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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Not too long at ALL!!!

It always takes about 40 mins to an hour to download a good clip or vid! It's standard for me. :blink:

It's not your fault I have been too busy to make the time to switch from Dialup to DSL. I guess it's low on my priority list. I'll get to it... eventually.

Don't change a thing!

(funny.. I haven't downloaded the paul stuff yet. I have the lila stuff and the scotty stuff - ohmygod the earings in the scotty clip SLAY me. SOOOOO 80s. SOOOOO awful!. However, no Paul. I really didn't like him. I wonder why I have such a block on that character. Hmmmmm)

ta ta


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Oh, Lainey, you have to download the Paul clip. It's painful to watch, but perhaps the BEST I've ever seen JE as Tracy. Simply hands-down the BEST. I'm seriously. I was riveted....just amazing. Of course, PS is just staring blankly and saying I'm sorry, please divorce me, and it's just...oooh...sooooo delicious.......

I wish I had been watching it back then, because I woulda been JUMPING UP AND DOWN in my living room, instead of just bouncing up and donw in the computer chair!

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I knew you would like that clip MinervaFan! 'imagining Minerva JUMPING UP AND DOWN'

OK, so clearly I am in the minority here, but I liked Paul. I was watching when he first came to town, so I did see the story with him and Tracy from the beginning. Yes, he hurt her deeply and that is a very bad thing to do, but I can understand why he did the things he did. He didn't hate her, he just wasn't in love with her. I wonder what would have happened if he had been honest with her from the start, before she was head over heels in love with him, if she would have went along with him and married him to help him save his daughter.

Let us also not forget, he did two very good things: He saved Tracy's life by taking the virus from Faison that he was planning to give to Tracy (and got stabbed in the process,) and there would be no Dillon without Paul. Think of all the great Tracy/Dillion moments we would have missed out on???

Just my thoughts....

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Thanks so much!

I just watched the Scott & Tracy & Lord Ashton clip, wasn't too long for me. Took about 3-4 minutes to d/l.

I wasn't watching in those years, so if by any chance you can upload any other Scott & Tracy scenes, I'd love them.

Edited to add: Now that I see how scheming their relationship was, I am even more suspicious that yesterday's scene with Lulu might have been part of a plot they are hatching to keep Tracy with Luke. I re-watched their first encounter with Dillon outside the MC and they seemed fond of each other. Then yesterday, Tracy is suddenly attacking Scott and acting like she had no idea (Shocked! SHOCKED!) that he was around. This would be very much like them, to team up to get want they want, then to backstab each other in the end. The only weak link to my theory is that writers would have had to have actually watched GH or the old clips at some time in their lives.

Edited by MagicHappens
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Ms. Q, queen of taking all things literally, has to step in for a second. Lately, it's been hectic around here, and last night was the first time in awhile that I had a good chunk of free time. I did the photos right after the breakroom and then went to bed. And yes, I was in the breakroom for 3 hours (?!?!), but I was just catching up for all the time I missed in the last couple of weeks. :P [/stepping off soapbox]

BTW, SoapNet promo is posted at SoapDish. If you're interested, I'll link you all, but the Q stuff is Alan/Monica/Jason/Emily and more Jason. Not saying a word...Lips are sealed...Will not get frustrated. LOL.

Lady A, thanks again for the clips! As I told you last night, I loved the Larry/Tracy hug, and I didn't tell you this, but I LOVE the Tracy/Paul scene. JE is soooo good. Adored Tracy/Scotty (aww, he cared about her so much) and Tracy/Lila as well. As I mentioned before, I do think it's funny that Lila was talking about Tracy being a grandmother, and here Tracy is, having a baby herself, LOL. And if you're serious about Tracy with Emily's hair, I can do it. It only takes a few minutes to photoshop. It's finding the pics to use that takes a bit longer, but it's the weekend (Ms. Q has NO conferences to go to, LOL), and I can easily photoshop something together inbetween editing lessons for my Unit Plan.

Later all!

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Deb, Thanks for the link to your icons. They're great! I am TOTALLY diggin the Fine Romance in a BIG WAY!! VERY HOT! I'd probably like to use that one sometime in the near future when I can part with the current one you made for me :) BUT for now SMHP is rockin my world.

Ms. Q, Thanks for the Enduro clip. Oh and yeah, that pic on the right looks like Stockard Channing big time.

Lady Ashton, Thanks for the clips. It's just so wierd to see these clips of Tracy from years ago. Compared to now, it almost doesn't seem like the same person. Loved her then, and LOVE LOVE LOVE her even more now.

Comments re Paul: First off I always thought he was gorgeous- no suprise there. I had stopped watching the show for some reason not too long after Tracy announced her pregnancy at Ned and Jenny's engagement party, so I had missed a good portion of what came after. I had only heard how bad it got for Tracy. I got to see quite a bit of stuff though from the Ned and Jenny DVD's from Jen Bingley. I was only able to watch up to some time after Tracy had Dillon - Tracy seemed so in love and Paul was there for her and it seemed to me that he might be falling for her too around the time Dillon was born. I loved them together during that time. But since I knew from stories what was to come not too long after, I couldn't bring myself to continue watching the DVD's so I don't know how bad it got, have only heard. - I won't finish watching them.

Comments re this past weeks epis:

LOVED, LOVED, LOVED 1. Tracy's smile after Luke said "deal" - totally delicious!- until Spumoni interrupted (though I believe Luke was smiling just as delicious right back- and they held it for a while :), 2. The FACE Tracy made when Spumoni was telling Milo something like "I'm sure Lulu appreciates the muscle ... like we all do" - Priceless! 3. And the view of her watching them (Spumoni and Milo) was full lenth with her hand on the couch- Absolutely YUMMY! 4. When Tracy kneed Dillon's legs out of the way and she passed through like she was Queen Tracy. 5. LOVED when Luke said "Tracy Sweetheart...". 6. LOVED when Luke was talking to Lulu he said "Your stepmother....". 7. Loved the Look Tracy gave Monica before she walked into Alan's room, after she said "I know what my brother needs". 8. Loved her scene with Alan (hugs to mama). 9. Everything about what she said to Scotty in Lulu's room.

Sure there's more but that's all I can think of for now.

Re: Scotty: I love Scotty, he's a cutey pie and all BUT I don't want Tracy to be in cahoots with him. If it were any other sort of project maybe, but not one that may jeopardize LuNacy - EVER!! Luke loves Tracy and she doesn't need anybody's help or any scam to keep him. Oh, and when Scott said "You're not Laura", Tracy should have said "Thanks for the compliment".

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Wow....busy Saturday morning ladies! Loved catching up on everyone's posts. Breakroom was fun last night. I am finally getting to sit down to watch teh clips from LadyAshton...can't wait. Was saving them today for a reward from doing the laundry from the whole week and putting it away.

I won't be around tonight, but hopefully will catch up maybe tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone!

Oh...loved the icons MinervaFan

I am going to try to write Part 2 of my story today or tomorrow.

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The only reason I think she didn't say something like that was because she was with Lulu, and we all know she really cares about her now.

Speaking of Lulu, she looked like she really felt awful when he said that to Tracy. She likes her stepmother, too. I thought she has cared about her, but you can care what happens to people, especially family, without actually liking them, now I think she does.

Thanks for the clips Lady. I'd love to see anything else you have, those were great. I'm so glad you figured out how to upload those. I'm still trying to figure out how to uplopad the clips from my disks.

Hooked, I can't wait till you get you second part up for us!!

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knh, Lady Ashton might be able to help. It might be easier for you if you're dealing with disks instead of VHS tapes.

TracyLuv, I think I'm going to have to get clips of those scenes and rewatch 'cause I don't remember all that stuff. :o

I decided to PhotoShop Tracy with Emily's hair (come on, you know I was going to, LOL). It doesn't even take 5 mins (and all the screencaps at Clarissa's site are tagged, so finding them is not hard; it's just finding one in which both characters are in a similar position). Anyway, if you have any requests, let me know! LOL. So...back to Tracy with Emily's hair...This too is a bit unproportional, but I figured it would suffice. I also re-did the Monica one (look at that face she's giving Jason, ha).


And OOOH, SCARY!!!! (Wanna guess who's hair?) ILoveTracyQ, this could be for the Halloween episode that GH could do, the one we were talking about last night, LOL. Although speaking of Halloween, I think the picture with Emily's hair might work better. Hmm...


Edit: Did the photos scare everyone away? LOL.


Monday and Tuesday are lumped together, so are Wednesday and Thursday. Friday's by itself. Please note these do NOT include all of the Quartermaine scenes. I just did Tracy's. Original clips from Shazzer.







Anonymous #1: Look for more of Luke/Tracy together (the "insider" listed other couples as well, like Jason/Liz, Maxie/Cooper, etc).

Anonymous #2: Tracy has been tossed around as Rick Webber's killer (Why do I believe this?).

Anonymous #3: Scotty is being tossed around as Rick Webber's killer; Tracy changes the will so that SHE gets the bulk of the $ (um, if true, she is being much too obvious about this); Tracy's conscience doesn't get to her, but Luke does (okay, this is weird that LUKE of people is convincing Tracy that stealing her brother's $ is wrong, Luke's always about $, isn't he?).

So, I'm noting the wording "has been tossed" vs. "is being tossed." PLEASE LET TRACY BE IN THE CLEAR!!!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I do have disks, I just have to see how I can get some clips up, or if I can. I don't know if I have the right programs to do it and I don't know if I have a copyright protection on the disks either.

I'll definately check it out as soon as i can though.

Can't wait for this week's epis!!!! Gonna be so sad.

Hooked, thanks so much for letting me know about all that stuff! Just so you know, too, my cousins are in from Cali so I won't be getting around to any more of my story for a while. At least, not enough to make it worth sending, but hopefully, after that, I'll have a huge amount of it done for ya!! (plus, I think Iknow how I want to fix the last 2 parts of it). Thanks again.

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This is good my friends. Very very good. (So ignore the other cr-p!)

It TOTALLY jives what we have been seeing on screen.

And oh, you guys, I didn't catch Thursday's "sweetheart" reference until today, when I was watching my TIVO, trying to decide what to erase. Her eyes went WIDE when he said it. Very Wide. She is so taken by all of this tenderness he is showing. They are just so sweet to watch now. There is no 'tension' there. They have become a supporting, loving couple. It's just a joy to see. And the rumor about Luke becoming Tracy's conscience... doesn't surprise me at all. It actually "sounds" right.

I have been trying to write the little ficlet called "You are Tracy," and I had to rip it apart, because it had them sniping at each other in it.. and that doesn't sound right anymore. They're beyond the sniping stage - for now anyway.

Oh - Minerva - I caved and downloaded the Paul stuff. Yucky.

Yeah, she's great in it.. but I hate him. Really hate him. I think it's because he wounded her, and she is so hard to wound. It's like she FINALLY opened herself up, and he stabs her in the heart. Yucky Yucky Yucky.

Long live Luke and Tracy.

It will happen my friends.

Hell! It's happened already.


Oh Ms. Q.. LOVE Tracy with the Lulu hair (that's who it is, right?) hahahaha!

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Ms. Q, Thanks for the clips :)

The last photoshop pic looks like Tracy with Lulu's hair. She looks better with Lulu's hair than Monica's and Emily's.

Hookedongh, Am looking forward to part 2 of your fic. I totally enjoyed the first part. :)

Lainey, That's right, LuNacy has certainly been supporting each other lately. And although we didn't see Tracy there more than once or twice, I have a feeling she made more trips to the MC during the hostage crisis to check in on Luke and Lulu. :D

Edited by TracyLuv
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