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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest

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Okay.. I'm on my mom's ancient computer.. so if this message comes out bizzare.. I'm sorry.

So -- I won't get home until midnight or 1a. Missed GH because my sister's mother in law had to watch Dr. Phil. Is it worth watching? Is our girl on? Judging from the lack of action here, I'm guessing... NO! (wahhh)

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Lainey, don't worry Tracy was not on today, so you have nothing to worry about.

Ms.Q, thanks for posting the You Tube links of Tracy, I actually remember the one of Tracy leaving Marco at the airport, so sad :( I hope your mouth is feeling better, it was this time last year that I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled out and it did not go smoothly, I spent time at urgent care and my face must have ballooned 3x its normal size, I looked like a cartoon character.

Tracyluv, I hope the MRI finds out what the problem is! I'm the complete opposite I can't stand needles, I would much rather sit in a headlock for 30 min. Oh, and congrats on your 200th post! yay!

I feel like I am never here anymore, I spend my weekends out and about so when I come into work on Mondays I have a ton of catching up to do. I don't know who or what I am forgetting but I do know that we are getting to the 300th page of this thread........that has to be some kind of record! We need to have a HUGH cyber party!!! :D

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Just a quick note. NO she wasn't on Lainey. :( - DOUBLE WAHHH!!

Nex, hooked, deb, ms. Q, Lainey, thanks for the well wishes!

And thanks for the "happy holidays" from the guyum (non Jews) heheh.

Nex, yeah, it's been a while since you've been here. A "punishment" is in order! LOL - a LuNacy vid maybe? J/K heehee I have chutzpah (balls/nerve) I know. Glad to see you back. Stop by the chat once in a while too, will ya.

Edited by TracyLuv
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knh, TL, and Ms.Q, and anyone else I'm forgetting....glad you all are feeling better and/or got really scary medical proceedures out of the way.

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I've just been really busy, and to tell the truth, I have nothing to say. *shrug* I'm really bored with no Tracy, but no Tracy does save that hour a day for me. Although I could be watching Lulu. It's not like if I miss a day of her, I won't have another day to catch up.

Sorry if I haven't left reviews of every fic, but I am faithfully reading them all and loving them all. I LURVED the "Beautiful Disaster" update especially. That little story has so much CHARM. :)

And um, what clips of Marco? *whines* what page are they on? I missed them.

I know I have a few vids to catch up on and I will as soon as I can...... sorry. :(

I don't seem to have much time these days.....

Off to eat B-Day cake, my sister's middle one is five today. :)


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Hi everybody! I'm officially back, or close to it. This is the first days I've been able to stand long enough to blowdry my hair. Show stunk today, but based on what you guys have said I'm looking forward to a much better rest of the week.

Can't wait for those stories you guys. (sorry I don't remember who said they were writing them except for Lainey with choices)

Thanks, everyone, for the well wishes... and TL for the well command! (haha)

Ms. Q, glad you're feeling good after your trip to the oral surgeon... forgive me for being a little late with that.

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I was here earlier, about to make a post, but then I had to run out and couldn't finish. :(

Keith, I believe she's on tomorrow. *fingers crossed* EEEEEE! (Sorry, that must seem strange). I just checked SoapDish. She's on! She's on!!!! Per SoapNet previews,


Yes, I'm quoting myself. :P This makes no sense, but since I was on drugs, I guess that's understandable. Basically, it appears that the wisdom tooth came out for nothing. Forgive me for repeating myself, but we thought the one on the right was causing troubles, and the surgeon suggested just to extract both, anyway, BUT...It seems that the right wisdom tooth wasn't the problem and that I'll need root canal afterall. Unless it was BOTH the wisdom tooth and the tooth in front it. How come no one knows?!? *cries*

nex, ouch. Most of my friends...actually, all the people I've talked to had all 4 out at once (except for my mother). I guess it's better for sedation purposes, get it all done at once...but eeek. Since I had 2 out a couple years ago and then 2 out recently, there was much less swelling/bruising involved, which is good. :) But like I said...that sedation will do a number on you physically.

*waves to ILoveTracyQ*

Marco clips here (on YouTube though, so you might have to watch at work if you can sneak it):


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Sorry, Ms. Q!!! I'm sorry you're going to need a root canal now after all that this week. I haven't even had to have my teeth pulled for braces or anything, so I definately don't know what a root canal is like at all, but I don't imagine it's pleasant, so all I can say is I hope it isn't too bad for you. :( Wishing you the best, of course, when you get it done. Much love!!

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Well, I will try to be positive; we don't exactly have proof that I'll need the root canal yet (I'm just the eternal pessimist, and well, the fact that my tooth is still hurting like it did before doesn't help matters...and really, I don't think it's 'cause they cut into the gum; this is a different kind of pain). Anyhoo! Still no proof. :Dknh, you sound like you're feeling better. Are you? I hope so. :D BTW, clips of LuNacy Kisses are posted at We All Need LuNacy. If any of you have the time, go over there, and make sure I didn't forget any. And BEHOLD THE PRETTINESS: CLICK ME.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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*waves back to Ms.Quartermaine*

So, what's "WeAllNeedLunacy" or whatever?

And I'm glad to see different Lacy boards sprouting up, but I don't have time to post at this one and the JE one.

I wish I did.

Thanks for the Marco stuff, I will try to watch tomorrow.

And oooh Debbie. I want the pic Ms.Q just posted of JE, as my avatar. Can you do it for me? :) If not, that's okay. But I love the "oldschool Hollywood" vibe of her older pics.

She should be on tomorrow. First time since the LiZ/Lucky wedding that I'll be watching.

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Will defintely work on it. I just crashed PhotoImpact, so I'll have to try again. But I've got the picture and will be happy to make an avatar for you.

ETA: Got it to work. I pm'd the icon to you, along with the link to Photobucket. Let me know if you need any changes made. And if you just plain hate it, let me know that, too! :D

Edited by MinervaFan
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Morning all. :)

Kind of strange, but I dreamt about Luke/Laura's wedding last night. It wasn't exactly the same as the actual episode that aired, but close enough. Tracy never got up (and therefore wasn't tripped), 'cause at the end she was in the background, looking quite evil. But yeah...WEIRD.

Lainey, photo is from the movie, One Is A Lonely Number. Per IMDB.com, Jane is the 5th person credited.

ILoveTracyQ, 2 LuNacy forums, actually. We All Need LuNacy and LuNacy: A Luke and Tracy Fan Forum. The latter has more members, but not as much action...yet. And I totally understand about not being able to post at all of them. I am trying so hard though, LOL.

Spoilers, rumors, that sort of thing...

SON clue:

Anonymous insider:

SON clue:

Anonymous insider:

Elaboration: SPUMOR:

Anonymous: Week of April 16th:

EDIT: Looks like we got proof that the anonymous insider is correct. According to Got Info, the week of April 16th:

Also, for the week of the 16th,

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey Ms. Q--thanks for the spoilers! I, for one, am just so happy LuNacy is mentioned anywhere...I am having serious Tracy withdrawls and serious online withdrawls...my mom goes home tonight. Not that I am happy she is leaving, but glad to have my computer access back! Sorry, about the possible root canal...that sucks. You have really been through the ringer. Looking foward to watching those clips you posted from you tube...

Hope the couple how has a night of drinking is not LuLu and Logan. Remember some old rumor they were going to sleep together or have a one night stand because Lulu was reeling out of control???? Pray it is Tracy/Luke and not Lulu (as if she needs more screentime). It would be a funny scene if it was Tracy and Lulu both drunk--ha ha.

Good to hear from you IloveTracyQ.

Lainey hope you survived the day with your mom--ha ha! I have so much food leftover I could feed an army. TracyLuv...hope your seder was good too!

OK, so I am off to go bring Wendy's to my kids for lunch today at school for a treat, so Grandma can come eat lunch with them!

Will be in the breakroom tonight around 9 central...be there or be square--ha ha! :)

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