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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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So, what were we discussing last year at this time? I was curious, so I went back about 300 pages to page 138, which began with an August 31st post and ended with one on September 2nd…

Who posted on this page?

ILoveTracyQ: 6 posts total

Ms. Quartermaine: 6

Lainey: 3

Keith: 1

MinervaFan: 2

tracyluver: 1

nex: 1

What was happening?

Tracy told Lulu about her abortion. Jane Elliot rocked it. We all LOVED it.

I complained about her hair – hooked, if you were there, you would’ve complained too! Haha.

I made a video of Tracy and her family. Lainey wondered why Luke wasn’t included. As it turned out, it was a Q only video.

nex met a friend for dinner and was not happy that she had to wait extra long to see the Tracy goodness. (Totally understandable!!!)

Chapters 64, 65, and 66 of Oh, Baby were added.

Some of us worried if Tracy would be MIA during Luke’s brief September return. (Note: She WAS missing for most of it).

There was a breakroom party with: MinervaFan, Lainey, Keith, angel, nex, ILoveTracyQ, and me.

ILoveTracyQ was looking for Tracy scoops.

Keith made a super short (one-word) post.

We expected the upcoming weekend to be slow because of the holiday.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey all...

Thanks for the "this time last year" wrap up Ms. Q--you know I would be have been "like this" with you on the hair--ha ha. What is so strange is that I feel like I have known you guys for years already and in reality I just started posting last December I think. It is just funny to think that I was watching all the lulu/tracy/abortion storyline without having anyone to comment on it with! :)

I had to go to this black tie wedding last night for people I had NO clue who they were. We were invited two weeks ago as a last minute afterthought invite. I TOTALLY did not want to go. It turned out I knew several people there, so it wasn't so bad, but I hate those weddings that start so late. It was midnight before they even started making toasts. I wanted to leave like three hours earlier but had to be a good sport.

Hope everyone has a good day today. We are not doing much, which is good. My little one needs to get fitted for a tux as he is the ring bearer in a wedding in October. Sending my husband to do that job!

BTW--I got my snapfish albums back and they came out fabulous. WHat a great way to replace scrapbooking!


Lainey, Deb, you guys around for a few? 11am central time??

Edited by hookedongh
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Early Labor Day Gift – New Video

Song is “I Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere” by Martina McBride.

MEGAUPLOAD: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UTRSKLBJ

SENDSPACE: http://www.sendspace.com/file/18vj30

YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VQzG9lJZLQ

If you want to defend the LuNacy, go here.

If you miss the LuNacy, go here.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey All!

Ms. Q, LOVED LOVED LOVED "Oh Baby"! Can't wait to see what happens next now that her hubba is home. Love the new banner, very cute. ooooh and I just watched your new vid too... LOVE IT!

Deb, Love your new fic!

Hooked, I missed ya last nite.

HG couples game: Our couple is at 272!! Patrick and Robin have 3, and Monica and Alan have 26

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LuNacy is now at 273 and Patrick and Robin are no more! I like all the couples in the final three, but of course I heart LuNacy the most. :D

Ms. Q: Oh my goodness! I just love your new banner and avatar! Can't wait 'til I get home to a better wireless connection so I can watch the videos. I think Dell is going to come this week to fix my laptop. Fingers crossed!!

Does anyone have Verizon DSL? I just read this weekend that Verizon DSL customers supposedly have access to SOAPNETIC which is some kind of online version of SoapNet with additional content. Has anyone used this? Is it free? How does it work? I don't have cable, but I do have Verizon DSL and I would be soo psyched if I could get SoapNet online.

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Hey guys!!!!!! I skimmed through the posts quick. It seemed like a pretty uneventful week.

I've been at the beach all weekend, and had hospital issues all last week, but I finally am back to post! B)

It is September. I would never have guessed that today would be scorching, since it wasn't the past couple days. So I am at the beach this morning and decide against sun block because, come on, it is New England and should be freezing. It turned out to be really HOT, and I am burnt like a lobster. Ouchh. :o

It was a realllyyyy nice weekend, and it was nice to get away from the Grandfather stress. But I hear he is doing much better! I also hear that there is no TRACYYY! The only ounce I got of her all week was from a store on the main strip named "Tracy" that we drove by. And I was really excited about it. :P

They had this little General Store (a building from the mid 1800s with all this random stuff in it) and I found these little garlic things. When you throw them they POP and make all these sparks! I was like a little five year old and bought quite a few boxes. They are so much fun! :D

Hooked, glad you missed me! How have you been?

Ms.Q, your banner kills me! :lol:

*waves* to LaineyBev!

Hope everyone else well!

Edited by Colette
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Hey all...

LadyA--sorry I missed you earlier...I have been so distraught over my stupid computer issues...I just lost my whole library of 384 Itunes songs saved on my ipod and somehow because I synced it, I got down to only the 72 songs I purchased. Now the rest we must have loaded on from CDs, etc. I feel like there is some little poltergeist in my computer eating up everything that makes me happy...my Tracy clips, my fics, now my songs! UGGHHH!

Lucikly we have this family shared drive where our computers are all linked together, so my boys have their itunes accounts and my husband I can go copy their music, but not all my songs are there, and my "work out" playlist is gone too. So So So annoying.

I am going to be copying itunes files all night I have a feeling...I am around for a while if anyone is around out there....7:50 central time


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I just noticed on Wikipedia that JE's page has practically nothing on it. There is nothing about what know of her personal life. I thought there used to be more...?

And it says: "has provided voiceover talent for Dove soap commercials." Did you all know this? I haven't recognized her voice in any.

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So... if you go to YouTube and type:

"Merv Griffin Jane Elliot"

you get..........


If you type "Merv Griffin General Hospital"

you get..........

Genie Freakin' Francis' interview on MG's show.

How's that for ironic?!?!

And oh.. she's at the height of cuteness... barely 20, all blonde, beautiful and wide-eyed with perfectly glossed lips.


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Hi everyone!

I'm sorry I haven't been in. Things have been going well for me at school, but they're keeping me busy.

Not so busy that I haven't been keeping up with GH, of course; watching it right after I get home was my traditional way of de-stressing last year. This year, it hasn't been working tho. Tracy hasn't been on, TG's still off on vacation, SC's probably gone forever, and LL's locked away wherever they're keeping Tracy. So without my four main reasons to watch, it's just been kinda depressing.

My subconscious is more than ready for TG to be back. I had a dream last night, where Liz ended up in the hospital again, and Luke came back into town, and his first scene was to go visit her. I was like, WTH are you doing?! Your wife's in a flippin loony bin, go visit her! I'm pretty sure I had that dream because

BTW, I'm in the breakroom for a few, if anyone wants to stop by. Hurrah for lazy days off.

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