double thumbs up to you. Great recap, and record breaking speed!!!

Some of my thoughts (few, considering I had to leave part way to take the screamers to piano lessons)

Lulu's hair looks like it came from The Monsters. Sorry, the hairstyle doesn't do anything for me. Sweet that she was concerned with Tracy, bringing the cell to her, and not allowing her to accept responsibility for lying to Luke re: Lucky. Also standing up for Tracy with Logan (I returned just as Lulu was doing that, so I have no idea what Tracy said).

I'm really pleased the way Lucky and Lulu are flanking Tracy this week. Hopefully it will be the start of much more.

Tracy, beautiful as ever, has Luke's number. She knows he's up to something, but I doubt she suspects he's going to try to sneak out of the hospital. I'll bet there will be hell to pay come tomorrow when she finds out.

Scene between Monica and Tracy was great. Tracy has long had the reputation of being the family's one tone bitch, but she is really so much more. Saying how she resented Emily because she was always compared to Lila made me start to think.... a few boards are saying Tracy has lost her edge, but I think TRACY is getting to be more like Lila. We never got to see Lila in her early years, you know....

Anyway, my few cents for what they're worth. Gotta get the kids. Snow squall just blew through a few minutes ago. We might actually have a white Christmas this year - oh, and Frank called, he has my chocolates. :P

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Haha, thanks Ms.Q and Remos! Yea, Lulu's hair was pretty wild. I think you have to be really interested in fashion (like my obsessive self). I was probably one of the few it appealed to. But, lets hear it, who loved Tracy's jacket?! Props to the design team for two straight days of fashionable, fitted clothing. And impeccable make-up and hair

Also wanted to add, when I first heard "step-monster" I was turned off. But it was actually pretty funny, lol. Their relationship has reached the level that they can tease each other, even somewhat harshly, and it doesn't acquire any hard feelings.

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Yeah, me and fashion.... not so much....

I loved this line coming out of Luke. My gut reaction was that he was trying to pry appart Tracy and Lulu, but using the old term and NEITHER of them bit. It was definately worth a few chuckles. Lulu has definately grown where Luke/Tracy are concerned. It's nice to see.

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Thanks for the recaps, Colette.

I'm not obsessed with fashion (unless we count Tracy Quartermaine's wardrobe - Haha), but I liked Lulu's hair.

I enjoyed today even though there wasn't much of our girl.

And yeah, I thought she looked FABULOUS!

So, even though we got a December air date for both Luke and Tracy, I'm still a bit skeptical of those episode counts. remos, I know fans/volunteers don't update the sites all the time, but Kali's site is always on the ball with that sort of thing according to SD. Anyhoo, screentime on December 6th definitely makes things look brighter. So, while I'm still skeptical, I'm not as skeptical as before. Does that make sense? LOL.

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I come bearing gifts........todays clips! I gotta say Jane looked as good as she acted today. I loved the outfit, the hair and the makeup. I even liked Lulu's hair, lots of girls here in CA wear their hair like that so I am used to seeing hair done up like that. Jane's 35 second (I counted) speech to Monica was awesome she totally had me tearing up, more so than anyone else did today.


Credit goes to Izzy, edited by me.*

**You should all know that it's not just Tony and Jane's performance that I clipped together. I have almost all of the funeral, I did edit out Jason and Sonny talking, I edited out GQ because I just don't really care about them, Lainey and Kelly, Carjax, and I had to edit out Kate telling Sonny how Emily's death is not his fault, because it totally is.

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Nex I LOVE you! I always like your editing choices. But, who is GQ? lol And Did anyone ever explain to Ms. Q what EWBCO ow whatever was? Haha I don't know either.

So much to do, I wish I could be around for the BR tonight, but I don't know.... and I need to do some reading for Kristin! I am behind.:(

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just watched the show... Mama looked goooooorgeouuuuuus! Loved the jacket, LOVED LOVED LOVED the hair, LOVED the sunglasses! Loved her scene with Monica. Nice to see Lulu treating Tracy civil. I't been a long time coming.

Nex, Thanks for the clips

Colette, Remos, Thanks for the recaps

Carrie, Thanks for the interactive recaps ;)

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