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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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HI ALL!! I hope everybody had a great and safe Labor Day!

I have a bunch of catching up to do, I tried to read all the posts I missed while I was gone this morning, but when I went to reply, I realized that I was so tired that I forgotten all that I read. :rolleyes: I'm going to go back and read them tonight when I get home and can pay better attention.

I did get a chance to see your vids Ms.Q, and they were great! I also like your new banner.

Gotta get back to work!

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NEWSFLASH....even though Tracy wasn't on today, I kept trying to figure out why GH wasn't so irritating. THen I realized, it was the first day in recent history that I can remember that JASON was NOT onscreen. No Jason, No Lulu, No Sam!!!!

Annoying parts for those of you who stopped watching altogether while Tracy is off: Lucky/Liz going round and round about their stupid marriage for the 100th time; annoying Carly/Jax fighting about him sleeping with that ridiculous Irina--then making up.

Not so annoying parts: Sonny/Kate scenes--her saying she believes him not Treavor. Cute spinelli/georgie scenes (or at least refreshing to see LL on screen for a change). Nik/Em not being so nauseating as usual, and finally Patrick and Robin being surpringly cute today.

But I am sure tomorrow will be back to business as usual....

Oh...watching some 1991 episodes today trying to do the descriptions for future generations of Tracy fans who want to order them (doing my civic duty--ha ha) and there is a scene where Ned launches this lawsuit to get out of the ELQ ship disaster. Tracy is sitting there smirking as the other party basically blows Ned out of the water. The lawyer leaves and she says to Ned, who is all dejected, "Well you obviously are of your father's genetic pool, and I....am putting you up for adoption." Then she turns and walks out. LOL---she is SUCH a supportive mother. But she was so darn gorgeous in 1991...love that big, oomphy hair parted to the side! Around the time when Dawn bit the dust!!

Might have a new fic to post tomorrow if I can work on it tonight.

Remos---Hope you are feeling better.

BSG said to say hi and her laptop is still sick and she might not be able to get online tonight again (she was driving home from Maine all day yesterday)

I sent LadyA the Merv SOD award thing on DVD today. Hopefully she will be able to post it to the thread evenutally so you guys can see it.

So our nex fixation is watching JE on Guiding Light to fill the TQ void. Been there, done that with the City now--ha ha. Might have to rent the Elvis movie next--LOL


I just sent an email to ABC SID called "Where is Tracy Quartermaine" Not sure if email is effective or not, but maybe if we all flood their in boxes with similar emails they will print one!!!!

Also just read that Amelia;s last airdate is 9/20 and she got a part on 24 this season. So I guess she gets blown away in the pre-mob violence maybe?? Leticia is rumored to bite the dust too soon as a mob message.

Edited by hookedongh
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hooked, I am going to email a letter as well, except Soaps In Depth's mail box is ALWAYS full (<_<), so I would suggest emailing Soap Opera Weekly and Soap Opera Digest. I did send "real" mail to SID a couple weeks ago though. We'll see if this week's issue has any mention of it. LOL.

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Oh I got some good news for you Ms. Q and TL and others who are wanting the first Lunacy kiss clip missing from 6/23/05!!! I got the whole episode in the mail today on DVD out of the blue without asking for it!!! I had asked Curlygirl if she had that episode (the one I am doing the descriptions for from 1991) and she said she had it and when I finished doing the next batch for her, she would put that on the end of one of the other DVDs. Anyway, guess she decided just to be nice and send it!!!

So I wish so badly I knew how to put in a dvd and edit a clip from it, but luckily our very own LadyAshton who has been SO SO SO SO nice doing this for us can! LadyA...good thing I didn't make it to the post office again today! I will send the other two I forgot to mail today, plus this episode to you!! Hopefully we can all have that clip soon! Unless someone can tell me how to do it!

Thanks for all the addresses Ms. Q!!! I am for sure writing some more letters. I posted on soapdish about it this afternooon and everyone was like "tracy never gets anything when luke is gone". Or "she is still locked up there" Big help. Nobody had any spoilers to post about her. Bummer.

You around for a few Staci at about 8pm??? OR anyone else??/

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Double posting, since the other one was long and full of numbers and addresses and all that...

LOL about that Tracy/Ned scene, hooked! Sounds cute. And I loved the big hair. Is it kind of like her scenes with Scott from those days? So full of bounce! You have email, BTW. In both accounts. Oops. About the BR...I was thinking more of 8:30, 9:00-ish, though I should start getting used to going in there earlier.

Lady Ashton, we will love you even more than we already do if you're able to get the MG/JE thing up for us. ;)

remos, are you sick? Hope you feel better!

nex, you are too funny about reading it all and then forgetting. LOL. Any chance you'll be in the breakroom tonight? We miss talkin' with ya!

BSG, aww to your lap top. I hope Dell can fix it soon!

I've noticed no one's responded about SOC. Should I just let it go? 'Cause I'm truly trying to find a way to justify the way Luke treats her most of the time, and I can't. Oh, this was the avatar I was talking about, BTW.



So, I only have about 4 times total where he did something for her that did not benefit him, which is pathetic. The 3 things from earlier, plus the 2006 birthday - BTW, rewatched those scenes today - so cute. (Look at me. LuNacy SUCKS one minute - I LOVE LuNacy the next - Oy).

OT: So, I've been informed that September 14th, after being up at 5:30 and observing/assisting at the high school from 7 to 2, I get to go straight to my mother's co-worker's house and babysit her 2 younger children while she and her husband go to a wedding reception. Oy. I am going to be so tired. But I like kids...Or used to before the daycare - Haha. And I could use the money, since I won't be getting any for student teaching.

Oh, I just realized I'm not double posting anymore, 'cause hooked got in a post after my previous one. Cool. LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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OK I posted in that SOC thread too Lainey and Ms. Q! And I voted. A&M have only like 8 points left.

And it can't believe i didn't go to bed when i said i would. it is 12:15 now and I am going right this second!

Oh yeah--Ms. Q posted some episode counts by month last night...it really hasn't been a bad year for TQ...Until August with a whopping 2 episodes, she was on between 7-11 times during the months...Mostly hovering around 8, which is twice a week, which isn't THAT horrible. She only needs 7 more episodes til the end of the year to beat last year. Makes me a feel a little better! :)


A&M are back up to 10 points at HG this morning. We need to finish this game off so we can move on with our lives (ha ha). So vote today so we can end this! :)

Edited by hookedongh
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2007 - 2006 - 2005 Compared

Jan: 9 - 13 - 2

Feb: 16 - 9 - 4

March: 8 - 9 - 4

April: 7 - 13 - 5

May: 9 - 5 - 13

June: 11 - 6 - 11

July: 7 - 4 - 8

August: 2 - 6 - 1

2007 Totals thru August: 69 (not 71 as reported on this site - though I could be wrong)

2006 Totals thru August: 65

2005 Totals thru August: 48

So, forgetting about 2005, if the SON numbers are right, she had 78 at the end of last year, 2006, which means just 13 episodes (78 minus 65) in Sept. Oct, Nov, and Dec. Just 13?!? :o

Hmm, let me see... 4 in Sept, 4 in Oct, 10 in Nov, 2 in Dec. Ooh, that's 20. I guess I should've allowed for human error in the SON counts. But chances are, I also messed up. Just a note, but in 2005, she had 30 episodes in Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec, and if we recall, she was on zero times in Sept, so that means 30 episodes in the 3 months of Oct, Nov, and Dec. Darn good.

ANYWAY...If my numbers are accurate, that would be 85 total for 2006, NOT 78 (78 for 2005 appears to be correct; it's 2006 that's off), so...She'll need 17 episodes in the next 4 months to beat her 2006 counts and 10 more in the next 4 months to beat her 2005 counts.

*embarrassed that she did this, Ms. Q goes into hiding* :ph34r:

I guess it's not that bad though. I had all this written/typed in various places, so it's not like I went through 256 (times 2) daily transcripts in search for her name, which is what I'd have to do for 2004 if I was interested. Actually, I am interested, but I'm going to have to pass. LOL.

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I think you're missed your calling, Ms. Q, you should be teaching Statistics, not Spanish.

I'm up again, after nearly 72 hours in bed waiting for my head to explode. (Drugs are such a wonderful thing!) Thanks for all the good wishes, both private and on this board.

So, I see some September spoilers on SOC listing Tracy.... any word from any other sources?

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MsQ, you are truly a Rennaissance gal. Writing, vids, graphics, espanol, statistics, oomphy hair commentary! I am constantly amazed by you. :D

BTW, speaking of constantly amazed by people, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all of you who participate in the Ficathon and who write Tracy fic. I know it sounds corny, but our little Ficathon is such a safe place to play and explore, and it's that way because of all of you. I'm grateful that, in the heart of a little fanfic community, I've found so many writers willing to give of themselves, share, educate, and encourage each other. I feel braver as a writer there, because I know I can push myself, take risks, have fun, and I will get feedback (good and bad) that helps me grow. I hope you guys know how much I appreciate you, even though I'm in a dry spell right now. You are a truly amazing group of people. And to the readers who keep us going? *SMOOCHES* You are awesome, too!

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