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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I don't understand that.

That would suck!

I really hope we will see Tracy and the rest of the Qs more often now with Luke back in town. What I don't get is why we don't hear anything about the Monica/Alan anniversary. And I saw on the Daytimedish forum that SD has signed a new contract. I don't really believe that.

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Sean, I think it means Baby Jake's paternity, which would relate to LuNacy and the forged will.

BSG, totally agree about the hair!!! Haha.

EDIT: Upcoming birthdays...

November 2: RedHot (from We All Need LuNacy)

November 11: knh

November 15: Regency (hasn't been around)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Yes that would make sense. Thanks for clearing that up. But that paternity secret would not be much for Tracy and Luke to deal with I guess. Only Alan and Tracy would have a new subject to talk about.

I want Luke and Tracy involved with the mob for a while.

And I really look forward to

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Should be in bed, but I found this June 2007 post from Calliope of TWoP: "Also, I really like Tracy's hair. The color is great and I like the bob. Now, she just needs to stop angering the wardrobe people."

I thought some of us would get a kick out of it, 'cause it's something some of us would have said! :lol:

bsg, yep. He's the one who actually forged it. How much did he leave himself again? Like 250 grand for having to suffer as Tracy's husband? As if he's ever really suffered... <_< She's much too good to him.

About the ball:

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We all know that when Luke is around TRacy has no life not involving him, but here is what I am hoping for... (and this is only in the event that they are not together nuch on screen) but nmaybe that can be how the whole Zacchara thing happens. Clearly they knew each other in the past so maybe with luke out of the picture so much it leaves an opening for Zacchara to try and get her. He won't succeed, of course, but he can make a very jealous Luke come back to his wife.

That being said it is completely coming from the spoilers we've seen and we all know how easily scenes get deleted... what ever happened to the sibling who wanted to get revenge for a death in the May sweeps? Alan was the only one to die and I don't remember seeing Tracy go after anyone, unless the will forging was her form of revenge. If it was, that was pretty weak. Made for great LuNacy material but I wanted to her kick someone's a$$ from here to next Tuesday.

Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed for good things.

Mrs Q, thanks for remembering the b-day--- people don't usually know mine, so thanks!

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I'm all for that! Luke needs to be kicked down a few pegs. I am hoping that if Luke freaks on Lulu, and complains about Tracy, then she can defend her. Because I remember Tracy's last words to her at Jason's was something like "If you decide to come home, I promise you no one will say 'I told you so.'" I thought that was really sweet. I need more maternal Tracy!

OT: I have a really random and un-related question for all you tv-watchers. Does anyone remember that Christmas commercial for Mastercard last year? With the cartoon house and all the people coming to it for the holiday dinner? Does anyone remember the song that was played for it? Thanks bunches!

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I would love to see Jealous!Luke, but as much as I want Tracy/Zucchini to interact, I don't want any romance there. I wouldn't mind them interacting based on her past relations to the mob, though. And if Luke interprets it all wrong...Well, then, that's his fault. :D

Colette, I have no idea. :( Maybe you could search YouTube if no one here has the answer?

From anonymous of SD:

On the topic of spoilers, IIRC, that sibling gets revenge one was never confirmed, so I don't consider it a deleted scene. Remember a lot of the "spoilers" are not spoilers...Just things from SoapDish people come up with. We bring them here 'cause there's still a chance that they're true (i.e. Anonymous scoopsters HAVE been accurate). And, well, I personally bring them here, so we have extra stuff to discuss. :D Note: The spoilers that I just posted have not been confirmed either.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I loved that line, too! You can tell that Tracy sees a lot of herself in Lulu and she's trying to save her the life of heartache she's had.

Agreed...I don't want Tracy getting romantic with Zacchara, but it would be nice if they had a past and Papa Zaccahara showed interest, to remind Luke how good he has it! ;)

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