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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms.Q, thats so amazing! I haven't read mine yet, but that will be exciting to see someone I know! And thanks for the clips.

BSG, I heard about her tiny 3-month contract. Oh my gosh they better not kill her off. Maybe its to send her to Europe? I hope not, poor Spinelli.

And yea, no Tracy today.

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Those in the breakroom: I DID have a Tracy dream last night! (No LuNacy – Sorry, TracyLuv)! As usual, I don’t remember many specifics. Tracy was in that same red jacket she wore when she was released from Shady Brook. She had oomphy hair - Of course, I would remember that, right? LOL.

The first scene I remember...

Took place in the Q mansion. Tracy had been drinking and the Q’s were giving her a hard time about something or other. She might have been upset with Ghost!Alan (not sure). Anyway, she started screaming at them and almost crying, she left the room. SCOTT was there, and he went after her to make sure she was all right. (Hmm, interesting…)

The next scene I remember...

Didn’t dream the Tracy/Scott actual scene. (Darn!) But, the Q’s were in the den again. Tracy was very drunk now. The Q’s are still bitching, and not in the cool way that they bitch on the show either. All of a sudden, through some kind of door, Monica and some men appear (no idea how Monica got from the den from behind a door). One of the men is RICK WEBBER! :o He is Ghost!RickWebber though. There is a song playing that goes “Why are you frightened - can’t you see that it’s you That ain’t no ghost - it's a reflection of you.” I think I came across that song when looking for Ghost!Alan video songs many, many months ago, and yes, I realize the song has nothing to do with Ghost!RickWebber.

Anyhow, Monica (with short hair like in the 90s) is full of smiles, but I’m not sure if she can see him. It's kind of dark in the section of the room she came out out of, and there might be candles. It’s very weird. Alan can see him and is all WTH. Tracy, too, can see him. She is drunk out of her mind and emotional about something, and she has this whole spiel that I remember nothing of. (Figures...) I think she was really, really losing it. She was going on and on, and I kept thinking “Emmy, emmy – this is gonna get Jane Elliot an Emmy nomination.” LOL. Then, she walked out of the door that Rick and Monica and the other men came in through. But never fear, Tracy was in the previews for the next episode.

Later in the dream...

I go to the thread, and none of you are posting about the episode, and I am like, “Hmm, what’s up with this?” I also went to SoapDish in my dream, and they were saying that JE was really good at playing an emotional drunk. I guess, when you think about it, on the show, her drunken scenes are usually played for comedy, so I’m not actually sure where my dream came from. But that’s the gist of it. Funny how, even though I couldn’t remember "many" specifics, it still ends up being paragraphs in length. :lol:

So, am I crazy or what?! LOL.

EDIT: Tony Geary returns to the screen on

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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yeah where was his father intuition when Lucky was strung out on pain pills, sleeping around and trashing his entire career, marriage and life last summer while Lulu was getting pregnant, etc. All of a sudden now he has intuition???? PULEEZE!

I asl oread somewhere there that on the week of October 1st, skye tries to contact luke when ric won't help her. How the heck does Skye know how to contact Luke????

And why is there not one single mention of Tracy anywhere??? There better be soem new spoilers next week wehn it gets closer to TG's return. Home from temple this morning. Trying to catch up on laundry and stuff. My guitar teacher admirer is here giving Justin a lesson! :)

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No comment on the dream, hooked? :P

Lady Ashton, sure seems that way, huh? LOL.

About contacting Luke...It's weird. Something similar happened in 2005. Skye ended up finding out he was in Miami and traveling down there. Meanwhile, Tracy also ended up in Miami. In Luke's hotel room no less. I remember that Skye found an earring in the bed of Luke's ransacked hotel room and was all, "Luke, explain this." (She wasn't very happy). Luke said it might've been the maid's. Skye pointed out they were real rubies and diamonds and then realized it was Tracy's. Luke: "My wife is here?!" Cut to Tracy being held for ransom.

Anyway, how either of them had ANY idea of Luke's whereabouts? Who knows... Skye might've found something in Lorenzo's place though since Lorenzo was the one to send him on an "errand" that summer. But Tracy, well, she was offscreen from August to October, so I guess she found out then. <_<

Here's hoping we get Tracy spoilers soon! Think Luke will show up at the Q mansion? Or will his newfound father's intuition send him straight to Jason's penthouse? :rolleyes:

Hey, anyone see the newest rumor about JMB and LW possibly getting a summer spin off next year? (Night Shift is not being renewed). Anyway, if it gets Carly and Carly Jr. offscreen of GH, I might have to start campaigning. LOL.

HIGH QUALITY CLIPS of Tuesday, September 13th.

Credit Trudy of HellaGood. Edited by me.


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I think Luke will show up at the Q mansion first. Then Tracy will fill him in on lulu's escapes and he will leave to go find her at Jason's or go to Sonny to find out what is going on. Then Skye will show up begging for help...gah..blah..the whole thing is making me sick already.

I am starving. Trying to fast today for Yom Kippur. I have made it til 2pm so far. We are having a break fast dinner at my friends at 5:30ish. Can I make it 3.5 more hours???

I will be home tonight around 9ish central. Hope to catch you then. Yeah ladyA for watching the city!!! I still think that was Tracy at her best!

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Hey all. I'm taking a break from my lesson planning, which is really turning out to be a hassle. :(hooked, he better stay away from Sonny's house of gloom. Those scenes last September when Sonny had tracked him down for Lulu were so dull IMO. Might be unpopular, but I would rather have Skye in all of this than Sonny and Jason and even Lulu.

On SD, someone asked if Tracy would be around for this mob SL. Posters are guessing no. Someone speculated that TG might have complained about his lack of story last year, so to please him, TPTB move him from Q mansion to the mob. Another thing that might be unpopular, but if Luke continues to be a part of Sonny and Jason's hemisphere, and Tracy never gets to play with 'em, then I want Luke and Tracy divorced. Would make NO SENSE to keep them married if they're never around each other.

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They better NOT write it that Skye knows how to contact him, or I WILL be livid!! Not only that, if he comes back because she is in trouble, I will leave so many messages on that comment line answering machine that the MF'n thing will explode! Let him come back because of someone in his family or his family in general. He is married to TRACY! He has no business running back home for any other reason 'cept Tracy and his children.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Happy Sunday! Wow..nobody has posted in a long time. Someone please find some spoilers for Tracy!

LOL Ms. Q--that person who asked on SD about Tracy being in the mob stuff was me--ha ha!

Okay...I am plotting to ask my husband if I can go to Mexico for a long weekend with my friend to San Miguel. She just called me this morning to see if last minute I could go the weekend of October 6th. She is an artist and she wants to visit some galleries there and her husband can't go. So here it is the Jewish new year and a fresh start to be a good person, and here I am plotting of how I can position this trip...to get him to say sure go. Normally it wouldn't be that hard, but I just booked a trip to NYC for 6 days in November by myself and am leaving him with the kids. This is where my sneaky, manipulative Tracy skills need to come into play--ha ha!!

Annie--if you are reading this, you should post with us and come chat again! It was nice to meet you the other night.

Deb--how is that story coming along?

LadyA--if you are reading this, you should be writing your TrAsh smut story--ha ha! But not til you finish watching the city clips!

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Okay those are not the spoilers I wanted Ms. Q--ha ha. Well if he deals with Scotty it must have Tracy involved as she and Scott seem to be joined at the hip these days in whatever scenes she has. UGHH. Poor Tracy...she needs a storyline or at least to be part of Luke's again. Maybe she will be behind the scenes mob schemer?

Anyone around? 12:30pm central time breakroom for a few?


This was on soapdish--grain of salt

Comment: They better be including Tracy in this event...and be buying her a new outfit too! Not reusing her funeral suit! :)

Edited by hookedongh
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So if this event is for real, and if Tracy is going (and she damn well better be – I’m so tired of her being on the outside – Think hostage crisis and trainwreck), these are my guesses for wardrobe if it’s recycled:



Maybe, this...


And if GH hates us and Jane Elliot…


Tracy’s funeral attire doesn’t scream “elegant” to me, which is why I chose the above.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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