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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms. Q, Remember though, some of the best LuNacy stuff we ended up getting this year WAS NOT spoiled :). And for the most part, any spoiler we ended up getting, was cut. Oh I hear ya about the good material, but look what kind of material she ended up getting for Shadybrook. The storyline had the potential to give her great material but she didn't get it. So my point is... she prob wont get much out of acting like she's Alan. 'cept maybe a laugh or two and another visist to shadybrook for Luke's next adventure.

As far as the rumor about the party dates... Tracy's going to be dressed to the nines as well, ain't she? Hmmm.... who will be her escort? Scott? maybe? Two can play at that game. heehee. But I am hoping the whole surprise pairings thing wont happen. We need a LuNacy dance scene. Besides what would be the purpose behind everyone being with someone different? Sounds stupid to me.

Oh, LOVED the "Oh Baby" updates. Can't wait for the next chapters.

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This was listed as a spoiler by "SalemtheCat" over at SOC. He/she did not list their source:

spoiler whited out ---- >Expect Johnny and Anthony to each take interest in PC gals...Elizabeth Webber and Tracy Quartermaine!

I don't know whether to cry or jump up and down for Joy. 'Tis 'bout time, that Mr. Tracy be jealous for once and/or come to the rescue of his wife. Gee I hope he's goodlooking. :)

Edit: Here are a couple more kinda related....

spoiler whited VVV

Stange things are happening in the Quartermaine mansion

Luke returns in the middle of personal turmoil

A haunting Halloween episode

Edited by TracyLuv
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Oooh...TL i love those spoilers! Hope they are true. Hope Tracy gets something with the mob-related stuff. And hope Luke gets very jealous. But Tracy is no dummy and will know not to get involved with a mobster again. Maybe she and Luke will team up agains him--yeah in my dreams right?

The stuff about the black and white ball and what people are wearing were likely false. Another person who spoiled it originally said that they hadn't even bought outfits yet and nobody had seen a script as they are not even going to have the script for taping til like October 11th so any who is paired with who is probably just rumors.


Someone on Soapdish speculated that anthony and tracy were romantically involved years ago...don't know if I believe that or not, but it would be good to make luke jealous! Wonder if Luke knows about her "godmother" days. Maybe LadyA can send him the tapes to watch--ha ha!

Edit again

From GHH2 spolier

Edited by hookedongh
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Thanks funny Staci about your sis saying will tracy say "I gave it to you". I think that it might mean what I originally thought that somehow Tracy is going to speak for Alan to the rest of the family on his feelings, etc...like a go between maybe? Maybe just wishful thinking...

How was teaching today? Guess no Tracy today huh? Our wed. luck ran out by getting a MONDAY this week.

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Oh I'm so excited about that Anthony Zacarrah/Tracy spoiler and the one about her and alan! But the one about the ball I don't think has anything to do with Lunacy , because think about it! They mean Kate/Sonny, LuLu/Coop probably, Georgie/Spin, Liz/Jason, Lucky/Sam, Maybe Jerry/Alexis, etc!

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It's earlier than usual, but breakroom?


hooked, it went okay. Not great. Not horrible.

EDIT: This is what gold derby has for their Emmy-Note Worthy performances for the year, through Aug.

SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Jane Elliot (Tracy) - 02/27, 02/28, 04/19, 07/09

(The other supporting actresses they list are RC, RH, NL, and KMc. It's GH's most popular category...)

For those who aren't familiar with dates, 02/27 was the stories about Alan episode; 02/28 was Ned's return home after Alan died along with the Tracy/Monica scene. 04/19 was the "I love you" and "Your darling, your angle, is gone...," and 07/09 was Dillon's goodbye. I have to say, while I have no idea what gold derby is, I agree with their choices. :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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The tieme change is so hard on the way back. Take benedryl or something tonight at like 10 to try to get yourself back on track to get to bed early.

Sorry I wasn't around to chat late night. I went to bed early last night unintentionally--watched that new show private practice (grey's spinoff) that I had Tivo'd and the next thing I knew it was 6:30am. I guess someone turned off the tv and light for me.

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BTW, WB, Lainey. Glad you had a great time in Hawaii. Sorry about the jet lag.

I'm struggling very hard to stay focused on TQ things--hard, with Dr. Who grabbing me by the throat and shaking me into submission. :D Actually, I'm looking for motivation/inspiration to get some more TQ fic done. The latest clips haven't really been inspiring, except that she looks beautiful in them. I'm thinking more investigation into the Alan thing might be the way to go. There's is my favorite relationship on the show at this point.

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Tracy/Alan would be good MinervaFan! Especially if they are going to make Tracy take on more of Alan's characteristics as spoiled. Wonder what Luke is going to say when he sees his wife is still conversing with her dead brother.

Ms. Q/LadyA--I got the nun stuff in the mail today from 2004 with the Skye/Luke/Tracy scenes. can't wait to watch. I will pass them along.

Hope everyone is having a good Thursday. Dare we hope for TQ today???

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