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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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That is hilarious lainey about the chiuaua and the doberman. I think the reason luke said he wanted to watch was cause he knew tracy would eat her alive!!!

Also....LOVE your signature and write that choices story right now....get offline and start writing woman!!! ha ha!

Loved the silk stockings. I really think they were trying to insinuate they were sleeping together, but surely they wouldn't be...just more of their flirting I Think

I hope.....we better see it!

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Okay, so guess what..... after friday spring break starts! Before you all get the wtf-does-that-have-to-do-with-me looks on your face, it means I'm actually gonna have time to update my story at long last! Good news right (well for those who read and like it)!?

So Today....




JE and SD are freaking cracking me up! I love them oh so much! SD looks like he's just having the greatest time.

I'm getting really sick of the jacket, it quickly wore out its welcome.


Luke and Tracy making goo-goo eyes (as MsQ so elegantly put it) was cute but ugh, only inches apart and nothing! DON'T TEASE LIKE THAT!!

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2 things on this....

1) As long as they choose to be together and have many many MANY more nights like that I'm all for it.


2) They definately insinuated that they are makin' it all the time (gotta love how lovely and romantic I just made that sound, don'tcha) I choose to believe that they are doing that for the benifit of driving Edward and Monica crazy. It would be nice to think that they are actually a couple in all senses of the word, but I'd like them not to be, not because they just aren't showing us anything, but for the reason that, if they have not yet been together, when they FINALLY are come May sweeps( ;):D ) then it will be that much more pasisonate and heated and way better for the audience if it isn't the same old hat by the time they get around to letting us in on it.

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Now I have my own question for all of you... hope you can help me with it. I, of course being the lazy fool that I am, still have not chosen names for my 2 main characters in my story. I have finished writing all but 1 or 2 chapters and they have no names. I wanted to take an opinion poll to see which you all like the best. Hooked suggested Julia and Drew, which I do like a lot, but I said that 2 of my kids at work have those names and I can't write any more adult things when I have them in my head, which I can't avoid since I see them all day everyday. Drew is still on the list if I can't get another though.

anyway, here they are. I have a few for each.



Victoria (no vicki or tori)


Jacqualine (no jackie)













Spencer (just like the name, no luke references)

thanks so much guys!!

edit Hooked just dubbed me her author and artist extraordinaire... I think I like it. Yup, I'm stickin' to it!!

Edited by knh
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You are! That is your new title!!! You have to read the story I think to get a full sense of the names they should be. Lily sounds too demure. It needs to be a very strong name for the woman lead. She is a strong woman. The guy is a bit more meek ya know...needs a less dominating name

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FYI---There are four new tracy clips from 1991 with her and Paul loaded on JE Online by the new poster Schatepage I think. It is on the forum under Tracy Quartermaine. Easy to dowload...havne't watched them yet, but am sure they are great. Wasn't sure if i should post her site here or not if that was proper etiquette, but wanted to let you guys know to look there!

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Lainey, woooohoooo!! That was a SEXY, little fic there :D!!!!! Got more where that came from? I totally LOVED IT!!!! I love the way you describe face touching and kisses - yeah! Oh, and I LOVE Your new signature!

Luke has made references to sex before in the past. But nothing has ever been confirmed. Remember at the vow renewal epi he said to Tracy "I love it when you scream.... in bed"? So who knows. There is a part of me that wanted them to be having sex all that time because people kept saying they weren't a real couple because they weren't "doing it". But he had also been sleeping with other women and pining for his ex-wife at some point so I would hate to think that he was sleeping with Tracy at that time while out "carousing" with a British tart and who knows who else. But now of course I want them to have sex in the worst way because he has told her how he feels about her and it will be more meaningful when they finally do make love.

Regency, Sorry to hear about your computer problems. Hope you can recover the fic. Am patiently waiting for the baby LuNacy story :)

knh, Of the names on the list I like - Her: Gillianne, Him: Cooper or Elliot.

Loved the show today!! highlights for me were... the goo goo eyes with Lukey of course, and his "power/silk stocking" line, her laugh when she said "I didn't forge the will, you did", Tracy's "sweetheart" to Luke (yes, I did catch that, hooked), Tracy pushing Luke out of the den and him saying "will you tell me about it later" LOL. I liked Tracy's hair AND jacket. I like her in turtlenecks :) and I think that jacket is better than many others she has.

Oh, did anyone notice that it seemed as though Luke blew a kiss to Tracy as she was about to shut the door? His arm went up though you can't see him, but then you hear a kiss noise just before she shuts the door.

And my new favorite line (after the one in lainey's banner of course ;)) is "You're spending too much time fighting with the furniture" LOL

Funny, you should speak of fanfic updates, I "stumbled" upon a fic last night by HyperMuzak (or something) about Tracy and her daughter by Paul, and after spending a couple of hours reading that whole thing I realized it had not been finished and it was last updated in 9/06! I was like arrrrggghhhhh!!! Now I'm like left hangin' :(

EDIT: knh, just read hooked's description of the characters - her (strong): Victoria - him (meek): Oliver or Nathaniel.

EDIT AGAIN: MinervaFan, Thanks for posting the contact info. I am so on it! - I have no problem licking stamps for LuNacy love!!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Maybe I'm just tired and sick and cranky, but I'm not finding the ghost storyline as funny as everybody else seems to be finding it. First of all, it's very one-dimensional. Tracy hit the nail on the head--aren't ghosts supposed to be all-seeing and all-knowing? If not, then maybe at least a bit more ... I don't know, enlightened due to their new perspective? Alan seems, if anything, less mature than when he was alive. He and Tracy are going at it like 17-year-old siblings, which is fun for a while, but I'd like more depth to this. He's dead, and that should give him a bit of perspective.

If it was any other writer than the ones GH normally uses, I'd say this was a ploy--he's being purposely immature to goad Tracy in a certain direction, leading her to a point where she can come to her own decision and reach her own conclusions. But these are GH writers, so I'm tending to take it at surface value. He's being immature because that's how they are writing him, not because he is playing psychological games with her.

And Tracy seems to have lost more than her brother in the MetroCourt explosion. I'm thinking several million brain cells were listed among the casualties, because real!Tracy would NEVER be so obvious about this. Unless she thinks this is an elaborate hoax, which is not what they're saying, Tracy is a moron for telling Luke she's being haunted. I love me some Luke Spencer, but he's not above placing her in a home for the perpetually loopy and assuming his rightful place as husband and "administering" her fortune while she's in the loony bin. real!Tracy would know this too, and keep her mouth shut. Of course, real!Luke wouldn't just be like, Oh, Tracy is going crackers, where's my martini, either.

But, she's getting screen time and Stuart's having fun and we're getting yummy flirtation, so I can't be too annoyed. And she got a Sam smackdown, which is always good for the soul. Hopefully, as I start to get over this infection, I'll enjoy it more. (And yeah, the power line had my blood pumping in a great way, but I think it was all to annoy Monica and Edward.)

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I do find this storyline comical though I am afraid it will get old quickly. I agree, Alan has been acting immature but I believe they are writing the character like that. Which may be funny once a week for now but not more thank that and not for the long haul. I also agree about Tracy. When I first heard some of the spumors that Luke would find out she was talking to the "air" I said to myself, "the Tracy I know would not respond to voices or visions in front of ANYONE!!" And I immediately thought that Luke would not think twice about sending her off to the la-la land place. And I also feel that Luke is not acting the way Luke would act but I often feel that when it comes to anything Tracy/Luke related. It seems they are going to play the entire thing for laughs. I guess we'll have to wait and see, which I can deal with as long as Luke doesn't haul Tracy off to the luney bin.

ETA: pg. 288!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Lainey, loved the fic. Now, when is something like that going to be on the actual show? :)

Regency, glad you might be able to get some of your stuff back.

angel, yay! You'll be able to update!

MinervaFan, I forgot who, but I was mentioning the whole "Tracy isn't that stupid" thing to someone, but I guess I overlook it 'cause she's getting screentime out of it. I totally agree that there should be more depth, though.

TracyLuv, yep, GH is playing it for laughs, which is what I thought would happen, but can there be a little more???

ILoveTracyQ, where are you??? Miss ya! You got a PM, BTW.

Keith, we miss you (wherever you are)!

pinkpopsicle, we miss you too!

knh, I'm horrible at choosing names. Sorry.

Related...but still kind of OT...I feel bad for my kids, if/when I have them, I'll be like, "I don't know what to name you." LOL. Actually, if I had a girl, I wanted to go with Laura (if it was fine with my husband), and as long as he has no ex-girlfriends named that, LOL. Anyway, for those wondering, the name had nothing to do with GH's Laura. But then when she became a romantic rival for my girl, I was like, "Hmm, do I want to use that name?" LOL. Really, in however many years, it's not going to matter. It shouldn't even matter now. Also kind of related, kind of not...My sister is set on naming her first son, "Jason Michael." Heh. Oh, anyone want to guess the girl's name? Samantha. LOL.

hooked, I don't remember which site you mentioned this at, but you said last issue of SID had stuff with SD's 70th birthday party. Anyway to scan that, she asks sweetly.

Lady Ashton, you haven't been around a lot lately either. Hope RL is going well...Miss ya!

smirks, you fooled us!!! You come back and post, and then disappear!!! *hands on hips* If I find out you've been at SOC... *taps foot* ;)

Magic Happens, I hate what they're doing to Scotty!!! (at least from what I've seen) We miss you around here!

Who did I forget? :o

From Linds of SZ ~ Brief SID article recap (someone has to buy this and scan it, please!!!!)

Hey, Ghost!Alan isn't going to be interrupting LuNacy scenes tomorrow, is he?

Edited: Because I was trying to clear things up.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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OK you guys...what is the opposite of writer's block??? I have it. I so badly want to end this chance encounter story to move on with my life--ha ha, but I cant. I just keep writing and writing and it gets more involved and I can't seem to find a way to end it.

So...here are parts 6-10. It is going to be a freaking mini-series--ha ha.

I gotta find a way to end it. Maybe she wakes up and it was all a dream!


Mrs. Q, I will try to scan the article if I can figure out how to. My printer doesn't have a scanner, but someone in my house has one on their computer I bet.

Is Tracy on today? I thought it was Th and Friday and not today. Le'ts hope so.

Hope you are feeling better MinervaFan.

I am off to do my good little volunteer work at school for my kids....

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No Tracy today :(. Oh well, I guess the LnL2 wedding is tomorrow and maybe that's when our girl finds Luke drowning his sorrows? I just figured it's happening tomorrow since Luke was talking with Liz and Laura today about the wedding "tomorrow".

Deb, feel better soon. BTW, you are good at seeing things the way they are even when you're tired, sick and cranky. Hopefully hooked's update will brighten things up for you a bit. :)

Edited by TracyLuv
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