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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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  • hookedongh


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Oh, cuz I'm awful...hooked, I really liked your story! Very good insight into her troubled love life. I finally have a bunny for the next 100 Situations, and guess what? It plays right into the Long Hot Summer of Smut theme! :)

Now. If I can just get myself to write it....

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Hooked, I just finished reading your ficlet and I thought it rocked!!!

Remos, a plot bunny is an idea for a story or a concept!

Tracy is on today, Tracy is on today, Tracy is on today!!!!! Thank goodness because I was going through some major withdrawal. :D

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Thanks for the comments Deb, Remos & Nex! I don't know why I had to write that---had to get her history in order in my mind--ha ha!

Good news...he got the contacts out by himself this morning--no drama!!! Shaping up to be a better day already! Yeah for Tracy Tuesday!

BTW---Tracy is rocking the lead at hellagood by like 20 points or something....and Lunacy is blowing every other GH couple out of the water in the couples game!!!!

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knh, Congrats on your graduation!!

Hooked, I haven't read your fic yet, but I will. I'm saving it to read tomorrow nite when my company, who's keeping me company while Dana is away, will not be here.

Lainey, I'm looking forward to your fic too.

I've only ever seen the first Harry Potter. I know Richard Harris was in the second one too, but I can't see the others being the same without him. :( I LOVED LOVED LOVED Richard Harris!!

I see what you mean Deb, about a straight, thin guy, playing Edna Turnblad in the Hairspray movie. It was interesting when Michael McKeen (sp?) (Lenny of Laverne and Shirley) replaced Harvey Fierstein when he left. I remember watching him during dress rehearsals without the padding, and in the end number he looked like a busted Audrey Meadows on crack. LOL! BUT believe it or not, he was pretty good. I like him second after Harvey in the role, and we've had about four since Harvey. But I think the role should always be played by a heavy, gay, guy. Otherwise it's just not the same.

The current standing at the Hella Good character game right now is: Lucky: 92, Sam: 85, Tracy: 123 woohoo! BUT - in 24 hours she ended up only moving one point, where in previous days, she gained anywhere between 3 and 6. It seems like most of the supporters of the other two are targeting Tracy. It's like 2 against 1. As for the HG couples game, Luke and Tracy have 37 votes. The next after them is Patrick and Robin and Holly and Robert with 16 points each. So LuNacy has a big lead though someone has already deleted a point from them.

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She WASN'T on today! Can you believe it? Those SOB MFn IIC!

The Q's did talk about Lulu missing today but it looks like from the previews that Lulu and Logan will kiss tomorrow, which is I believe Scott and Tracy are supposed to walk in on tomorrow. It BETTER be tomorrow. It's wierd because my TIVO description showed, and some spoiler I believe, that she would be on today.

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No way! She wasn't on today????? That sucks! Everywhere it said Tuesday, the 17th--they better have moved the scenes to tomorrow and Thursday!

So annoying...It has been what...the longest stretch with no Tracy in months...six episodes...no TQ!!!

I'm off to get my haircut...my husband is on his way to Austin til tomorrow night...

Catch you guys later...go vote on Hellagood if you haven't arleady today! We don't want those lucky/sam fans catching up with us and targeting Tracy!! I noticed someone said "how did Tracy get so high" and then the reply was "because not enough lucky fans are voting". I wanted to write "cause Tracy fans are out in full force!"


Waving to Pinkpopsicle...haven't seen you here in a long, long time...we need you to write a lunacy lust story for the lust-a-thon!!

Edited by hookedongh
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I'm disappointed, but not really shocked. I was a little suspicious that the show and the previews were one day off when Dillon's last day ended up being on Monday, rather than the Friday originally suggested weeks before.

I'm just hoping that Tracy will walk in with a big relief hug and act like a real mother, not stand back and do her unemotional thing.

Who knows, there might be a pattern here. Wouldn't that make it Wednesday, Thursday and [possibly] Friday, three/four weeks in a row since Luke left?

Opps, forgot she was only on once last week. So much for my pattern theory.

Edited by remos
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Thanks for the article TracyLuv!

Hope your son's eyes are ok, Hooked.

Yes, we was robbed - no Tracy & Scott scene as spoiled for today - guess we have to wait til tomorrow. I'm sure they had to make room for many important mobular scenes instead.

I saw Harry Potter Sun night. It was kind of "scenes from Book 5", nothing in depth (still good, though). I think they went through the first 2 chapters in 10 seconds. Guess as the books get longer they have no choice or the movies would be 4 hours long.

BTW, I would not recommend this one for young children. They will be scared or bored.

The books age with Harry, so this one, when he's 15, is more apporpriate for teens.

Edited by MagicHappens
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Well, that's one less thing I have to do tonight. Personally, if she keeps not being on, I'll just forget to watch the stupid thing altogether.

It's been a crapfest of a day, and it isn't even close to done. Do me a favor, ya'll, and remind me why it's a great great great humdillyishously great world to live in?

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Just wanted to include some dialogue between the Q's about Tracy, and missing Lulu. I whited it out because it more or less tells you how Tracy gets out of Shady Brook, for those who don't want it spoiled.

The scene opens with Ed asking Monica what she found out about Lulu. Monica responds thatThat Neither, Bobby, Leslie, Lucky, nor Liz have spoken to her. Monica feels that since Lulu lives with them, they are responsble for her and Edward agrees.

The next scene opens with Ed saying to Monica: "Come on Monica, involving Tracy in this is the craziest idea I've ever heard." Monca said then they will have to call the police. Alice says that they shouldn't call the police because what if Lulu left to go after Luke and the police follow her. They agree they have to find her and Alice says "That's right, and we know where to start". Edward tells her to put a sock in it. Alice says: "No, if you are not going to tell you know who about you know what...then I'm going to." Edward looks and Monica and Monica looks at Edward like they have no choice.

So I guess that's how Tracy ends up getting out of Shadybrook. She soooo better be on tomorrow.

Edited by TracyLuv
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Uh oh. Tracy wasn't on today, and all I can do is shrug. I would've been so mad if I were at home, but well...Shrug. Things have probably just been pushed forward. :)

Tracy is losing points at Hella Good! Still in the lead, but ahhhhhhhh! People are targeting her!!!

hooked, I read the most recent story, the one with the past loves. Did you write something before that? I am behind. :o Anyway, I enjoyed it. You described all the relationships so perfectly and that line was definitely "aww-worthy."

knh, congratulations on graduation! How does it feel?

YAY! Lainey is writing the Lainey-Tracy-Luke story!

Breakroom? I'm meeting people in about an hour to film our section of our Spanish newscast (weather). Gah. It's better when we film in the class, like today. The "live reporters" did their part, and they put me into their script. We got to go by the pool area, and I got to be a screaming fan who had to faint from all the excitement. Haha.

Anyway, I'm around for now: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012


From Soaps In Depth...

Question: With which character on your show would you like to go happy hour?

Laura Wright: "Luke or Tracy. Tracy, do I really need to explain? An uninhibited Tracy would be a great dynamic. Luke would have some great stories to tell. Together, they'd be a riot."

Quartermaine Brunch Recap (originally from SoapZone):

*waves to Colette, hotbdd34, and remos, who are lurking*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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