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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ya know, sometimes I seriously hate coming online especially at SZ.

Some of the people there are soooo bitter, it's like they have to crap on the one thing I enjoy about GH.

Did we all know that Luke is playing "cocktail plate" to Tracy?

CAuse I didn't know that, but I sure am GLAD I know now.


Well my script expires in three weeks at SZ anyway.


Sorry about the negativity...and actually, I thought Tracy was a great friend to Luke today.

Cocktail plate, indeed. If anyone is being propped, it's not Tracy.

ETA *waves* to Staci

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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Sorry I missed you all earlier. I was on the phone with someone I used to work with and then with my aunt…She was making fun of my Tracy obsession though. UGH. I wasn’t even the one to bring Tracy up. Imagine that!

Lainey, I know you're just teasing. :) That's why I put the :P in there, 'cause I was teasing you back.

MinervaFan, I'm glad you like the gift. :D Happy early birthday. I'll wish you one again before I go.

TracyLuv, hope you are doing better. And I SO noticed the tripked!!! I completely forgot to mention it before. I watched, and I was like, "Wait, she was going to say 'tripped?'" Then, I rewatched and heard the same mess, LOL. Watched again with closed captioning and thought maybe I was hearing wrong. But no, she totally said "tripked" me. I'm gonna have to watch again and see if her face gives an "Oops, I messed up look." I know the other day, Sonny was saying that Carly married Jax's brother, instead of Jerry's brother...Heh. I wonder if that was an actor error or script error. Kind of like when Steven Webber, I think, told Monica and Alan that their cousin was in the OR, when it was really their nephew (Justus).

Anyway...Yes, I did noticed the tripked. I want a blooper tape. Someone at SZ (back when the late November Haunted Star scenes were being filmed) was on set, and people were talking about how all actors mess up their lines all the time, and one of the people who had been on set was like, "Yeah, it's true. Even Jane flubbed her line 3 times." I think ABC should dedicate a week the best bloopers, including all the actors. Would be more fun than the show.

So...What else?

CLICK HERE for an I Love Luke and Tracy Thread at SOC.

Also, CLICK HERE and join the Quartermaine alliance for SOC’s annual summer GH Survivor Game. Last year was much fun, even though the Scorpio alliance got mad that the Q alliance voted off Robin, and so they targeted Tracy next. In an odd way, though, it gets very amusing. Last year, those who joined the Q alliance got free coconut milk. :D Tracy’s island men also provided entertainment for those on the Q alliance who were interested. Yes, we were nuts. :P I’m gonna miss all the fun while I’m in Mexico. :(

hooked, those quotes you mentioned from Scott Clifton about Jane Elliot and John Ingle…Did someone post them here? I don’t remember seeing them:

From Mackenzie at SoapZone:

So adorable. A little confused on the wording with “were” though. Should that be “weren’t?”


This letter came from Soap Opera Weekly in late 2004 (public opinion section):

Yeah! I love seeing Jane!Praise, even when it's 3 years old, ha.

This one in of the magazines (either SID or SOD). The article was called “24 hours at the Emmys” (2005), and what I found was dedicated to Scott Clifton…

Cute, huh? Or is just me?

Soap Opera Magazine: Going in Style: November 19, 1996:

So Jane used to do Super Soap Weekend once upon a time? Sounds like the plane ride was fun. Heh.

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TracyLuv...totally noticed she said she was tripped. I was like WTF???? I rewound and relistened. She sounded like she was trying to cover her mistake. Surprised they didn't cover that or reshoot it. Also liked when Alan said, "you see Trace..." like so brotherly and cute instead of the more formal Tracy...

What was up with Luke calling her popsicle and not "Pink Popsicle?" No color today...just popsicle?? The outfit wasn't so bad...she looked sort of tiny in it...not so much oomph Ms. Q, but not bad either...total agreement with you....pelo no malo, no bueno...solamente o.k..... (practicing for Ms Qs hair reports while she is away)

TL...hope you have a great trip! I liked today's episode too...I liked how he said I owe you and she was the one who suggested this was their only option. Of course when he said that he needed leverage on baldwin and like right now...she could have told him about the Rick Webber murder...that would have been too easy. I hope they follow up tomorrow.

Why the heck hasn't luke found lulu to tell her yet??

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MinervaFan and Lainey, here are today's clips. I am going out of town tomorrow so if Luke and Tracy are on either tomorrow or Monday I will not be able to edit and post them until tuesday.


Credit goes to Geena at Hella Good, edited by me!

ILTQ, I went to SID late last night to vote in the instant poll, it was still up, and Lacy was still the winner by almost 250+ votes, so I am assuming that they won!!! :D :D :D

Also, for anybody who belongs to Hella Good, our girl needs our help in the "games" section. The GH Character game part 4 Tracy is in third place :) just behind Lucky and Sam, she needs more votes people!!!

Everybody has been talking about the possible blooper, Tracy's hair, her new shirt, and Alan......but nobody mentioned the fact that when Luke and Tracy were at Shadybrook, just before they walked into Laura's room Luke said "when we get in there, you switch clothes blah blah blah, that means the plan was for Tracy to get undressed in front of Luke. I can't believe nobody mentioned it!! hahahaha!

OK, I'm off to finish packing, night.

Oh I forgot to mention that the clips is of all the Q's and their scenes Skye, Edward, and Monica. Enjoy!

Edited by nex4evr
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Bless you, my child. BLESS YOU.

I am totally awake, and I logged in here hoping there would be clips. AND THERE ARE CLIPS!!!!!!!! Just what I need to calm my frazzled nerves.


**off to watch**

**and maybe sleep... maybe... eventually**

Edited by LaineyBev714
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Nex, thank you so much for the clips. I watched them before work.

A couple of comments:

1. Did anybody beside me think Tony and Jane were both off in the first couple of scenes. I suppose it's because they're both usually so flawless it was very noticable how they were tripping over lines and the timing was off. Eventually, it got better, but the first couple of scenes with them were just...not their best.

2. Ooooonnn the other hand......that outfit. OMG, I am massively in love with the outfit Tracy was wearing. It hearkens back to the Tracy of old--fabulous but flowing, loose but snug underneath, and a darned good color for her. In fact, the combination of this picture and her furniture arranging outfit from LadyA's TrAsh vids has inspired a fic in me, which I will someday soon write.

3. Does ANYBODY believe Skye anymore? Honestly?

4. Oh, the Edward-Monica scene was beautiful. I really loved it. Really really.

5. Did I mention how HOT Tracy looked yesterday? My favorite color (green) and my favorite style of outfit for her. Man, she is looking soooo sharp these days.

Do you think Jane Elliot ever turns on the computer, reads these posts, and thinks--"ya'll need to get out more"? AND MY HAIR DOES HAVE OOMPH, DANGIT!


I'm still giddy from the Dyke Purse, which was VERY well received at my office, btw. Our resident purse expert Leah pronounced it "gorgeous." *glowing*

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She looks GREAT in that color green (color of the l&l2 wedding suit). There is also a certain shinny baby blue she looks good in. And Red. Red over black is good for her. And Shinny - silk - is better than not shinny.

She probably does think this about rabid fans like us, but i don't think she logs in here. Evah! Sorry.

And oh -- I agree with you on Jane being "off." I didn't notice with Tony, actually.

First, Jane was smiling during the Alan/jogging suit thing. Clearly this was RL enjoyment. They should have reshot. It was not cool.

And the tripped/tricked thing. Again, they should have reshot.

And her inflection/facial expressions when she was talking about Lulu. Seemed "fake." I mean I know it's not real, but she usually makes it "feel real." That felt fake.

Glad you're happy!

Happy to know I helped you to *glow*

I have had NO sleep.




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I am developing a bond with this purse. It is my new happy place. I am starting to understand the purse thing now, like I've never understood it before. :D

Okay, back on topic. Please tell me they are going to continue the scene at Shadybrook with TQ, LS, and SB today. It would be horrible if they just left it like that (although I think that would not be a huge stretch).

On the fic topic--I have half my story typed. I've decided to go with all-dialogue, no narrative. It's only two people, and I think that the more I futz with it, the more I will destroy the sponteneity of the piece. And if it turns out to be a dud, well, there are 99 other stories on the table.

I have a clothes-related story twisting its merry way through my head, thanks to TQ's yummy oversized shirts. There is just something yummy about Tracy in an oversized man's shirt.....

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Being the shopping queen...I think I saw that shirt she was wearing at Chicos. I don't ever shop there, but happened to go in there once last week with a friend and bought a bracelet (they have cute jewelry). Of course could be from anywhere...but that is so the Chicos style clothing she was wearing yesterday. Looked good on her though...not some curtain-like jacket!

She did seem a bit off...totally noticed her smile like she was going to laugh at him in his jogging suit. THe flub up of the line was really awful that they didn't bother to fix it! Nice to see that she is human and can flub up, but they could have reshot that I agree...

So hilarious Nex about tracy undressing in front of luke. DIdn't think about that one. But from the way they are playing it, that wouldn't be the first time! Wonder how she was planning on "Collecting" for the favor??

Lainey..I was up all night last night too! I should have posted a breakroom link. I went to bed, then woke up cause I could'nt really sleep. I had this whole fic thing going on in my head, but I was too tired to write...

I'm off to my friend's surprise lunch....I hope I can keep a straight face through the charade of going to the restaurant, etc. Her mom and sister flew in from chicago and are suprising her and pretending to be the waiters...then once she is shocked, the rest of the people are going to be at another table.

I am so bad at the "poker face" I need lessons from Tracy!!

I hope today continue as well from yesterday but that would be so like them to just blow it off and leave it where it was yetserday.

Also...what is up with luke calling her "tasha" (Alexis) He is too lazy to even call her Natasha anymore. If I were alexis I would be like 'don't ever call me that again Luke or you are on your own defending yourself"

I also liked when Tracy said alice was in love with her before she fell in love with you!

One more commetn and then I have to go....Poor LC. I mean I like her totally...but she looks so...darn...awful! She can't even move her face....I would be suing that plastic surgeon...she is sooo skinny too which does not look good when you are older (see so I should just keep on eating--ha ha). She must hate JE. They are roughly the same age, but JE is so much prettier and younger-looking and hasn't been under the knife and botched! Plus she is getting all the good screentime with SD and is 60 and has semi, half-ass love scenes with Luke (well not love scenes, but you know what I mean)

OK..must go...check ya later!

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You've all been posting like maniacs. :o:D

nex, thanks for the clips. It's funny that you mentioned that about her changing in front of him, and I realized it when it aired, but forgot, and then last night, when I was lying in bed, I thought, "Wow, somone really should have mentioned that in the thread by now." :lol: Oh, enjoy your trip!

I saw all your posts in the LuNacy Love Thread at SOC. Squee. But oh man! The mods killed the Survivor Thread.

Also, what nex said: VOTE FOR TRACY at HellaGood.

hooked, yeah, what was up with the Tasha thing? I originally thought I had misheard, but he kept saying it.

About TG and JE being off...Someone else posted this, but I didn't notice it with TG (unless the "Tasha" thing counts). And perhaps this means that both of them are in need of their summer vacation? ;) Come on. You know Jane's getting one too. Won't be 4 months, but we can almost guarantee she'll be gone for a bit with TG gone.

And [small voice] but I sympathized with Skye yesterday. Tracy needs something to do all summer. Perhaps GH is moving RC/Skye back into the Quartermaine sphere.

More banners and stuff...




Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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So by Luke telling Tracy to switch clothes with Laura, were they trying to imply they are the same size?


Not only are they not, their body types aren't even the same. I know it's just a silly plot point, but Jane is smaller than Genie. Even plot point moments should make sense, or else it destroys the scene. I can see someone putting on clothes that are too big, but too small?

EH. Anyway.

*shrug* I liked their scenes, I liked that Tracy has SO got Luke's back.

But since Alan has died I have to say I really enjoy Tracy/Alan scenes more than any Luke/tracy scenes.

Maybe because they are new and refreshing. I don't know.

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Well since Laura is wearing a hospital gown, it really doesn't matter what size she is, but the real question is how were they going to get Laura in Tracy's clothes!!! Now that would have been funny! :D

To all:

Have a fun and safe Memorial Day!!!

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Okay I just got home, I take it she's not on??

Awww those banners are gorgeous MsQ.

::sighs:: I'm bored, nothing new. My brain is gone, I tried writing earlier and I just...couldn't.

Oh and I really liked the outfit she was wearing yesterday, simple but pretty.

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Regarding the clothes: I doubt the goal was to put Tracy into Laura's and Laura into Tracy's. How would Tracy get out then? She'd be escaping in a hospital gown!? Nah, Luke had something else in the bag for Laura. He could leave Tracy's clothes under the bed or something, so she could change into them when the half hour was up. That's my logic. :)

LOL. If she ever found out about us, we'd all have restraining orders. :lol: She says she's not computer literate, but she used "lol" in her SoapNet online chat, so she's somewhat acquainted with computer lingo.

Thanks for the banner, angel. I'm not too sure if I like the first one too much, but I figured I'd post it anyway. About the writing...I'm trying SO. HARD. to finish up Waiting Room for you all, but it doesn't seem to be happening. So, I don't blame you or anyone else for not being able to write their stories. And ditto on the outfit. I liked that the sleeves weren't super-long. It was like Tracy wore SPRING clothes for once.


I might be going out of town this weekend. I don't wanna, but...

And from what I gather...No follow-up to the LuNacy. Hearing is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday next week. Please let her be wearing cute, court clothes. LOL. Come on, Trace. Business clothes. You do have them!!!

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