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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Orientation was fine. Information overload, but we got free brownies, so I'll live.

Lainey, so, I realized today that you have 2 FF.net accounts; I was wondering if you had deleted the other stories or what. I was going to say, "Why'd do you that?!" They were good! Anyway, LOVE your newest one! I wish we got scenes like the one with Lainey on the show. And of course, the LuNacy sex would be nice as well, but that goes without question.

BSG, as you know, you have my sympathy! *kicks Dell for good measure*

Colette, I'm almost positive she'll be on. This is what is says in the SoapNet preview for tomorrow:

I still hate this one day a week garbage. :angry:

About Leticia; yeah, I had read about it. She really hadn't been on in months, I don't think. But they brought her back for a couple days to remind us who she was before killing her off.

Oh, kind of random, but someone on SoapDish said we got Trax today, and I got a little excited, as I was thinking that meant Tracy/Jax (not Trevor/Jax). I wasn't the only one there who thought that either!!!

So, I'm deciding to stop with my special font and just be normal like the rest of you! LOL.

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Ms.Q, glad your orientation went well. And I agree, JE deserves more than this middle-of-the-week stuff. And, wow, I never noticed your font! But without it, I guess I do notice. I should change my font, too. Mix it up a bit, lol.

I wish we had Trax. I don't even care if its Tracy and a plant. Anything!! Haha Trant... I'm going to use that now...

Edited by Colette
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^^^ Talking to Ghost!Alan at Shady Brook. :( Luckily, unless scenes are cut, she'll be on tomorrow. Finally!

Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

*waves to Colette* LOL about "Trant."

You know, on the topic of Trax, I have been working on a video for them since like Fall 2006. And it didn't go far 'cause I don't have a lot of clips. But then I start AGAIN...And I got Luke and Tracy being cute, but then Luke decides to be an @$$ and end the marriage, and Jax and Tracy start a relationship, and Luke is all sad, but then Jax is an @$$ and sleeps with Sam, so Tracy decides to make Sam's life miserable. I was going to arrange for Sam to "fall" into the PC harbor, but it wasn't happening... Oh wait. First (before the Sam idea), I had Jax messing around with Carly and Tracy finding out, and Tracy banging on their door being all, WTF, you idiot?! (Wait, that WTF part is just my imagination).

Wait. Rewind. Before all of that, I had Tracy and Jax plotting to take Luke down, but it got a little out of character, when the 2 drugged his drink and almost killed him. So I had to change that. Oh, and after Jax cheated on Tracy with Carly, Tracy was going to go to MetroCourt and find Lorenzo, but then I figured I didn't want to make Tracy go from man to man in one video. Got all of that?! Good. It's all AR, of course. Reminder. A video. Not a story. Unfortunately, I don't believe the video is ever going to be completed. BTW, if you're confused, the part in italics is the main plot 'til I decide to change it again.

^^^ And all of that above is the reason TRACY NEEDS TO RETURN TO OUR SCREENS LIKE YESTERDAY!

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*waves* to LaineyBev!

Ms.Q, that whole speil was pretty hilarious. If you finish the video, I will be first in line to watch it! I wish I knew how to make videos. Back in April, the song "Cupid's Chokehold" always made me think of Lunacy. When they go "ba da ba da" I pictured Tracy screaming at someone. One day I will do that, haha. And the popcorn and soda will be ready, so Trant better be on my screen tomorrow, too! Wow I posted like 100 times today. Haha Ms.Q this is like a private chat for us.

My poor feet. The doctor put acid on my stupid planter's warts, and said that "1 out of 20 people have a reaction to this. And its fatal." :huh: If this happens, I must soak my feet in cold water. That would be unfortunate if this happens when I am not home... so I am hoping dearly I am not having a fatal reaction, lol. But it hurts pretty bad to walk on them. Acid is eating my FLESH. Ew. I need some Tracy to cheer me up!

EDIT: *waves* to you, too, Ms.Q!

Edited by Colette
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Ms. Q!! It is 9:15 central...just got one to bed who told me he cried today in school cause he didn't understand the papers and the teacher wouldn't call on him when he was raising his hand. I swear, he would he would have never told me that if I hadn't been laying down with him. You get the best info at night out of them! I have to make one phone call and I am coming in the br! Poor Justin has been doing homework since 5:30!

Wait for me!!

Remos--where've ya been?

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Wait..nobody has posted since last night when I posted?????? What is this? A dead thread????? LOL!!! Okay...TQ is supposed to be on today, so we better see some thread action!!

working on my last shadybrook fic this morning while I wait for a repair guy cause hopefully after today, it will be outdated!! I am on the computer for the next hour or so (it is 9:30am) and am going to open up the breakroom if anyone is around? Remos??

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Happy Rosh Hashanah (EDIT to spell correctly) to our Jewish friends. Hopefully Tracy will celebrate by being on today. Hooked, I'm glad to hear you're working on a fic. I have been completely non-productive, creatively. Thank goodness you guys are on the ball.

Edited by MinervaFan
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HEY guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how are you! i feel soooo behind i havent been here in forever! how are you all doing? im am having a BLAST in college but, admittedly, i havent seen all that much GH in a LONG time. hows life for all of you? how bout that hot tub, hooked? lol any new memebrs?

PS- thank you all for the birthday wishes!!! im sorry i wasnt here to thank you then but i wanted to thank you all now, ill thank you personally later. this was the first bday that i wasnt with my family for (i left for college two days b4 my bday) and so i had to spend the day with strangers kinda (although, i must admit, the day pretty much rocked) i was at freshman orientation and my group leader mustve gonae around and told everyone that it was my bday because all of a sudden were all in this place and i hear one big HAPPY BIRTHDAY< ANDREA!! and then 858 people singing me the birthday song!! it was awesome. still, coming here today made me feel like, at leats in one aspect, i could share my bday (even belatedly) with my family. and that is the best gift ever.

Edited by tracyluver
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Right under the shadybrook wire....here is a new fic....


I must apologize in advance...I had two seperate ideas and combined them in one fic. Sort of an odd combo but whatever...at least I fnished it before she was released today. I am so late for a lunch appt but had to post this. Sorry for not having time to edit properly!!!

This one is for LadyAshton!!! For uploading all her goodies for us...!!!

wil post more later when I am waiting for the next repair guy to come!

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To those in the breakroom last night: I lost connection for the 7th or so time and was unable to get back on. My internet was completely out. Apologies if you waited around for me to show up again. BTW, I had the transcript saved this time, so MinervaFan, you'll still get it.

tracyluver!!!! Welcome back! You must continue to post! We've missed you a ton! :D And that's so neat about all those people singing to you. I would've prob. been embarrassed; actually, I had about 20 people singing to me once in my Principles of Foreign Lang. Learning class. I knew all the people very well since the class was so long and we spent a ton of time together. But, anyway, still embarrassed. LOL. Glad you had a good birthday!

As far an update goes: We do have new members ~ Colette, BSG (you actually might be familiar with her, 'cause she was around just before I left for Mexico, and I think you were also around at that point), Remos, and inyron, who's been quiet. ILoveTracyQ has left us (the online world was getting to be too much, among other things), but we're in contact through email, and she's doing well. On the GH front, not sure of the last thing you've seen, but our girl, after being arrested for the kidnapping of Laura Spencer (Lulu bailed her out), was carted off to Shady Brook in June - straight jacket and all, no thanks to Edward. Since then, Dillon left town, and Tracy, when she's onscreen (only 2 days total in August), has been talking to Alan and occupying herself with Lulu's love life. It's kind of sad, really. Good news is that she'll be on TODAY!

hooked!!!! Awesome story!

Happy Rosh Hashanah to those celebrating. I must admit, despite our breakroom conversations, I still don't know what this day celebrates. :huh: I should Google that. Ah, it marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year. Maybe I knew that after all. Anyway, hope everything went well last night, hooked, with the brisket. I know you were having some "issues" with that. ;)

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Ms. Q--

, but maybe that wasn't clear. I was under a time crunch as I was late to lunch! Thanks for the input. Maybe I should go back and clarify.

Waiting on dishwasher delivery...will be home til 4pm when I have to leave for the airport. You around for a few stace? I am going to open the breakroom for the next hour while I am on the computer.

Fingers crossed she is on today...my bet...the black jacket with the silvery circle thingies on it. We were trying to think what ugly outfit they would put her in today last night in the breakroom.

BTW...my briscuit came out great! I hwon't even poison anyone with it tonight! Ha ha. I have to go cut it now actually for tonight. My family is coming in from Miami this evening. Rosh Hashana is the Jewish New Year. Nice to have two chances to start the year new...the hebrew calendar and the secular calendar. You eat apples and honey for a sweet new year and you ask to be inscribed in the book of life for another year. You also eat a round challah on Rosh Hashana only to signify the circular nature of life and things begin anew, etc... OH @#$% I didn't even think about buying a challah (jewish egg bread) for dinner tonight...oh well....my brother the total Vegan wouldn't eat it anyway cause there is egg in it! Ha ha.

Tracyluver---So good to hear from you. Glad all is well in college. There has been no hot tub action around here--LOL!

Deb--thanks for the Rosh Hashana wishes! That was sweet of both you and Ms. Q!

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Hmmm...ugly outfit? That red thing with the big belt right under her breast bone would be my guess. Great color--bad cut.

I didn't know that about the cholla bread, Hooked. Fey and I used to live on the stuff at Chompie's in Phoenix (great Jewish deli/restaurant). But I didn't know it had religious significance. (Gotta love any religion that includes food in its worship. I'm all about that. Unitarian Potluck in the Break Room for Fall Equinox! :D)

And what is this story you and Staci are talking about? *pout* I totally want a preview. I may not be online, but I find time to read...*sniff*

Oh, okay. I'll just wait for the copy to come out for EVERYBODY...like I'm not SPECIAL enough to rate a sneak preview.

Anybody feeling guilty yet? No? Didn't think so. Okay, well, ya'll have a great afternoon. Think lovely Tracy thoughts. TA!

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Deb---I posted the story today in an earlier post! It is on the last page! You didn't miss a preview...Staci was just commenting on my story full of holes in it--ha ha!!! Of course we wouldn't leave you out of a fic preview!!!!! Challah is for shabbat every week, but on Rosh Hashana you eat a round one instead of a braided one. I learned from my kids in preschool!!!
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