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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Does anyone have Tracy clips from the PC Hotel fire? I have the one of her with dillon and ned after the fact when they find each other and hug, but was looking for some that occured while they were waiting to be rescued and from her and Helena. Here I go again right....asking...asking...asking--ha ha! Any help would be appreciated greatly!


PS I agree with the part about Jane not sitting at his bedside. She is not ready to admit he might die...she is still trying to fight with him/for him. I did love how she said the "how much I love you part"

And...if I failed to mention it the other day, I did love how Monica said, "pot meet kettle" to tracy when she accused monica of having a disfunctional marriage. Now that was a good line written well!!

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I have 10 minutes...Ready. Set. Go.

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, MinervaFan. :( Thanks for the heads up about the Ficathon, by the way.

ILoveTracyQ...Yeah, I don't get the Carly is oh so smart code garbage either. I didn't watch it. Just heard about it...And that was enough.

So, I haven't downloaded, saved, and therefore have not edited Wednesday or Thursday's Quartermaine scenes.


Click here for bits and pieces of 2/9, 2/10, 2/11 as well as 2/13 of the 2004 PC Hotel fire. You will also find links to 11/28/05 when Lulu moved in with the Q's. This link has the rest of 11/28 and all of 11/29. Heads up...I have more of the PC hotel fire (the aftermath, I guess, with the Q's at the hospital, worried about Edward). I don't have the time to get them now, but I'll do that later.

PLEASE LET THE Q'S BE ON TODAY!!!! (Tracy needs to comfort Dillon; that scene better had not gotten cut).

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Haven't read it yet, but if it's as good as your other stories than God bless antibiotics!!! I really hope you're feeling better soon. Just went through all of it myself. I hadn't been sick in a long time and I usually don't get sick this badly. I'd forgotten how much of a drag it is. Anyway, feel better. Can't wait to read it. I'm back to writing my story today. I had such a long break when i was sick I'd forgotten all about it until today... well, not really, but I never had a chance to write anything. I'm back and good as new, so I'm getting some work done. I have some portraits to start over the weekend (argh!!) so good thing we didn't have Quartermaines today b/c I'd never be able to stay focused if we did. I'd be up chatting forever. Hopefully someone will be on tonight, but if not, I'll talk to you all later.

I have to say, as much as I liked the scenes this week (and I'm not just saying this b/c I love JE/TQ), they should have added something. They could have stretched it if just for the fact that it would have ended today. Alan's waking up at the end of yesterday's episode would have beena perfect cliffhanger for the weekend. Then again, I'm gonna cross on over to the sunny side of the street... they could have ended it sooner.

... and there is my optomism for the day. A little lacks, I know, but that's what I have for now. I'm sure I'll be more upbeat once I've had a few minutes home after all the crying today (the new little boy at work still hasn't let up) and I have gotten to get some work done (it's really starting to get fun, good thing I have a one track mind or I'd never get this done)

all right, have a great weekend everyone. and thanks so much for the update again, MF

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Missed opportunity today....when luke was handcuffed to the drain pipe, all I could think of is why didn't tracy come down there and find him and pick the lock on the cuff like Robert showed her how to do in the freezer last year. Then he could have said, "thanks for freeing me so I can get my daughter" and she could say, "I owed ya one". Darn...would have been so much of a better scene!!!!

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Surprise. Surprise. Tracy didn't get to comfort Dillon this week, did she? :( Ah well...Guess that's why we write fic, right? Speaking of...Nice story, MinervaFan. It was sad, but good, and I'm glad you're going to get started on the 100 situations again. knh, I don't think you have to worry about them killing Tracy off onscreen. That wouldn't give JASON a story line in any way shape or form. I'm telling you...I really believe his idiotic borg self is the main reason Alan is going bye-bye (he's not um, you know...yeah...he's just taking off to Florida to spend some time with AJ, who is NOT DEAD). Anyway...I must be POSITIVE. Now, where is my fairy dust?

knh, sorry about the kid that is crying all day. I remember kids like that. You feel so bad for them (they just want their mom or dad...aww), but at the same time, it's like "shut up!!!" (Do I sound mean? 'Cause I'm not trying to sound mean.)

Hey, since this site doesn't have a sleepy smiley that I know of...I have found an alternative. It's kind of big, but whenever we're tired or when GH is boring us, ustedes pueden usar esto:

Sleepy_Smiley.jpg Isn't he cute? LOL.

Anyone want to try and do the breakroom tonight? I have to be up kind of early for a Saturday (stupid, stupid workshop), but I say we aim for 9 central? Anyone going to be around even though it's Friday? We can do earlier too. Whatever works. I just miss you all. My 15 minute increments in the breakroom these past few days are clearly not enough, LOL. Although...I think I was in the breakroom a lot on Tuesday, but that was like 4 days ago, LOL. Doesn't count. Heh. Anyway...hasta luego.

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Sounds good, hooked.

Here are some more clips from 2/16 and 2/17 of 2004. Credit to Arie. I forgot to give credit last time, but the Hotel Fire ones come from Arie, and the Lulu ones come from Shazzer.

Here are even more from 2/17 and 2/18. You'll notice (as someone pointed out, can't remember) that the set-up/blocking, I guess, of the Tracy/Dillon scene, is very much like the recent one at GH.

Psst...Check out the new avatar. You know we got that LuNacy hug on Valentine's Day. :wub:

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Thanks so much for the clips...you ROCK Mrs Q!!! I will check in a bit early to see if anyone is there, but if not, will be there at 9pm central

I LOVE the new avatar hug! Soooo cute! Maybe we will get the tracy comforts dillon on Monday when lulu is pulled out unconscious?? Or was it for this week. Surely her comfort was not the tiny scene with her dillon and scotty when she asked dillon what he meant by saying it should have been him and then tracy said, I know you wanted to help but chances are luke will make matters worse...then scott pipes in "you can take that to the bank". Could that be the scene they are talking about??? Whew...what a terrible run-on sentence that was!!!

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I definately wasn't worried about losing Tracy, at least not for a while, they just renewed her contract!!!!!

OT: You're right about the kids though. I know what you mean, it drives you nuts no matter how bad you feel for them. What drives me crazy is that he only stops crying if I am with him b/c I had him his first day, but I have the older kids so he isn't supposed to be there. He breaks into my room or runs around the whole building looking for me and I can't keep him in his class. My bosses don't mind if he stays with me, ubt the woman in charge at the end of the day yells about it b/c he isn't supposed to be there, so I get in trouble b/c his teacher can't keep him in his room and I can't get him out of mine. Otherwise, I don't mind and I do feel bad for him. Especially since he hasn't even gotten used to it and he's there from open till close.

Anyhoo, I'll be on later to chat if i can, but right now I'm taking a bit of a break to watch Grey's and then I'm back up to write some more. If anyone is on I'll stop in ofr a chat.

night all

PS, love the new avatar, Ms. Q!!

Edited by knh
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