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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I am totally going to get these new DVD's I want to finish watching part 3 Ned and Jenny to get a little Marco in ;). And Hooked please keep me posted on the Tracy DVD if Jen updates you before posting it on her site. Thanks.

And Nex, thanks a ton for posting OoohLala. I love that vid and never knew it was yours. Thanks! Sorry I didn't get to say g'nite in the BR last nite.

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Uh.. Folks.. Hello...

Something really important happened today!!

I can't believe nobody has mentioned it!!!

I believe we learned the real reason Tracy is trying to prevent LuLu from finding Rick Webber's killer!!! :blink: :blink:

She told it to Carly. Luke was the one who told Laura she killed Rick. If it turns out that he was wrong, and he is responsible for his beloved going off the deep end.. Well.. uh.. Tracy is right... he'll got nutso! And she'll loose him. And she loves him, folks. She doesn't want to loose him.

When Carly asked, 'why do you care?' and she said 'he's my husband,' she was telling the truth!! And did you see how she said it? That was priceless -- it was said plainly and honestly. She has grown to accept him, warts and all. She loves him. (Come on folk, why the hell else would she go to Carly's house?!?!?! THERE IS NO OTHER REASON).

Tracy wants to stop the search for Rick's killer, because if the murderer is anyone other than Laura, the fact will DESTROY Luke. And she likes Luke just the way he is, thank you very much!

ta ta,


Edited by LaineyBev714
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MsQ, the picture is GORGEOUS.

Hooked, I'm sorry about your friend. I just found out a friend I've known since I was 17 (I'm 40 now) has stage four cancer. Problem is, we haven't been on speaking terms for almost two years, and I'm at a loss as to how to approach her. So, yeah, that's a serious perspective pill to take....

Lainey, I noticed the same thing about the scene with Carly. I don't think all this has to do with Tracy hiding something, or Tracy being involved with Rick Webber's death. I think it's point blank--if Luke finds out Laura is innocent, and that this break-down could have been avoided, he will spiral into a place so dark and so ugly no one will be able to find him.

I'm convinced that she really loves Luke, and that she considers Lulu her daughter, after a fashion. And Mama Bear is in full-out protection mode, especially now that Alan is gone.

I'm still thinking Luke/Tracy is endgame, but we are going to go through hell first in order to get there.

Edited by MinervaFan
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Yeah Lainey....see we were freaking out over nothing (hopefully). I LOVED how she said "He's my husband" (carly should understand that) and then how she said, "I for one think that Luke and Lulu deserve to be free to move on". LOVED LOVED LOVED it. She so loves Lulu too.

I was trying to figure out why she went to carly of all people as how would tracy know that carly and lulu were sort of tight? But who else woudl tracy go to? She couldn't go to Luke about it. Lucky is a cop so she couldn't go to him, plus she never speaks to him anyway. Dillon would not be loyal to her we all know that as he is too gaga over lulu. Who else is there?

I thought that was a very good day for LuNacy...even though it was one short and sweet scene!

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She could have gone to Bobbie, except that I'm pretty sure she knows Bobbie has zero relationship with Lulu. Carly is closer to Lulu's age and does have that "cool" thing going for her. I know it galled Tracy to have to do it, but she loves her family enough to do what's best for them.

Of course, it would have galled her going to Bobbie for help, too. Or anyone, for that matter. Tracy is not good with the asking for help thing.

Says a lot that she took time out from her own grief to do this to protect Luke and Lulu.

Edited by MinervaFan
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Okay.. most of you know I have a one-track mind when it comes to LuNacy (to me, it's all about the hot monkey sex! ;) ). Anyway, I never believed the May spoilers for LuNacy sex because I thought it was too late in the timeline. They were so clearly bonding, and getting along now. I couldn't understand how it could possibly wait until MAY! (I'm still hopeful it will come sooner, but a second anniversary 'celebration' seems more and more right to me).

Anyway, if Kin really is only back for six weeks -- the next several weeks will be all about finding Laura's killer. After that, Luke goes into his dark place (and likely takes off for one of his six-week mega-vacations), and Tracy has lots of opportunities to talk with Alan's 'ghost' and spiral into her own little piece of hell (wouldn't that be some AMAZING acting! I'm salivating just thinking about it!).

When Luke comes back, he's ready to give Tracy what she needs and deserves --- the number one place in his heart! She has gone through some sort of spiritual cleansing as well (Seeing a ghost in a tracksuit while you're mourning for your brother AND your husband will either kill you or make you stronger. You know it's going to make our girl STRONGER!). Luke will come back, and it will be an over-the-top reunion. They will get together in some emotionally gut-wrenching scene (it's going to be played as the 'redemption of Tracy' - watch. You heard it here first).

And guess what -- we're in May sweeps at this point.. and guess what I think that means!?!?!?!!? A couple hours after the 'big' moment (i.e. the heated 'I love yous' and the mattress pounding, sheet soaking monkey sex), LAURA COMES BACK! THE TRUTH SETS HER FREE, TOO.

Yep my friends, I believe that is what we're in for. I for one can't wait to see it unfold. You heard it here first!



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Lainey, you crack me up with your use of descriptive narrative. You so clearly should be writing fanfic (hint hint).

I think you're right, of course, except that the over-the-top reunion will probably be a 2 minute scene in the living room, and then three weeks later, Lulu will mention to Dillon and Spinelli that Stepwitch and Dad are acting like teenagers and it's grossing her out....

Boy, just call me MinervaBuzzKill, huh?

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You are WRONG!



If you're talking about the "mattress-pounding, sheet-soaking" comment, I believe that is YOURS! It's from the fanfic where Tracy tricked Luke into bed with Alice (a mighty hot little piece of work!!). In fact, even the term "hot monkey sex" is YOURS! (From the Maarkam Islands story you wrote!) Seems to me, YOU should be writing fanfic. Oh wait.. you are! Okay then, all is right with the world! ;)

You guys are the bestest!


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Thanks Mrs. Q for all those awesome video links. I had seen some before, but it was great to see them again.

Once again, I bow down to your video making awesomness...in the words of Spinelli...Oh editing goddess! :)

Lainey...love your scenario...I"m holding on to your positive thoughts!!!

I'm home with a sick kid today...will be trying to watch the Luke/tracy dvd edits. Although I am sure I have lots of those clips anyway.

Minerva...love your take on the Carly thing and "momma bear mode"

Mrs. Q...hope they lose the Chi iron they are using on Tracy's hair if she is on today... she needs a big round brush for her blowout...not a straightening iron for the oomph! :)

Check ya guys later....

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Lainey, do not hide behind the fact that you do as all great writers do and steal shamelessly from other writers. You are a DARNED good fanfic writer, and you need to write some more. Seriously. :) I'm going to harass you mercilessly until you get back on the horse. Tracy needs you. LuNacy needs you. So. Freaking. THERE.

And on a related topic, will somebody tell me (Lady Ashton, maybe) if we ever learned the name of Larry Ashton's mother? On LA's video, Tracy referred to Larry's father as "Binky," (oh, KILL me, Binky is SO good!), but I wanted to know if there was a canon name for Mrs. Mama Ashton. (I'm thinking Mimsy or Kit or something preppy like that--Oh, we're going to the Hamptons with Binky and Kit Ashton! They're SUCH a riot, don't you know? I swear, last year, when Binky did his impression of a person buying something on sale, we were all in STITCHES!)

Yes, I'm writing Tracy and Larry for the next 100 Situations prompt.

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Wow. This place is getting a lot of action!!! (more than usual) I love it!

angel! Good to "see" you again!

Lainey, I hope that's her reason, but part of me believes there's more to it.

Oh, hey! Anyone remember the spoiler that Tracy and Monica go off on Lulu for stealing Alan's PDA? I believe that was set for last week, so it looks like it was cut. I guess it's a good thing since I didn't like the idea of Tracy warning Lulu about Scotty one second and then reaming her out the next (even if she is kinda, sorta maybe a little to blame). I AM however angry (still) that we never got the scene of Tracy comforting Dillon that week.

hooked, aww, I'm honored to be called a "Goddess." Heh. Glad you liked the videos. And thanks for the news about the Tracy edit tape. Keep us posted! And sorry that one of your boys is sick. :(

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I swear...one video is better than the next. I am going to be late to my doctor's appt!!! I love the Crazy final one and the Can't go home and the For Good so much. I am compiling my list of missing clips I have from these (I bet you are just so happy about that one :)

Not too many...my collection has grown.

You are the ultimate clip/video making goddess in my book! :)

Sort or nice my son is home sick (not that he is sick) but it gave me a chance to watch these videos.

Chat with ya later!

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I've been meaning to respond to this. The Monica/Tracy scene might make it into a video, but your post gave me the idea of making a "The Worst of Tracy Quartermaine's Wardrobe" video. :lol:

I'm being brave and watching live, and we're 5 minutes in, and I ALREADY have a problem with this episode...

Ned, Tracy, and Dillon shared a scene...OFFSCREEN: Dillon told Lulu that he and Ned staged a squabble in an attempt to make things seem normal, I guess. Tracy walked in but caught on. But do we get to SEE this? Noooooooooo. Instead, Dillon needs a distraction...he needs a murder mystery to solve. :rolleyes: Also, Lesley started crying in front of Lulu and delivered a pie to the Quartermaines...OFFSCREEN.

Edited because I can't spell and because I wanted to add this...

Click here for 2/26, 2/27, 2/28, and 3/1 Tracy scenes, although a couple others found their way in (it was accidental, you all know I wouldn't include a JASON scene there on purpose, LOL). Clips from Shazzer of GHVT. Make sure I got them all, LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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