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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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August Episode Counts are up.

Our girl comes in at #35 among the entire cast with a grand total of 2 out of the 23.

Yes, friends, Baby Jake, Morgan, and Cameron ALL averaged more than her.

Tied with Jane Elliot at 2 are: John Ingle, Stuart Damon, Leslie Charleson, Robin Christopher, Nancy Lee Grahn, and Lindze Letherman, among other less significant cast members (i.e. Dr. Ford and Mike Corbin).

Year to date, Jane Elliot is at 71 out of 173, still in the Top 20 of all GH cast members (Note that she IS #20, and that Epiphany is tied with her - Gah).

Other bits of information:

New mob supporting character Kate has gotten more episodes than Alan, Monica, Scott, Edward, Mac, Bobbie, and Georgie.

New mob supporting character Diane has gotten the same amount of episodes as Monica and Scott and MORE than Edward, Mac, Bobbie, and Georgie.

Old mob supporting character Max has gotten more Monica, Scott, Edward, Mac, Bobbie, and Georgie.

Oy. This is SO. WRONG. :angry:

Is there hope that September will be better?

EDIT: This might not be exact, but I just counted her 2006 counts up through August and got 66, so I guess we're at (about - if I messed up) 5 episodes better than last year. (My attempt at making this positive :D).

EDIT: Apparently, Tracy is on the rerun being shown. SoapDish mentioned a Tracy/Alan scene. I wonder if this was one of those episodes from February where she only had 1 scene? I read it's the episode where MC exploded. I know we found out in a throwaway line from Tracy that she was there, but of course, we didn't actually SEE her there. She showed up later at GH to inform Monica and then stopped in with Alan for 2 seconds. Yeah, I'm thinking I have this all figured out now, LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Yep that was the one Ms. Q! She did that cute little wave and said, "it's me your sister" and alan said "Nothing scares my sister" and then Tracy said that the hotel exploded and that they hadn't found emily or lulu for that matter and she was going to yell at Mac, but she realized his daughter was in there too. Remember we were all like "ah" she thinks of lulu as her daughter kind of....like monica/emily, tracy/lulu, mac/maxie

Then Monica says "if you are showing sensitivity it must be much worse than you are letting on" Alan was saying that he wanted to see all his chlidren, AJ, Jason, Emily, Skye, and tracy was standing by the door looking in.

I must say I sat and watched the whole darn episode live just to catch a glimpse of Tracy! I think I forgot what she looked like it had been so long! Brown furry memories--ha ha!!!!

Might be her only appearance in Sept! Wait, did I just say that??? No it can't be!!!!

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Hey guys, jst stopping in for a sec.I don't have time to catch up with all the posts right now, but I will. About the liver... I've heard that too, my cousin Emmy told my mom to do that for her iron.

As for the episode i just want to say that it is absolutely bogus horse-pucky tha they are repeating episodes now. When did soaps start doing that? Oh,I'll tell you, on a holiday a few months back (don't remember which one) but that was the first time in the history of soaps, I think, that that has happened. Now it's a pattern?!

That being said, i want to go on record as saying that, as much as i don't like that they are repating them, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that it is one with Tracy in it. And a good one at that. I checked out the transcripts and it is the one when he wakes up after surgery and Tracy goes in to his hospital room and she tells him how much she loves him. He does the whole 'nothing scares my sister' bit. As I recall it was a good day. And if I remember right, she looked fantastic, a little tired, but beatiful nonetheless.

O, just a quick question... has anyone seen the show Side Order of Life? I thought it was going to be so stupid. Not much of a fan of the star, but the Diana Maria Riva, who plays the best friend is a freakin riot and a half! I love her, she may be a second to JE. Not a very close second yet, but she's certainly up there right now. I think in the story I've written, as it plays in my mind, she is going to be JE's (who is of course my start too) little sister. There's a big age difference so it works in my head. Ok, I'm sure you guys have all watched the show now, but it's still only 2:45 in LA, so I'm signing off to watch it now.

LA's great, weather kind of sucks. Actually it's not that bad for a hardy New Englander (or anyone els ein the country) but it's really humid for here. Leaving sunday, though. My cousins are too cute. I'd put up some pics but it turns out that i have thewrong batteries for my camera so that's out. They call me chicken. Th older one couldn't say Kristin whenhe was little and it stuck, so I haven't heard anyone call me Kristin in over a week. That'l be nice when i go home. Every time I put him to bed the older one, Exie (Alessandro... long story) says "I cn't stand it when you aren't here... you don't know how much I love you". Yup, direct quote, which I thought was very cure for a 5 year old. i don't do emotion so it's a good thing he's little b/c that'd be weird for me. But they're so damned cute. I'm gonna miss 'em. I'm so moving out here at sme point.

Ok later everyone

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Colette, I had no idea about that. Wonder if it's accurate 'cause Wikipedia tends not to be at times...But why would some random person add that she'd done Dove commercials of all things? LOL. So it could be true after all. I actually went to YouTube to search some old commercials for her voice, but found nothing in that regard.

Lady Ashton, are you (hopefully) going to put some more clips up for us soon? Please? :D

knh, good to hear from you!!! That's so cute what the 5 year old said.

OT: So, I just love getting school email on Labor Day. Student teaching orientation information...A 25 page PDF document full of requirements and policies and important forms, and blah, blah, blah. I might cry. :(

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Hilarious LadyA about the liver! Tracy told Carla Soleito that liver would help her pregnancy troubles and she needed to eat lots of it to piss her off (ha ha). She was so deliciously evil!!! That was a great stepmom/daughter hatred rivalry!! I never heard that in real life...I would have taken my chance with the baby rather than eating liver though--ha ha.

Trying to rebuild my ipod library tonight!

BTW--Tracy was only in one scene today...they had edited this episode to a montage type deal in the beginning...Tracy didn't come in and tell her how much she loved him this episode.

Edited by hookedongh
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Echoing our sentiments exactly...read serial drama's column from today!


I commented for the first time and asked cause she writes a column in one of the soap pubs what happened to the Qs and why would morgan, cameron and baby jake have more episode appearances than the fabulously talented JE?????

So we decided in the BR tonight that like the book the "secret", we need to send positive TQ thoughts out into the universe so she will appear on GH during the month of september! Hey we have nothing to lose right? Ha ha!

Lady A--hope you had fun watching those tapes this weekend.

Remos--Missed you the past two nights You too BSG!

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Summary of Long Weekend:

1. Accomplished no writing.

2. Accomplished no web work.

3. Accomplished no chatting with friends online.

4. Accomplished no laundry.

5. Accomplished nothing.


And I left work with the Alabama warehouse in crisis and the on-site manager planning to work the entire weekend, so I can't wait to see what I walk into this morning. Ain't life great?

I didn't watch the rerun of GH yesterday. I think it's civilized that they give their employees the holiday off without making them work overtime to get a new episode in. I just wish they would have chosen a better episode to repeat. And then, MinervaFan looks back over the last six months of GH and realizes, wow, they really don't have much to choose from, do they?

Hey, I did see that MsQ added SCADS of YouTube links over on JE.com for Jane as Carrie (Guiding Light). That's positive, right? Right???

ETA: Ooh, I just saw MsQ's new video to the Martina McBride song! Yummy!!!!!!

Edited by MinervaFan
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Hope that means that when you listed all the things you didn't accomplish, that you did at least get some down time to veg and do nothing! Cause that is important too!

Go vote at hellagood today everyone. A& M are getting low and Lunacy will prevail!

Can you feel all the positive TQ thoughts out there in the universe??? Even Ghost Alan positive thoughts!!!

Love your video Ms. Q! Thanks for posting all the Carrie clips (GL, as opposed to me--ha ha) on JE. Enjoying watching them. Wouldn't care if JE went to another soap now as long as she would have a story!

LadyA--started another fic yesterday, but it was going nowhere fast! However, just thought of a twist that you will like!! :) Mailing you some more DVDs today hopefully. Hopefully you can put the Merv Griffin interview up to the thread for all who are wanting to see it

Ta ta for now...going to exercise and then try to write a bit!

I loaded 394 songs to my ipod last night and was up til 3am! Paying for it this morning as I gulp down my 4th cup of coffee to get kick started!!!! And no I didn' t buy those songs....I loaded CDs which took forever and then stole songs from my husbands and sons' lists that are on a shared drive (legal I might add--ha ha)

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MinervaFan, sorry about your weekend. But, maybe hooked is right, and you got to time to relax. :)

hooked, that's a whole lot of songs! No wonder it took forever. LOL.

And now, I bring stuff...

Video – Not so much depressing as realistic (TracyLuv, don't watch this one).

SENDSPACE: http://www.sendspace.com/file/r2ds8v

MEGAUPLOAD: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FMKYBC73

YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb4gvYES0y8

And, a look at Episode Counts from the previous years...

2004: 114 (possibly 119 - I have conflicting information, LOL) out of 256

2005: 78 out of 256

2006: 78 out of 255

2007: 71 with 4 months left - so unless she can average 11 episodes/month for the rest of the year, she's not going to rise above her 2004 count of 114. And well, she BETTER have more than 78 by the time the year is over. That's all I'm sayin'...

You know, it's kind of funny; we all thought TG did wonders for her screentime, and I guess he did bump her up a bit in 2005 since prior to the pairing, she was sitting on backburner central, but... Looking at 2004 makes ya wonder...

EDIT: SOC Support Needed: Can someone tell me all the times Luke's been there for Tracy when it HASN'T benefited him? I know it hasn't been that many. In fact, I just recall the Charity Endowment scenes, the virus epidemic, and Alan's memorial. I don't feel like getting into a huge SOC argument right now, but I do want to support the LuNacy...So help, please, maybe?


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ok Ms. Q--that is POSITIVE because she is only 7 episodes behind last year, and she HAS to have that by the end of the year. She simply WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember POSITIVE!!! )

Love that video! Even though it is a sad state of reality.

Now the libary won't transfer to my ipod. My husband said 'well you have this piece of @#$% ipod mini that is so old". I am like "well fine I will go buy a new Nano for myself then." And he changed his tune and said, "no no no this is like a collector's item now....it is perfectly fine." Of course, this comes from he who has the latest and greatest of EVERY technology...got the first Iphone in Houston, etc.

Meanwhile while we are on positivie thinking....get him OUT of my house every morning...it is DRIVING ME INSANE! Didn't leave the house til 11:30 today....OY OY OY!!!!

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Woah. 11 users in here!!!

*waves to hooked and nex*

Go support the LuNacy!



Or tell me how I can support them, 'cause the poster is making some very good points, which I, myself have made in the past (wow, that sounds conceited :huh:); and all these points question LuNacy's relationship. I just might have to bring the "Divorce him, Tracy" avatar back out...

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